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Total War: Medieval 2: Kingdoms - Har du tro på spillet?

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Bah nettopp fucka dataen min saa den tar ikke den pop-up menyen der du kan velge play/install og det derre. :( ssaa jeg kan ikke reinstalere det. jeg kunne spille mod/version for som ikke hade pop-up start :S


jeg glea meg virkeliog. saa naa skal jeg prave en mod for RTW om none dager:)


Axl F

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Det kommer ut 31. August 2007. Den ble nylig avslørt gjennom en nyregistrering alle de med nyhetsbrev måtte gjennomføre. Som en bonus fikk en vite datoen. Men det er den internasjonale datoen. Kan hende det kommer noen få dager senere til Norge.


Om en har kreativiteten i behold kan en forresten vinne Kingdoms i en konkurranse: http://shoguntotalwar.yuku.com/topic/21453...-Kingdoms-.html

Endret av TSP
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Det kommer ut 31. August 2007. Den ble nylig avslørt gjennom en nyregistrering alle de med nyhetsbrev måtte gjennomføre. Som en bonus fikk en vite datoen. Men det er den internasjonale datoen. Kan hende det kommer noen få dager senere til Norge.


Om en har kreativiteten i behold kan en forresten vinne Kingdoms i en konkurranse: http://shoguntotalwar.yuku.com/topic/21453...-Kingdoms-.html




På de fleste gaming sider står d at d kommer 28.8.07

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Hva er så spess med å være skotter når du er norsk?


Er det Bravehart som er i tankene eller?


Da er det vel bedre å være Crusaders, Sigurd I var jo Europas første korsfarer konge.. ;).


"In 1107, Sigurd led a Norwegian contingent in support of the crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem. He was the first European king to go on crusade, and his crusader feats earned him the nickname Jorsalafari ("Jerusalem-farer"). He fought in Lisbon, various Mediterranean islands and Palestine, and visited king Roger II of Sicily in Palermo, Jerusalem (Jorsalaland) and Constantinople (Miklagard). He joined forces with Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem to capture the coastal city of Sidon in 1110."




Flere kilder:


"Snorri tells us in Magnússona Saga how the two sons of King Magnus Barefoot, Sigurd and Eystein, ruled Norway jointly until a decision was made to mount an expedition to the Holy Land. Sigurd, then only nineteen years of age, was chosen to lead the venture.


He and his company journeyed by the "west" route, sailing around France and Spain with various adventures on the way: battles with pirates on the sea, fights with the Arabs in Spain, and profitable treasure hunting on the Balearic Islands.


Sigurd was welcomed warmly by Roger of Sicily and then went on to the Holy Land where he was received by Baldwin of Jerusalem. The arrival of the Norwegian fleet of fifty-five ships (other sources say sixty) at Joppa during a crucial point of the campaign-when Acre was besieged by the Saracens-is described in the History of the Expedition to Jerusalem by Fulcher of Chartres, the main source for the Jerusalem expedition from 1095 to 1127.22 Sigurd himself is not named, but the leader of the Norwegian expedition is described by Fulcher as "a very handsome youth, a kinsman of the king of that country."

There is also a reference to the meeting of Baldwin and Sigurd in the Chronicle of Albertus of Aix, although for a more detailed account of the visit we must return to the saga sources, in this case Sigurdar Saga Jórsalafara.


23 Here it is said that the Egyptian fleet retired from Akrborg (Acre) when the Norwegian ships appeared and Sigurd entered the city. Baldwin begged him to stay for a time and help with the conquest of the Holy Land, and Sigurd replied that this was why he had come, but that he also wanted to visit the Holy Places. Baldwin then took him to Jerusalem, where clerics in white robes led a procession to the Holy Sepulchre, and to all the Holy Places. They picked palms and visited the Jordan, where it would seem that Sigurd swam over, as was the custom, and recorded his crossing by tying a knot in the brushwood on the other side, or so he later claimed. Then the King asked Sigurd what he most desired to have, and Sigurd, like Eirik, asked for a piece of the True Cross. After some discussion with the patriarch and bishops, this was agreed to, on condition that it was placed beside the shrine of St. Olaf in Norway.

After this Sigurd supported Baldwin in the siege of Sidon, before returning home in the winter of 1110 by way of Cyprus, where he no doubt visited Eiriks tomb, and Constantinople, where his activities suggest a concerted effort (as with his request for a fragment of the Cross) to equal or surpass Eiriks earlier achievements in that city."


(University of Virginia Library)

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