vesleengen Skrevet 14. juni 2010 Del Skrevet 14. juni 2010 Jeg brukte å leke at man bare kunne blunke når man passerte en lyktestolpe Lenke til kommentar
Kexxy er sexxy! Skrevet 14. juni 2010 Del Skrevet 14. juni 2010 Noen som har det der bildet av en tråd av en kar som spør etter en techno sang, så sier han noe sånt som: "the song goes like DUN DUN DUN and then ERR ERR ERR"? Lenke til kommentar
Pokey Skrevet 14. juni 2010 Del Skrevet 14. juni 2010 Jeg brukte å leke at man bare kunne blunke når man passerte en lyktestolpe OK Lenke til kommentar
thadon Skrevet 14. juni 2010 Del Skrevet 14. juni 2010 Noen som har det der bildet av en tråd av en kar som spør etter en techno sang, så sier han noe sånt som: "the song goes like DUN DUN DUN and then ERR ERR ERR"? Hadde du googla setninga de hadde du funnet den med en gang. Lenke til kommentar
Inaktivbruker_101125 Skrevet 14. juni 2010 Del Skrevet 14. juni 2010 Noen som har det der bildet av en tråd av en kar som spør etter en techno sang, så sier han noe sånt som: "the song goes like DUN DUN DUN and then ERR ERR ERR"? Lenke til kommentar
Kexxy er sexxy! Skrevet 14. juni 2010 Del Skrevet 14. juni 2010 (endret) Takker! In return, tits... Sort of.. NSFW Endret 14. juni 2010 av Kexxy er Sexxy! Lenke til kommentar
Gyr0 Skrevet 15. juni 2010 Del Skrevet 15. juni 2010 Den der forstod ikke jeg heller Oo Lenke til kommentar
Slimda Skrevet 15. juni 2010 Del Skrevet 15. juni 2010 Tror de leker med rettskrivingen til en bot. Uansett, har du lenke til video? Lenke til kommentar
Bearar Skrevet 15. juni 2010 Del Skrevet 15. juni 2010 (endret) I lol'd. Greia er at botene alltid sier hvor bra filmen er, så skriver anon med sterk entusiasme samme greia edit: Eller det Slimda sier Endret 15. juni 2010 av Oppkast Lenke til kommentar
Inaktivbruker_101125 Skrevet 15. juni 2010 Del Skrevet 15. juni 2010 (endret) Noe kan oppfattes rasistisk, etter min mening er dette ikke rasisme i det hele tatt, men det er vel alltids noen som overdriver som føler seg støtt. Dette er iallefall ikke intensjonen. Det reflekterer 4chan-brukere generelt, muligens. Endret 15. juni 2010 av Enzyme X 5 Lenke til kommentar
Bearar Skrevet 16. juni 2010 Del Skrevet 16. juni 2010 Ikke rasistisk, men umoralsk og unødvendig, iallefall i denne tråden. Anyways: Lang historie om hvor de mentalt handikappede folkene blir av: After highschool, most people will often go to college or get on with their lives in some other way/form. But what happens to the mentally disabled kids? Do they get dumped on their parents? Do they get sent to a facility for mentally disabled people? I'm quite disappointed that you people don't know this already. Well then let me tell you how it works for mentally handicapped when they are old and have finished school Alright when the Mentally handicapped reach the age of 28 the parents will be sent a letter which informs them about that their mentally handicapped sons and daughters are ready to get sent to the facility. What? What facility? You may ask. Well this facility is a underground research facility in Norway. Its not secret facility, since everyone is allowed to know this. Now you may wonder what do they research there and how are they able to send all the mentally handicapped people over the world to this place? And how is it able to house all those people? How they are able to send all the people to this facility is easy, a helicopter picks them up and drops them off at the nearest dock were they will be sent with a cruise ship to the harbor in Norway and later on sent to the facility. The facility is huge, like really huge. The only thing you can see on the surface is two handicapped guards who guard the entrance to the underground facility. The underground facility goes 3 km under the earth and is 6 km wide at all directions. So its huge... If you look to your right, there is a picture of the two elder guards which guard the entrance. nd what they research there is for military advancements. This is not for the country of Norway or anything like that. The truth is that this underground facility is like a private country for the mentally handicapped where they research how they will take over the world. And the test subjects are ordinary healthy people from Norway who trespasses the facility's boarders. The state of Norway haven't had any evidences of this going on that Norwegian citizens are being kidnapped by these mentally handicapped people. But the local villages nearby are almost empty of woman and the villagers there claim that the mentally handicapped on the underground research facility use them for breeding a Army for the global invasion they are planning. Their advancements in military research hasn't gone well, since the people they kidnap tend to tell them stories and play with them instead of research. And the plan were they are to breed an army of mentally handicapped people and take over the world also doesn't go well since they haven't been teach or don't remember how to have sex. So the women who are abducted by the mentally handicapped people tend to go to the kitchen and make them sandwiches the rest of their lives. We don't know much of what happens down there because none has really escaped from there. Only one woman was able to escape from there, since she was able to trick all the handicapped people to play "hide & seek" and when they were hiding she ran of, and told the world what happened down there. Of course there wasn't any big reaction from the world governments since they don't take this as a big threat. Rumors say that they are trying to develop nuclear weapons, since they were able to kidnap a guy who knows how to make nukes. But yeah we know little about what happens down there but we will find out more in the future. Maybe they will be able to find out how to breed and create a full scale army for an global invasion. And they will take over the world... who knows? Here is a video of a mentally handicapped man who had a successful kidnapping where he kidnapped two woman. Here is his reaction: Lenke til kommentar
Inaktivbruker_101125 Skrevet 16. juni 2010 Del Skrevet 16. juni 2010 Og for tripfags; her er noen dere kan bruke: !UMadRxUcx6 : #19sM[Q!Y !YODawglXyQ : #ErblC5[L !DavidG9LCs : #{VUbgYB_ !//H.David. : #7M2[]W8/ !WinDoWsppA : #3;`^6'tK !aTripfagiw : #H_oMG*za !ShamWOWOs2 : #x~b3t66n !Goodman9pQ : #@IEvk)H* !C.PTrIpFag : #OjnATJ^k !/eb000/GAY : #0aklYC+h !Nigger/OcE : #gXn-rMJb !YAHOO//w/. : #?LSh%X^h !orgasm.3.A : #;,Sn`~[C !TIDUSwAinQ : #r2G}|wKB !moNoTOnous : #ZXnKH}@X !chrome.v2U : #y+eIU'Hn !Lolicont/Q : #J`)vD]B, !VIIVKhg.2A : #Px:{JoMh !nNpenisLow : #Zvm:je%K !opera..iVA : #.YvZcXcq !COWBELLw8U : #cXn~;$}V !VIRGIN/FJM : #W37vzHG5 !AWEsomEEEE : #ft9-HxC/ !nINteNdOOM : #5?C;Lv_s !d4sLowpokE : #fc1lWGjc !Nobody.2BI : #@-H27CR1 !CoOLdUdeng : #@:SJDzr% !RAAAgeB5jM : #;0Yzer,m !Narutotk6w : #yemAvzF+ !iLoVeYOUvM : #yhv/uZ3J !Y/PeDo/F4g : #`3bYHtD5 !fURFaGCuMs : #[\%i`/TG !Gaysexl0yc : #?wB/9itC !FaGGoTTciw : #`NM3]P~f !NInTeNdo/Q : #`;fzcnFd !YNIGGERqHQ : #:n@g}rJj !bTARDHXcYQ : #DuVaY@mZ !jEsuSTiNQU : #UYcf7v~L !BIGCocKlBc : #8Ul4ZDOH !FATASSiayA : #s9h{P;[R !5GangSTADE : #D]DvXDuD !jSyy.CUNT2 : #hjmI*D*h !gCUNTuIByI : #{5nf]2A] !CUNTJ/R9g2 : #9XD94?_{ !e/CUNTk9Gk : #pdAnN}M# !CUNTLk.rDs : #=cZQ9({z !/McuntU/0c : #dKWI}EG !cuntHjnjSs : #mKWj}EGf !CunT4o9Z0k : #3¯%-%h=? Lenke til kommentar
tom waits for alice Skrevet 16. juni 2010 Del Skrevet 16. juni 2010 Tråden stenges for opprydning. Geir Lenke til kommentar
tom waits for alice Skrevet 16. juni 2010 Del Skrevet 16. juni 2010 (endret) Det gikk så kjapt at jeg gadd ikke stenge allikevel... Dette forumet er ikke en gapestokk, selv ikke for påståtte pedofile. (Jeg tviler sterkt på hele historien.) Det er heller ikke plassen for å spørre om linker til ting dere ikke har lov å poste. Jeg tror det snart er på tide at tråden tar sommerferie. Gå ut, spill fotball, ta dere en svømmetur. Titt på damene, de er penere på stranden enn på nettet. Så får kanskje admin tid til å gjøre det samme... Reaksjoner tas på PM, ikke i tråden. Edit: Det forsvant noen andre poster også i farten. Siden teknikken som ble beskrevet var ansett som farlig, er det kanskje like greit. Geir Endret 16. juni 2010 av tom waits for alice Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Skrevet 16. juni 2010 Del Skrevet 16. juni 2010 Jeg brukte å leke at man bare kunne blunke når man passerte en lyktestolpe Jeg også Oo Lenke til kommentar
Karlson Skrevet 16. juni 2010 Del Skrevet 16. juni 2010 Ikke rasistisk, men umoralsk og unødvendig, iallefall i denne tråden. Anyways: Lang historie om hvor de mentalt handikappede folkene blir av: After highschool, most people will often go to college or get on with their lives in some other way/form. But what happens to the mentally disabled kids? Do they get dumped on their parents? Do they get sent to a facility for mentally disabled people? I'm quite disappointed that you people don't know this already. Well then let me tell you how it works for mentally handicapped when they are old and have finished school Alright when the Mentally handicapped reach the age of 28 the parents will be sent a letter which informs them about that their mentally handicapped sons and daughters are ready to get sent to the facility. What? What facility? You may ask. Well this facility is a underground research facility in Norway. Its not secret facility, since everyone is allowed to know this. Now you may wonder what do they research there and how are they able to send all the mentally handicapped people over the world to this place? And how is it able to house all those people? How they are able to send all the people to this facility is easy, a helicopter picks them up and drops them off at the nearest dock were they will be sent with a cruise ship to the harbor in Norway and later on sent to the facility. The facility is huge, like really huge. The only thing you can see on the surface is two handicapped guards who guard the entrance to the underground facility. The underground facility goes 3 km under the earth and is 6 km wide at all directions. So its huge... If you look to your right, there is a picture of the two elder guards which guard the entrance. nd what they research there is for military advancements. This is not for the country of Norway or anything like that. The truth is that this underground facility is like a private country for the mentally handicapped where they research how they will take over the world. And the test subjects are ordinary healthy people from Norway who trespasses the facility's boarders. The state of Norway haven't had any evidences of this going on that Norwegian citizens are being kidnapped by these mentally handicapped people. But the local villages nearby are almost empty of woman and the villagers there claim that the mentally handicapped on the underground research facility use them for breeding a Army for the global invasion they are planning. Their advancements in military research hasn't gone well, since the people they kidnap tend to tell them stories and play with them instead of research. And the plan were they are to breed an army of mentally handicapped people and take over the world also doesn't go well since they haven't been teach or don't remember how to have sex. So the women who are abducted by the mentally handicapped people tend to go to the kitchen and make them sandwiches the rest of their lives. We don't know much of what happens down there because none has really escaped from there. Only one woman was able to escape from there, since she was able to trick all the handicapped people to play "hide & seek" and when they were hiding she ran of, and told the world what happened down there. Of course there wasn't any big reaction from the world governments since they don't take this as a big threat. Rumors say that they are trying to develop nuclear weapons, since they were able to kidnap a guy who knows how to make nukes. But yeah we know little about what happens down there but we will find out more in the future. Maybe they will be able to find out how to breed and create a full scale army for an global invasion. And they will take over the world... who knows? Here is a video of a mentally handicapped man who had a successful kidnapping where he kidnapped two woman. Here is his reaction: Skulle det være.. morsomt? Lyser norsk newfag lang vei Lenke til kommentar
Pokey Skrevet 16. juni 2010 Del Skrevet 16. juni 2010 Hahaha, var allerede i gang med denne da jeg leste din 5 Lenke til kommentar
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