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Fallout 3 teaser om ca en måned!

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Bethesda Softworks has signed esteemed actor Liam Neeson to provide the lead voice in upcoming videogame Fallout Neeson will play the role of the player’s father and will appear prominently throughout the game.


"It’s been a pleasure bringing the father to life and working with the wonderfully talented people at Bethesda on Fallout 3,” said Neeson. “I hope the fans of the franchise and the game will be excited by the results.”


If you are excited about the potential results, you can do something about it: Stare at the countdown clock to the trailer Bethesda has set up. Stare at it for the next 28 days and something magical may happen!





Er ikke en så stor nyhet, men det er nå noe i alle fall! :D

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Det meste har blitt sagt, er helt enig med Nasum... Men jeg håper virkelig at det også vil være et genialt dialogsystem, som i de forrige spillene. De var godt laget, og jeg synes det er en av de viktigste elementene i de forrige spillene som ikke bør dumpes... Samt clerks!

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Gledet meg i 10 år til dette her! Men må si jeg ble mektig skuffet når Bethesda kjøpte lisensen... Mest forde jeg håpet de skulle holde seg til turn-based combat og langt unna 3. person. Men, men! Man håper da stadig :) Dersom de greier å beholde den fantastiske humoren, stemningen og det fantastiske lvl systemet fra de foregående, kan vi ha en vinner!



For de av dere som ikke har fulgt med i nyhetener her på gamer, så kan dere laste ned en tidlig tech demo av "Van Buren" (Utvikler navnet til FallOut 3 hos Black Isle.) HER


Kan forrøverig nevne i samme åndedrag at No Mutants Allowed er suveren side for oss FallOut fans. Masse herlige Modder og info :w00t:


EDIT: Så MoFFi linka til den nå..

Endret av Cord
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Dette er fra No Mutants Allowed, hvor de har pratet med utviklerne angående Fallout3 og andre spill.


One question for the dev that I always wondered about is what are your stances on violence, mature contents in games? Do you guys have a target audience in mind?

[Gonzalez] For those ill at ease about the possible lack of mature content in FO3, the devs have a thread on the internal forums titled "Sick S%^& You'd Like To See In the Game", which contains various uncensored depraved ideas for content / gameplay / dialog, a goodly portion of which are either already implemented or in development. Yeah, I'm not too worried about FO3 being "watered down"...


Have you visited &/or toured any nuclear missile silos, nuclear powerplants, or military bases/bunkers of any sort?

[Zeleny] I've toured a power plant or two, and I've spent time on military bases, but I haven't been in silos or bunkers personally. But I've also trekked through plenty of wild landscapes, old steam tunnels, abandoned buildings, and decrepit steel mills that have slowly been overrun by squatters and animals. Y'know, the sort of sites one might find in a post-apocalyptic area.


Have you played the VanBuren Alpha? If so, what were your feelings on it?

[Caponi] I played it a while ago. Obviously, it's pre-release software and needed a lot of work so it's pretty unfair to judge it as it is, but I'dve bought it. But then again, I payed full price for Brotherhood of Steel just because it said "Fallout" on it, so my purchase might not mean much.


Do you feel the idea of a Fallout version of BG:DA was inherently bad, or just the execution for BoS?

[Caponi] A little of both. Well, a lot of both. I admit that I had not heard much about Brotherhood of Steel before is came out, but what I had heard worried me. I had apprehensions about a Gauntlet-style action game based on Fallout from the start, but even still, if the execution of the idea had turned out to be amazing, I would have never remembered the worry that I had in the beginning. As it was, the execution was less than amazing.


What are you're thoughts on being evil in games, or just not being the classic hero?

[Caponi] It depends on the game. It belongs in some, but in games where I am handed a blank slate and told to make my own choices, I absolutely want to be able to make evil ones. Or at the very least, morally ambiguous ones. I liked how morality was handled in Baldur's Gate and Planescape:Torment, where evil wasn't always presented as an obvious choice, but there were more selfish responses in the dialog that weren't always obviously evil. But, if you established a pattern of behavior, it started to affect you and push your alignment and NPC reaction in a certain direction. As far as KOTOR goes, I think that the dark/light side points worked while for the black and white morality of the Star Wars setting, but as a player, I found that having my path to evil highlighted for me wasn't as satisfying as I wanted it to be. Calling someone a jerk can add flavor and voice to my character, but it isn't evil. Calling someone a jerk, cheating them out of their life's savings and driving them to suicide is. So, if evil is a choice in a game, I prefer it to be a meaningful one.


Have you played any Troika game, for instance, Arcanum or Bloodlines, did you enjoy them?

[Caponi] I mentioned being a fan of Arcanum earlier -- I love steampunk settings. However, it seems that they almost always fail in the marketplace, which is unfortunate. It seems hard to convince the general public that magic can exist outside of medieval fantasy settings. Steampunk just may be stuck as a niche setting, I mean, even Will Smith couldn't get a big audience to buy it.


As a long time played of White Wolf games, I thought that Bloodlines was great, especially since the other games based in the World of Darkness were not go great. Unfortunately, the games tragically flawed. I think that it needed some more polish on it, but it seems that in their downward spiral, Troika just didn't have the manpower to give the game the love that it needed. But, it was good enough that I could look past the flaws. I enjoyed the dialog, character, and experience systems a lot. Combat was so-so, but it's not why I picked up the game in the first place.


It's a shame that Troika went down, I had really enjoyed the things they had done and was looking forward to what they were planning for the future. Ah well, it's a rough business, you know?


Liam Neeson skal også voiceacte i Fallout3! Fyren er en kjent voiceactor og skuespiller, og har fått rollen sin skrevet spesielt til seg selv.


May 8, 2007 (Rockville, MD) – Bethesda Softworks® is pleased to announce that highly acclaimed international actor Liam Neeson will lead the cast providing voice work in Fallout 3. Neeson will play the role of the player’s father and will appear prominently throughout the game. Fallout 3 is currently under development at Bethesda Game Studios, creators of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion®, which won numerous Game of the Year and RPG of the Year awards in 2006.


“This role was written with Liam in mind, and provides the dramatic tone for the entire game,” said Todd Howard, Executive Producer of Fallout 3. “Liam is absolutely amazing to work with.”


Neeson is known for starring roles in blockbuster films such as Schindler’s List, Star Wars: Episode I, The Chronicles of Narnia, and Batman Begins. Throughout his illustrious career, Neeson has been the recipient of numerous honors for his work in film and theater, including Academy Award, Golden Globe and Tony Award nominations.


“It’s been a pleasure bringing the father to life and working with the wonderfully talented people at Bethesda on Fallout 3,” said Neeson. “I hope the fans of the franchise and the game will be excited by the results.”


No other details on Fallout 3 have yet been revealed by Bethesda. More information will be coming in the next few months.

Endret av Vrengtpolvott
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One question for the dev that I always wondered about is what are your stances on violence, mature contents in games? Do you guys have a target audience in mind?

[Gonzalez] For those ill at ease about the possible lack of mature content in FO3, the devs have a thread on the internal forums titled "Sick S%^& You'd Like To See In the Game", which contains various uncensored depraved ideas for content / gameplay / dialog, a goodly portion of which are either already implemented or in development. Yeah, I'm not too worried about FO3 being "watered down"...

Høres bra ut ^^


What are you're thoughts on being evil in games, or just not being the classic hero?

I found that having my path to evil highlighted for me wasn't as satisfying as I wanted it to be. Calling someone a jerk can add flavor and voice to my character, but it isn't evil. Calling someone a jerk, cheating them out of their life's savings and driving them to suicide is.

Er enig med han på det punktet der :D

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Veldig Interessangt Vrengtpolvott :) Der var det jo en kommentar på mange av god spillene mine :thumbup: Veldig interessang lesning.


Uff det er forferdelig synd at Troika ble lagt ned. Vi kunne nok ha forventet mye bra fra den kanten om de fortsatt hadde eksistert. Selskapet ble staret av 3 utviklere fra Interplay som jo sto bak Fallout spillene som dere sikkert vet.


Foruten å utvikle Arcanum og Vampire var det samme selskapet som også laget Temple Of Elemental Evil. Et godt spill som også led av en rekke skjønnhetsfeil før det ble sluppet. Selskapet laget tre spill før de gikk under :cry:


Nå for tiden ligger min sjel i Bioware, Obsidian Entertainment og Bethesda, håper de behandler den godt.

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Spillmotoren har egentlig ikke så veldig mye å si for selve grafikken i et spill... Er vel fortsatt snakk om GameBryo-motoren i Fallout 3, som i Oblivion (mener jeg?) og i allefall Morrowind. Andre spill som bruker samme motor, men som har VELDIG forskjellig grafikk er spill som Sid Meier's Pirates! og Civilization IV (!).

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