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Ny pc, fungere ikke

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God dag folkens.


Har mekka ny maskin, men får ikke inst XP. Kommer bare til den svarte siden hvor det står XP pro. Da stopper det opp. Har kommet til inst med 35 min igenn, men da restarter maskina hele tiden. Xp cd'n er helt ny.


Er det noen som vet rå?? :hmm:


Har putta dette i kabinettet:











Har en 660W power.


Er det noen som kan hjelpe?? :cry:

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hehe, det kan nokk være lurt.. Skall man bygge pc selv må man vite hva man driver med..




Har man interesse, går det fint å lære seg. Jeg kunne fint lite 1.gang jeg bygde en maskin, men man lærer av sine egne (og andres) feil hele tiden.


Jeg antar dette er nye deler, jeg ville rett og slett benyttet angreretten på en del av komponentene, ihvertfall cpu, ram og hk. Legge i noen hundrelapper ekstra så vil man få et mye bedre system. Asus hk er stabile som fjell (sjekk på forumet hva andre sier om Abit.) Asrock er rimeligere enn asus, men det er asus som lager de da med noe billigere komponenter enn asuskortene... Amd x64 dual core er et rimelig og mye bedre alternativ. Hvis man absolutt vil ha intel ville jeg gått for e6300,e6400 eller e6600. Dobbelkjerne er nesten minimum i dag ved kjøp av ny cpu. Ram med så lav mhz kan også bli en flaskehals.


Men når maskiner restarter seg kan det være problemer som høy temperatur, defekt ram, skjermkort som ikke sitter skikkelig i slotten eller rett og slett komponenter som ikke passer sammen.


Hvis det er integrert skjermkort på hovedkortet, og dette ikke er deaktivert vil det kunne skape trøbbel. Sjekk manual og BIOS, eventuelt ta ut pci-skjermkortet å prøv å se om problemet fremdeles er der.


Jeg ville som sagt kontaktet komplett å lagt frem mitt problem, hvis ikke man får til å løse det så bytte ut noen av de "mindre gode" komponentene. Lykke til!

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Her er det muligens en med samme problem, kansje.


I think ive managed to get one of the boards with problems It seemed really funny when i got it on wednesday but i just put it down to my hiper modular PSU. It would boot but only get so far into my windows installation and die. It did it at exactly the same point every time. So time for a change of PSU, went an got myself a corsair modular 520w. Very nice PSU if anyones thinking of getting one. I still got the same problem Decided to up the ram voltage as it seemed a little low and the CPU core voltage a little to . Viola it works, with windows installed i thought i was home and dry. Nope, the board within 30mins of me getting it to work now wont boot up at all. The lights on the board all light up and all the fans spin up but thats it, no beep from the bios or anything. RMA time i think which is a shame as it seems like a nice board.


Abit F-i90HD

E4300 Core 2 Duo

2Gb Crucial Ballistix PC 6400

Corsair 520w PSU



En annen med problem.

i had the exact same problem with 2 of my boards. welcome to the club bud!


Og en til som sier han har hatt 6 sånne kort og bare 3 fungerte.

I'll still go back to emphasising that I've had 6 of these boards and 3 have been fine to date. Of those that weren't - the 1st and the 3rd being catastrophic, the 2nd being sick in terms of being able to use all 4 DIMM slots. DIMM1+DIMM2 went bad and I'd already read on a forum about someone else experiencing the same trouble.


working fine for 5 weeks, then no POST and three long beeps.

so after finding info on web removed one of my DDR2 dimms (incidentaly a OCz2A8002GK 1Gb of a 2Gb set and we are back up and running

but BIOS says "Not for resale" or something like that, so reflashed the Bios today with newest, but problem still there and my USB keyboard won't work any more.


Keyboard not working in Bios or Windows had to plug my old faithful PS2 keyboard in. The USB keyboard only worked for a day prior to the system failure.



A friend also purchased one on Saturday morning (after seeing mine working) froma different retailler who use a different supplier (so it should be a different batch) and again with all new components his died within a couple of hours. It would only boot up with if you used one stick of RAM and then soon after it died altogether in the same way as mine.



Using the onboard video, I also get some crazy pattern in Vista when I set my UMA Frame Buffer to 512mb. Vista works ok when I tried setting the UMA Frame Buffer to 256mb but my logitech dinovo keyboard stopped working in the bios. I lowed it to 128mb and everything seems ok (for now), vista works and my keyboard works in the bios.


restart it, I have no video whatsoever, monitor sees no signal?


seems to be that the issues are RAM socket/voltage related but I suspect that at least some of the issues are caused by a flawed bios/bad bios chip.


Worked for 3 days but was not on very much. Then refused to boot one morning, never touched it or overclocked it. the 2 board lights are on the fans spin but no beep. There may not be on board post speaker on the board so cheked with external post speaker no sound. Did all the usual tricks cleared the cmos, took out the battery, moved the memory. No post no video still. I am really pissed off.


CPU temp doesn't display properly (shows about 1 degree instead of 35 degrees!)


You can try to use that or simply wait for the next official bios for Abit. Since my bios died while flashing to the beta bios, I can't personally recommend it, but I heard of others using it with success. If you flash to the beta bios remember to NOT do it from Windows. I think it was that which caused my problem and it has been reported that it should be avoided. Do it from dos instead using either a floppy or usb stick.


ve had 2 die on me, going from working fine to dead with no pysical contact, im not the only one with 2 dead in a row and others report have three in a row that die. These are not DOA boards but they work fine then die.

here is the poll on H forum

it is only a small set of voters so far (22 upto now) but the ratio of live to dead boards is about 60% alive and 40% dead. And also bear in mind that people with more than one dead board can only vote once, that makes a very high percentage of dead F-i90HD's over 50% (in the poll). also some of the live boards will also fail soon in my opinion.




Nei det hovedkortet virker ikke særlig bra!

Kilde: "Abit Fatal1ty F-I90HD install problem" i Google.

Endret av bojo2
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