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Over 100 spill til ps3 i løpet av året!


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Sony bekrefter at over 100 spill er på vei til ps3 i løpet av året. 15 av disse skal være first party titler, som ofte betyr kvalitet.


I tillegg er det også en rekke ekslusive titler på vei til psp. Sannsynligvis vil det hjelpe en del på salget av playstation produkter fremover :)




Sony: We've taken a gamble that will pay dividends in the future, 100 titles by years end


Playstation president and CEO Jack Tretton has blogged up that his first post on the Official Sony Playstation blog. Tretton asserts that Sony are working as hard as possible to bring titles which fully showcase the ability of the PS3, with more than 15 games coming from their own internal studios this year. Third parties will also contribute to the PS3 having over 100 titles by the end of the year. Tretton admits Sony could've gone for the safe Playstation 2.5 and enjoyed easy profitability, but believes there risk with the PS3 will pay greater dividends and push the boundaries of gaming.




    We fully realize that past success is no guarantee of future success, but it does give you some perspective. We have to bring the games to market that will showcase what the PS3 can do and ultimately entertain you like no other games have. We need to provide proof of what the PS3 can do for you and work tirelessly to improve the value and justify your investment. At the end of the day, it’s always been about the games. To push the boundaries of gaming beyond where they currently lie takes a great deal of risk. I think all the hardware manufacturers are doing that in some way. We could have easily produced PlayStation 2.5 at a slightly increased price over the older model, and driven some nice profits and marginal innovation for a few years but that’s not how we got where we are today. You have to gamble and make major investments in the present that will pay dividends in the future.


    We’re working hard to put the best tools in the hands of the development community so they can take you places you never imagined possible. We have more than 15 games coming from our own internal studios alone this year for PS3. Our third party partners will weigh in with a host of great games giving us more than 100 titles by year end on that system alone. At our Gamer’s Day event a few weeks back, we announced 18 exclusive games for PSP. This year, PS2 owners will get a little something for everyone with games like Buzz! and Singstar. Oh, and you certainly can’t forget the PlayStation Network. Right now, we are working on a slew of games and game packs that will be offered through the PlayStation Store in the coming months, including Warhawk, which personally speaking, is the PS3 game I’ve been playing most lately.


    We are heading into one of the biggest shows of the year for the videogame industry. E3 is only a month away. Everyone here at SCEA is working very hard and is dedicated to pushing the development envelope to show you not only new stuff for games like Heavenly Sword, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, but also a few surprises we have up our sleeves that no one has seen. You can check in here for updates as we head into the show, and I will be sure to report back once E3 begins.



Endret av tidus2k4
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We fully realize that past success is no guarantee of future success, but it does give you some perspective. We have to bring the games to market that will showcase what the PS3 can do and ultimately entertain you like no other games have. We need to provide proof of what the PS3 can do for you and work tirelessly to improve the value and justify your investment. At the end of the day, it’s always been about the games. To push the boundaries of gaming beyond where they currently lie takes a great deal of risk. I think all the hardware manufacturers are doing that in some way. We could have easily produced PlayStation 2.5 at a slightly increased price over the older model, and driven some nice profits and marginal innovation for a few years but that’s not how we got where we are today. You have to gamble and make major investments in the present that will pay dividends in the future.


Er bare vente og se hvordan spillene blir fremover :)

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Talet på titlar som blir lansert i år er ikkje så interessant, men talet på kvalitets titlar det virka spennande. 15 stk (pluss/minus) er ikkje akkurat lite.


Det skal i allefall med sikkerheit bli spennande å sjå korleis kampen mellom next-gen konsollane utarta seg.

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Slutten på SotC var fantastisk  :love:


Mulig at du har rett Mala, at de kommer til å bygge videre på slutten. Uansett så blir det nok bra.



Ja for SotC skjer jo før ICO finner sted, så ein nærmere eksagt fortsettelse og forbindelse med disse to spillene hadde sikkert vert saklig bra.

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