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Installasjonsguide for XP perfeksjonister

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Selv i disse Vista tider har man bruk for å installere XP. Det er gjerne slik at når MS lanserer et nytt OS går det 2-3 år før vi har hardware og bugfixer nok til å håndtere alle annimasjonene godt nok til at vi kan skrive mail i et normalt tempo.


Her kommer en massiv oppdatering av denne guiden. Holder man tunga rett i munnen trenger man ikke være ekspert for å følge den.


Det er altså snakk om å installere XP (32 eller 64 bit eller w2k) på en måte som øker både ytelse og sikkerhet. Et av triksene er å gjøre mange instillinger på windows cd'n før man installerer. Når cd'n (eller dvd som det blir her) først er laget går installasjonen ofte raskere enn med en vanlig windows cd. Grunnen er at om man følger guiden får man en gigantisk driverdatabase inkludert på dvd'n (man trenger dvd (og brenner) for å få med seg alle drivere) slik at man slipper å lete etter drivere etter at installasjonen er fullført. Jeg har installert på denne måten for mange som ikke aner forskjellen på harddisk og skjerm, og de klarer å bruke den like godt som noen annen windowsinstallasjon.



Jeg gidder ikke skrive to språk denne gangen, så kun engelsk....



For this guide, assume X: is you CD/DVD rom, D: is your harddrive

You need a computer running windows XP (or Windows 2000 with a workaround) in order to create the new XPcd. You need to be loged in with administrator privileges to slipstream service packs.


I have not found any driverpacks for 64 bit windows. If you know of any, let me know!

If you want to install x64 you may do so using the same howto, just skip the part of integrating SP2 and driverpacks. (You'll need to install drivers after the installation.)



Create these folders:




(You may use whatever foldernames you want, just make sure the names contains only engslish letters or numbers AND that each folders name is at most 8 charachers long.)


Insert you XP CD


> xcopy x:\*.* D:\temp\xpcd\org /e /h


Download Service pack 2 from microsoft to D:\temp\XPCD\sp2

(make sure to get the package of the same language as your CD)


> D:\temp\XPCD\sp2\WindowsXPxxxx.exe /integrate:D:\temp\xpcd\org

If you're running windows 2000 use this workaround



Goto http://driverpacks.net/DriverPacks/

Download all the driverpacks you want/need to D:\temp\xpcd\dp\driverpacks

Download DriverPacks BASE to D:\temp\xpcd

Run DPs_BASE_xxxx.exe

Select the folder for extraction: D:\temp\xpcd\dp


Run: D:\temp\xpcd\dp\DPs_BASE.exe

In the menu tree on the left, select Settings->Location


Select the folder D:\temp\xpcd\org


In the menu tree on the left, select Settings->DriverPacks

Select all driverpacks you want to install (all of them)


In the menu tree on the left, select Settings->DriverPacks method

Select the methode you like to use. I've always used #2. The disadvantage of #2 is that if you at some point after the installation need to insert the cd for drivers, windows is unable to find the drivers on the cd. On the other hand - when you need a driver, you'll probably be better of downloading a newer from the web.


Check out the other settings if you want to change some. (I keep the defaults.)


Click [slipstream]



Modifying the windows settings

Open D:\temp\xpcd\org\I386\winnt.sif in notepad

After the line reading [Data] paste the following:

;Keep excisting partitions


At the end of the file paste the following:

;Do not eat harddrivespace on system halt
;No automagic filesystem fuckup unless you really need "ConvertNTFS"
;Skip licens agreement
;For sure not a retail!
;Default value = ”*” equals \windows. Shorter is better.
;Change to \w2k (or similar) for 2k install
;Allow to change some settings during install
;Skip firstboot welcome shit
;Skip ”press enter to keep waiting”
;Where to put programfiles. Shorter is better
;Defaults to ”C:\Program Files”.
;Where to put common files. Shorter is better
; Defaults to ”C:\Program Files\Common Files”.
;Enable support for harddrives > 128GB

;Allow to select timezone / localisation during install
;Use Central Europe timezone as default
;Where to put profiles. Defaults to C:\Documents and Settings
;Skip welcome


;I'm in Norway
;Our phone system

;SFP could be diabled – with the cost of getting a warning at every boot.
;The second best option is to limit as much as posible

;Where to put backup of .dll’s.
;(They’re more or less just taking up harddrive space)
;Provides a Cancel button while SFP eats diskspace
; *TRY* to limit diskspace used by SFP

;Don’t install cdplayer (we have other programs for it)
;Don’t install default walpaper files – who wants any of the defaults?
;Anyone stil have a modem in their pc?
;Never found any use of Hyperterminal
;Example sound, pictures... We a picture is when we see it!
;object package
;pinball game
;Recorder. If you want to record sounds you would use a 3rd party sw anyway
;Windows document Templates. Any office package includes better templates
;Windows messenger (msn). Rather use Miranda!
;Why install two copies of explorer?

;Make I.E. accept modifications

;Why wait for a page to load every time IE starts?
;We like google!
;No proxy

;Modify to a group of your choice

;Default network TCP/IP, DHCP


; Use classic start menu
;Use classic visual style
;Do not start MSN


You might want to modify some of my settings - like JoinWorkgroup, and default keyboard layout, country, and time zone. See the [GuiUnattended] and [TapiLocation] sections.

Some drivers (like ATI) select language depending on which keyboardlayout you use rather than the OS language. I hate such, so at installation time I set the same keyboardlayout as the OS.


Save and exit


Open the file D:\temp\xpcd\org\I386\HIVEDEF.INF in notepad. DO NOT ADD ANY LINES TO THIS FILE! We're makeing some changes to existing lines only. It's only the values we change, not the PARAMETERS!

Use the search functionality! If you don't find a parameter, rather ignor than adding an extra line!

Do the following changes for regional settings (values shown are for Norway):

INTL_SLONGDATE="dddd, d. MMMM yyyy"


Remove anoying windows sounds by modifying these:



Relocate some folders by modifying these lines:


Save and exit



Open the file D:\temp\xpcd\org\I386\HIVESFT.INF. Modify one setting:


Save and exit



Create the folder D:\temp\xpcd\org\$OEM$

unzip the attached T12cmd.zip into D:\temp\xpcd\org\$OEM$

The files should be in D:\temp\xpcd\org\$OEM$ - not in any subfolder under this.



As the number of drivers easily makes the cd 900MB, we'll make it a dvd. So as the DVD has a lot of space we might as well fill it up with the programs we would be installing.

Create folder D:\temp\xpcd\org\_sw

Copy the software of your choice to the folder.

I'm including some that doesn't come with new versions every week:

- Dotnet redistribution packs (all versions) with servicepacks (download from MS)

- Windows Mediaplayer redistribution pack (download from MS)

- Office

- Adobe Reader

- Adobe Flash

- Daemontools

- TV-card driver

- Mouse software

- 7zip

- pdfcreator

- Nero

- copy of cd's that came with your pc('s)

- drivers for other hardware you might want


I include these just to not having to look for other cds after installation. I do not set any automatic installation. For all I know, I don't want them at the time of installation.


Extract boot.ima from http://www.tacktech.com/pub/microsoft/boot...p/bootfiles.zip save it in D:\temp\xpcd


burn the dvd.

If you use Nero, this is the way:

Start Nero Burning ROM

In the New Compilation dialogbox select [DVD] -> DVD-ROM (boot)

Select imagefile: D:\temp\xpcd\boot.ima

[v] Enable expert settings

Emulation = No Emulation

Load Segment (hex) = 0000

Number of loaded sectors: 4


Select the [iSO] tab, set:

Filename length = "Max of 31 chars (level 2)"

Format = mode 1

Charset = ISO 9660 + joliet

[v] Allow path depth of more than 8 directories

[v] Allow more than 255 charachters in path

[v] Do not add the ';1' ISO file version extention

[v] Allow more 64 characters for Joliet names


Select the [Label] tab, set:

Enable [Manual]

enter the name that was on your original windows cd

Click [More Labels]

For both [Publisher] and [Data preparer] enter "MICROSOFT CORPORATION" (iso9660) / "Microsoft Corporation" (joliet)


Select the [burn] tab, set:

[v] Write

[v] Finalize

Write method = "Disc-at-once"


Click [New]

Put all files from D:\temp\xpcd\org into the compilation





Download and burn on cd: Hiren's bootcd (google is your friend)

Boot the pc on hirens bootcd

In the menu choose [Disk Partition tools] -> [Acronis...]

[Manual Mode]

Create partitions:

1: 30MB: Ext3, primary, "boot" (you never know when you'll need a bootloader!)

2: 5GB: NTFS, primary, "Windows"

3: 12GB: NTFS, logical, "temp"

4: 8GB: NTFS, logical, "apps"

5: [reminding]-2GB: NTFS, logical, "data"

6: 2GB: NTFS, logical, "doc"


Remember to set partition #2 active!


Apply changes



Install Windows

Boot on the new windows DVD.

When it askes for which partition to install to, select "C: windows"

Keep on like a regular windows install.


Make sure network cable is not inserted during install.


If you install XP x64 you'll need to fix a registry setting: (if you don't know x64 means, you're probably not using the x64 version)

As soon as you see a [Next] botton in the windows install do this:

Press [shift]+[F10]

Type "regedit" [enter]

Goto the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion

Change the following values:

CommonFilesDir = E:\_cpf86

CommonFilesDir (x86) = E:\_cpf86

ProgramFilesDir = E:\_cpf86

ProgramFilesDir (x86) = E:\_cpf86

Close regedit

Close cmd

Continue the installation


Log in as Administrator - be prepared to click [Cancel]

When windows file protection dialogbox appares - click [Cancel] as soon as posible


Right click on the desktop - [Properties]->[settings]->set the correct settings for your monitor.



Create folders:



Create User Admin:

[start]->[settings]->[Control Panel]->[user Accounts]->[Create a new Account]->"Admin"->[Next]->[Create Account]->[Admin]->[Create a password]->type a password twice->[Create Password]


System settings:

Right click [My Computer]->[Properties]->[Advanced]->Performance:[settings]->[Adjust for best performance]->[Advanced]->[Change]->[No paging file]->[set]

Select [D:] in the list

Enter the size you want for the paging file in both [initial size] and [maximum size]. Size shold be at least 1.5*{the amount of ram you have}. Click [set]

If you have more than 1GB of ram, you could set size to 20MB. This will increase performance, but is highly experimental!

[OK]->[OK]->[OK]->[Environmental Variables]


Under [system Variables]:

select [TMP]->[Edit]->Set value="D:\_temp"->[OK]

select [TEMP]->[Edit]->Set value="D:\_temp"->[OK]

[OK]->[Error Reporting]->[Disable]->[OK]->[Remote]->Deselect everything->[Automatic Updates]->[Turn off]->[system restore]->Select [Turn off...]->[OK]->restart?[NO]



The alfabeth:

Right click on [My Computer]->[Manage]->[Disk Management]

Right click on the CD-rom ->[Change drive letter]-[Change]->Select a letter->[OK]

(I use Z: for recorder, Y: for rom and X: for virtual drives)

Repeat for all cd/dvd drives.


Garbage removal

[start]->[settings]->[Control Panel]->[switch to clasic view]


[security center]->[Change the way security center alerts me]->Remove all selections->[OK]->[Close]


[Add Remove Programs]->[Windows Components]->Deselect the following:

MSN Explorer, Outlook Express, Windows messenger




Time for reboot...


Log in as Admin (the new user) - be prepared to click [Cancel]

When windows file protection dialogbox appares - click [Cancel] as soon as posible



Personal settings:

[start]->[settings]->[Control panel]->[switch to Clasic View]


Accessibility Options:

Enable [use ToggleKeys]

Enable [show extra keyboard help]

If you're on a desktop computer: [Mouse]->enable [use mousekeys]->[settings]->Select [Hold down Ctrl...]->Select "When NumLock is:" [Off]->[OK]





[sounds]->In the program events area select the top line -> Press the arrow down on you keyboard repeatedly until you get a pop up dialog

Answer [NO] in the dialog -> continue down the list for new dialogs. Answer [No] in all of them.

When finished: [OK]



unselect [Group similar taskbar buttons]

Select [show Quick Launch]

Unselect [Hide inactive icons]

[start menu]->[Customize]

Select [Expand Control Panel], [Expand My Documents], [Expand My Pictures], [Expand Network Connections], [Expand Printers], [show small icons]



Start Explorer: [Win]+[E] ([win is the key with a flag between [Ctrl] and [Alt])


[Tools]->[Folder options]->[use windows clasic]->[View]

Select: [Display full path in title bar]

unselect: [Hide extensions], [Remember each folders view], [use simple file sharing] (unless you need to share files with XP home or win9x)

[Apply]->[Apply to All]->[Yes]->[Reset All]->[Yes]->[Apply to All]->[OK]




[Computer Configuration]->[Windows settings]->[security Settings]->[Local Policies]->[user Rights]->[Load and unload device]->[Add]->[Object Types]->Select groups->[OK]->type "Power users" [Enter]->[OK]->[Close]



Connect to a truted network (cable or wireless)

Activate Windows


Download and install additional drivers (camera, fingerprint or cardreader... if install on a laptop there tend to be some more drivers required)


Folder rigths: With explorer, find the folders, right click->[sharing]->[security]

for F:\_user and G:\_user

	Add "SYSTEM" - full control
Add "Administrators" - full control
Add "Creator Owner" - full control
Add "Users" - read (default permissions)
Advanced: Deselect [Inherit...] -> [Copy]
Select {Everyone} -> [Remove]
Select {Users} -> [Edit] -> Apply to = {This folder only} -> Select Allow: Create Folders


for F:\_user\All Users and G:\_user\All Users

	Add "Users" - read (default permissions)
Add "Users" - Apply to = {Subfolders and files only}
 select allow: Create Files, Create Folders 
 select [Apply these permissions to objects...]



windows installer 3.1

Dotnet 1.1 (don't restart)

Dotnet 1.1 service pack (don't restart)

Dotnet 2.0

Dotnet 2.0 service pack

Windows mediaplayer


Start windows mediaplayer. set it up

Delete mediaplayer from quick launch.



Daemon tools (unselect searchbar and shortcuts)



Adobe Reader Make sure to deselect Yahoo toolbar if you got one of those areader distributions that includes yahoo

Adobe Flash


Use Opera to download offline JRE from


Install JRE. Make sure to deselect Google toolbar!


Download and install Comodo firewall



Download and install Avast home Antivirus


(I would like to say Comodo antivirus, but I don't have enough experience with it to recomend it in public at the time of this writing.)




Install other software

Some recomendations:


Miranda http://www.miranda-im.org/download/

(Replacement for MSN and more. If you're missing some msn functionality you'll probably find plugins for it on the miranda website)


DivX free codec http://www.divx.com

Xvid codec http://www.xvidmovies.com/codec/


Notepad++ http://sourceforge.net/projects/notepad-plus/

Replacement for Notepad. Great for coding!


Filezilla http://filezilla.sourceforge.net/

Great FTP & SFTP client (also available as server)


Putty http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatha...y/download.html

SSH client


BoncEnc http://sourceforge.net/projects/bonkenc/

Audio Encoder. cd-wav-flac-ogg-mp3-...


Winamp http://www.winamp.com




setup Opera:


Select prefered language



Select [Click on tab to minimize]

Unselect [show close button on each tab]



Unselect [sound], [plug-ins]



unselect [hide...]

in the [find]-area type "pdf"

[Edit]->[Open with default application]-[OK]



Press [F4]


Icon size: {40%}


Select the toolbar containing [Links], [History]...

Placement: {Top}

Style: {Text only}

Wrapping: {To multiple lines}

Select the page bar (topmost toolbar)

Placement: {Bottom}

Progress bar: {Show inside address bar}



Reduce the size of the left panel by pulling the line.


Exit Opera


open D:\_prof\Admin\Application Data\Opera\Opera\profile\opera6.ini in Notepad

delete the toolbar configuration line

Edit Download Directory to read Download Directory=D:\_prof\Admin\Desktop\Opera-dls

Edit Save dir to read: Save Dir=D:\_prof\Admin\Desktop\Opera-dls

Edit Mail Root Directory to read Mail Root Directory=G:\_user\Admin\mail\Opera

Goto (place cursor) the top of the file. [Edit]->[Replace]

Find="\Admin\" Replace with="\%USERNAME%\"


save and exit



delete the file D:\_prof\Admin\Application Data\Opera\Opera\profile\toolbar\standard_toolbar (1).ini

delete all files in D:\_prof\Admin\Application Data\Opera\Opera\profile\cache4

delete all files in D:\_prof\Admin\Application Data\Opera\Opera\profile\images

delete all files in D:\_prof\Admin\Application Data\Opera\Opera\profile\sessions


Edit E:\_PF\Opera\defaults\standard_toolbar.ini with notepad:

In [Hotlist Panel Selector.alignment] set:

Old visible alignment=2


Make the [Hotlist Panel Selector.style] look like:

	Button style=1
Large Images=0
Maximum Button Width=0
Grow To Fit=1


In the [Document Toolbar.content] section replace "Multisearch7" with "Zoom7"


Append to the end of the file:

Auto alignment=0
Old visible alignment=4


save and exit



Set Hotkeys:

winamp: [options]->[Preference]->[global..]->[Global Hotkeys]

[v] Enable

  Togle shuffle: Ctrl+Shift+< (for scandinavian keyboards)
 Previous: Ctrl+Shift+z
 Play: Ctrl+Shift+x
 Pause: Ctrl+Shift+c
 stop: Ctrl+Shift+v
 next: Ctrl+Shift+b


Miranda: [Options]->[Events]->[Hotkeys]

  Show/Hide contactlist: Ctrl+Alt+A
 Open incomming msg: Ctrl+Shift+S



Appilications startup hotkeys:

Locate the application on the start menu, right click on it, select properties.

In the [shortcut key] enter the letter (only) you want it to be assigned to.

	Calculator: Ctrl+Alt+c
Notepad: Ctrl+Alt+n
Miranda: Ctrl+Alt+m
Notepad++: Ctrl+Alt+,
Opera: Ctrl+Alt+o
Winamp: Ctrl+Alt+a
Nero Burning Rom: Ctrl+Alt+b
Word: Ctrl+Alt+w
Excel: Ctrl+Alt+x
Filezilla: Ctrl+Alt+f




At the login screen login as administrator (not as admin!)

Howto log in as a user not listed at the windows welcome screen: Press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Delete] twice


Start Explorer ([win]+[e])

While on [my computer]


[view]->[status bar]

[Tools]->[Folder Options]->[use windows clasic folders]->[View]

Select: everything starting with "display..." or "show"

Unselect: everything starting with "hide ...", "Remember...", "use simple file sharing"

[Apply]->[Apply to All]->[Yes]->[Reset all]->[Yes]->[Apply to all]->[Yes]->[OK]



Go to D:\_prof

Rightdrag [Default User] -> Drop within same window -> select [Copy]


Go to D:\_prof\Admin\Application Data\Sun\

delete the java folder


Go to D:\_prof\Admin\Cookies

Delete all files


Go to D:\_prof\Admin\Local Settings\Temp

Delete all files and folders


Go to D:\_prof\Admin\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5

Delete all files and folders


Go to D:\_prof\Admin

Select all files and folders

While holding down [Ctrl]: Drag and drop all files onto [Defaul User]

Answer [Yes to all] three times



Create the users you want to have on your system:

[start]->[Control panel]->[user Accounts]->[Create a new account]->{some username}->[Next]->[Limited]->[Create account]->{the username you created}->[Create a password]->{some password} twice->[Create password]

Repeat for all users you want


Give the users reasonable access:

Rightclick [My Computer]->[Manage]->[Local users and Groups]->[Groups]->[Power Users]->[Add]->[Advanced]->[Find]

Select your new user(s) ->[OK]->[OK]->[OK]



Now, log out and start using your fresh computer as a regular user


If you need to do something as administrator while loged in as a regular user:

Hold down [shift] while you rightclick on [internet Explorer]->[Run as]

Enter the administrator password

In address bar enter the address "c:" [enter]

Click the [Folders] icon.

Now you have access to the control panel as administrator from the folder tree!

Anything you start from this window will run as administrator.


Good luck.

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