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Veldig godt snedig spørsmål khaffner. :thumbup:


Synes melk har blitt grisedyrt, jeg. Men det hadde altså kostet 25 kr/l om bøndene ikke hadde fått subsidier? Hvor mye koster 1 l melk i Danmark og Tyskland?

Litt billigere enn i Norge, pga lavere generelt prisnivå.

PS. Bøndene er sterkt subsidiert også der, selv om det ikke er fullt så ekstrem subsidiering som i Norge.

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Det er nok ikke så enkelt.

The age of the universe is about 13.7 billion years, but due to the expansion of space we are now observing objects that are now considerably farther away than a static 13.7 billion light-years distance. The edge of the observable universe is now located about 46.5 billion light-years away.


EDIT: Det var bare størelsen til det observerbare universet. Hele universet er tydeligvis minst 93 milliarder lysår:

Current interpretations of astronomical observations indicate that the age of the universe is (13.73 ± 0.12) billion years,[1] and that its diameter is at least 93 billion light years, or 8.8 ×1026 metres (that is to say, "88 followed by twenty-five zeroes" metres).


Endret av _Zeke
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På ICA Maxi på svalbard (longyearbyen) er alt av ferskvarer mye dyrere enn på fastlandet, fordi det sendes opp med fly hver dag. Melk koster 20-25kr literen.


Til gjengjeld koster ølen 5 kr.


93 mrd lysår? Er det slik at rommet utvider seg raskere og raskere? Og siden rommet mellom galakser utvider seg, regner jeg med rommet mellom stjerner også utvider seg, og at rommet mellom gjenstander på jorda utvider seg, eller?

Endret av pumaen
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Hva vil skkje med vitne hvis han/hun sier "nei jeg tror ikke på gud"?

Og hva vil skje hvis vitne er "frekk" mot aktoren eller advokaten, ved at personen sier "La meg snakke ferdig. nå er det jeg som snakker. Vil du at jeg skal snakke eller hva er det du prøver på?" - Hvor da da prøver å knekke eller presse ham


Litt dårlig formulert, men håper noen skjønte det.

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Fant et godt svar på yahoo answers:


Here is an answer in my state, but it probably applies to almost all courts:


In the US Federal courts, and probably all state courts today, a witness needs only swear (or affirm) to tell the truth under penalty of perjury. IF some courts in some state uses a Bible or other book of religious teachings sacred to a party, he may accept or decline, according to his conscience or the tenets of their religion or beliefs.


There is a long history of courts in the U.S. making accomodations for religious conscience of parties who must take an oath and witnesses in court. For example, here is a clause in the Massachusetts state constitution from the very first days of the U.S. :"Provided, That when any person shall be of the denomination called Quakers, and shall decline taking said oath, he shall make his affirmation in the foregoing form, omitting the word "swear" and inserting instead thereof the word "affirm;" and omitting the words "So help me God," and subjoining, instead thereof, the words "This I do under the pains and penalties of perjury."


In Federal courts today, for example, the Federal Rules of Evidence merely provides: "Before testifying, every witness shall be required to declare that the witness will testify truthfully, by oath or affirmation, adiminstered in a form calculated to awaken the witness' conscience and impress the witness' mind with the duty to do so." (Federal Rules of Evidence, Rule 603).


In my state, the witness may make an oath, or an affirmation or a declaration: "Every witness before testifying shall take an oath or make an affirmation or declaration in the form provided by law, except that a child under the age of 10 or a dependent person with a substantial cognitive impairment, in the court's discretion, may be required only to promise to tell the truth." (California Evidence Code Section 710.)


Here is the form of the oath:


"(a) an oath, affirmation, or declaration, in an action or a proceeding, may be administered by obtaining an affirmative response to one of the following questions:

(1)"Do you solemnly state tht the evidence you shall give in this issue (or matter) shall be the truth , the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" (2) "Do you solemnly state under penalty of perjury, that the evidence that you shall give in this issue (or matter) shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" (b) In the alternative to the forms prescribed in subdivision (a), the court may administer an oath, affirmation , or declaration in an action or a proceeding in a matter that is calculated to awaken the person's conscience and impress the person's mind with the duty to tell the truth. The court shall satisfy itself that the person testifying understands that his or her testimony is being given under penalty of perjury." (California Code of Civil Procedure, Section 2094).

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The age of the universe is about 13.7 billion years, but due to the expansion of space we are now observing objects that are now considerably farther away than a static 13.7 billion light-years distance. The edge of the observable universe is now located about 46.5 billion light-years away.


EDIT: Det var bare størelsen til det observerbare universet. Hele universet er tydeligvis minst 93 milliarder lysår:

Current interpretations of astronomical observations indicate that the age of the universe is (13.73 ± 0.12) billion years,[1] and that its diameter is at least 93 billion light years, or 8.8 ×1026 metres (that is to say, "88 followed by twenty-five zeroes" metres).


Neida, du har bare lest feil. Begge tallene handler om det observérbare universet, og de er faktisk helt like. Når det første sitatet snakker om at kanten er 46,5 milliarder lysår unna oss, så er dette radien, for vi er jo i midten av det observérbare universet. Og radien er som kjent halvparten av diameteren:

46,5 • 2 = 93 milliarder lysår.


Størrelsen på hele universet er det ingen som vet.

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Gjest Slettet-T9cKWhDpN0

om man steker en pizza og spiser halve når den er nystekt, også sovner man og når man våkner er resten av pizzaen tørr som et knekkebrød.


inneholder de like mye næring da eller forsvinner noe mens den tørker?

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