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MPAA vil ha logg-filer

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Hello Friends of Torrent***,


This message is to inform you about recent efforts by the motion picture studios to shut down Torrent***. As you may know, in February 2006 the major movie studios and their Washington lobby, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), filed a lawsuit against Torrent*** and other search engines.


We guess that hiring hackers and turning a blind eye to identity theft is not enough for the movie studios and the MPAA. Now they want to know who you are, what you search for, and what you download. In short, it is the view of the movie studios that websites should not allow anonymous use and your activity on the Internet - anywhere - is their business.


The really scarry thing is that if we lose this court battle, the movie studios will be able to go after any search engine or website and force them to collect data about YOU. It is not an exaggeration to say that losing this fight is a nail in the Internet's coffin.


We have spent the last year challenging their relentless campaign against the 1st Amendment and personal privacy laws Worldwide. We have succeeded in delaying the court order to turn on logs while we appeal it. Torrent*** will not create logs of what you do on the site without your consent.


While we use Google Analytics for website statistics, Torrent*** servers have never tracked your IP Address, the searches you make, or how you use the site. We are dedicated to your privacy and we are fighting for your rights!



Lagde en nesten lik tråd i nett-forumet, og fikk tips om at denne kunne være interesant også her inne, men da på en litt annen måte.


La oss si at de får gjennomslag for søksmålene sine, hvordan bør resten av verden, og da spesiellt Norge reagere på dette og bør de utnytte dette?


Om de bare kan gå etter USA-lokaliserte servere/kontorer, vil søkemotorene flytte ut av USA og til land som f.eks. Sverige?


Bør Norge isåfall være på pletten og gjøre det mulig for slike selskaper å slå seg opp her til lands ved å legge til rette for dette både rettsmessig og infrastruktur? Norge bør jo være ett foregangsland både for menneskeretter og IT.

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