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By Nate Anderson@arstechnica:

On September 19, 2008, hackers from the Anonymous collective attacked the website of Fox News host Bill O'Reilly. The hackers found and immediately posted e-mail addresses, passwords, and physical addresses of 205 O'Reilly site members paying $5 a month to hear Bill's wisdom. The next day, a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack hit the site with 5,000 packets per second. That night, another attack flooded two O'Reilly servers with 1.5GB/s of data.


The site member data was put to use by hackers immediately. One woman suffered $400 in fraudulent charges; as an interview with the FBI would later make clear, these were purchases for things like "penile enlargement." Like many Internet users, the woman had used the same e-mail address and password for many online accounts, including PayPal. AOL, and Facebook, which gave the attackers access to many aspects of her online life.


The woman's AOL account was used to "send e-mail of three men performing oral," according to FBI interview notes, with the offending message purporting to come from "John McCain." Her Facebook account was also hijacked "and lewd photos of naked men were posted," along with the Anonymous tagline: "We do not forgive, we do not forget." The woman had to cancel credit cards and close bank accounts, though she did manage to get the fraudulent charges reversed.


By the time the fiasco was over, Billoreilly.com claimed $10,000 in losses after refunding site membership fees and offering affected users an extra year of service. Beyond the O'Reilly hack, Anonymous calls, apparently made to another Fox personality, said "they are going to rape her." An interview with the website admin showed that his "family is being threatened." Fox corporate security, the NYPD, and the FBI were all dragged into the case.



MORE: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/08/exclusive-how-the-fbi-investigates-the-activities-of-anonymous.ars

  • Liker 5
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Jeg synes ikke misbruk av kredittkortinfo er kulere fordi 4chan-tullinger driver med det.


DDoS er det mest hjernedøde angrepet, de bare lager en link på ei nettside som alle idiotene trykker på og joiner angrepet. Skikkelig "hacking" altså.

Endret av Bytex
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Jeg har null til overs for løgneren Bill O'Reilly. Og hvis dette angripet fikk noen av kundene til å avslutte abonnementet, så gjorde faktisk anononymus dem er tjeneste!

Nei. Dette angrepet kommer nok i praksis til å øke antallet som støtter O'Reilly på grunn av sympati. Litt samme greia som skjedde med AP etter terrorangrepene.

  • Liker 6
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Hva kjennetegner artige.no-humor?

Det er irrelevant i denne tråden. Du kan gjerne opprette en egen tråd for å diskutere det, men i denne tråden er det offtopic.


Ref. denne posten forsvant fire poster til.


Dette innlegget skal ikke kommenteres i tråden.

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