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Chkdsk fikser ikke korupsjon?

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Etter noen forsøk med mislykka overklokking der jeg måtte resette pcn 4 ganger, så ble det selfølgelig kluss på c partisjonen. :(


har kjørt checkdisk med -f og -r flere ganger uten noe forbedring.


det er ørten index entry som er korrupte, så hva gjør jeg for å bli kvitt dette? (foruten å ikke oc da) :tease:




Har stillt alt hw tilbake til orginalt men det hjelper svært lite






Edit* emnetittel da den var litt selvmotsigende.

Endret av Veggedyr
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WARNING! F parameter not specified.

Running CHKDSK in read-only mode.


CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 3)...

103488 file records processed.

File verification completed.

234 large file records processed.

0 bad file records processed.

2 EA records processed.

44 reparse records processed.

CHKDSK is verifying indexes (stage 2 of 3)...

59 percent complete. (240143 of 388082 index entries processed)

Index entry aaclient.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry ActiveContentWizard.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.


Index entry Acw.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry adtschema.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry alg.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry AltTab.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry apds.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry apircl.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry appinfo.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry appwiz.cpl.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry apss.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry at.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry AtBroker.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry atl.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry auditpol.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry Aurora.scr.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry authfwcfg.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry authfwgp.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry autochk.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry autoconv.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry Autofmt.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry autoplay.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry AuxiliaryDisplayClassInstaller.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is


Index entry AuxiliaryDisplayServices.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incor


Index entry azroles.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry azsqlext.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry batmeter.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry batt.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry bcdedit.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry bfe.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry bitsadmin.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry BlbEvents.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry blbres.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry bootcfg.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry bootstr.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry brcpl.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry brcplsdw.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry brcplsiw.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry Brmf2wia.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry BrmfcWia.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry BRMFPMON.DLL.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry browser.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry browseui.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry bthci.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry bthprops.cpl.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry bthserv.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry btpanui.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry Bubbles.scr.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cero.rs.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry certprop.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cewmdm.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cfgbkend.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry clb.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cliconfg.rll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cmcfg32.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cmd.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cmdial32.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cmdl32.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cmlua.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cmmon32.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cmstp.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cmstplua.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cmutil.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry CNBJMON.DLL.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry CNBJMON2.DLL.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry CNHW170S.DLL.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry CNHW370S.DLL.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry CNHW500.DLL.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry CNHW730S.DLL.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry CNHW750S.DLL.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry CNHW760S.DLL.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry CNHW830.DLL.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry CNHW900.DLL.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry collab.cpl.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry colorcpl.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry colorui.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry comctl32.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry comdlg32.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry comp.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry compact.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry compmgmt.msc in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry compstui.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry consent.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry console.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cpulicenseui.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry credui.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry credwiz.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry crypt32.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cryptdlg.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cryptext.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cryptsvc.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cryptui.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry csamsp.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cscmig.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cscript.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cscsvc.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry cscui.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry csrss.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dataclen.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry DDACLSys.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry desk.cpl.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry deskadp.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry deskmon.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry deskperf.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry devenum.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry devmgmt.msc in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry devmgr.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry DfrgFat.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry DfrgNtfs.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry DfrgRes.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry DfsShlEx.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dialer.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dimsjob.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dimsroam.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry diskcopy.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry diskpart.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry diskperf.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry diskraid.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dispci.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry disrvpp.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry ditrace.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dmocx.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dnsapi.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dnsrslvr.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry docprop.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dot3api.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dot3dlg.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dot3gpclnt.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dot3gpui.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dot3msm.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dot3svc.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dot3ui.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dpapimig.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry DpiScaling.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry DreamScene.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry driverquery.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry drprov.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dskquota.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dskquoui.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dsound.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dsprop.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dsquery.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dssec.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dsuiext.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry duser.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dvdplay.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry dvdupgrd.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry DWWIN.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry els.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry encdec.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry esrb.rs.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry EventCreate.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry EventViewer_EventDetails.xsl in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect


Index entry eventvwr.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry eventvwr.msc in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry expand.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry extmgr.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry extrac32.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry fc.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry fde.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry fdeploy.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry fdPHost.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry fdrespub.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry feclient.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry findstr.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry Firewall.cpl.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry FirewallAPI.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry FirewallControlPanel.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect


Index entry FirewallSettings.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry fltlib.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry fltMC.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry fsquirt.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry FunDisc.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry fveapi.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry fvenotify.exe.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry fverecover.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry fwcfg.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry fwpuclnt.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry FXSCOMPOSERES.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry FXSEVENT.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry FXSRESM.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry FXSUTILITY.dll.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

Index entry g711codc.ax.mui in index $I30 of file 2410 is incorrect.

388082 index entries processed.

Index verification completed.


Errors found. CHKDSK cannot continue in read-only mode.

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Jeg har hatt merkelige opplevelser med chkdsk, to ganger så har den gjort disken min korrupt. Jeg kødder ikke, jeg fikk beskjed om noen korrupte filer eller noe, kjørte chkdsk, og etterpå så var ikke disken min i min datamaskin, og i partiton magic kom den fram som et ulesbart filsystem.

Lenke til kommentar
Jeg har hatt merkelige opplevelser med chkdsk, to ganger så har den gjort disken min korrupt. Jeg kødder ikke, jeg fikk beskjed om noen korrupte filer eller noe, kjørte chkdsk, og etterpå så var ikke disken min i min datamaskin, og i partiton magic kom den fram som et ulesbart filsystem.



Hehe :)


Tviler ikke på det, har hatt mine grøssere med Windows kan jeg si.


Men er det forskjell på om man oc minnet og cpu? prøvde meg litt på 1T på minnet, og da fikk jeg blåskjerm når den komm i windows, som ikke har skjedd med 2T eller med cpu oc :hmm:

Lenke til kommentar
... fikk beskjed om noen korrupte filer eller noe, kjørte chkdsk, og etterpå så var ikke disken min i min datamaskin...


Trenger det nødvendigvis bety at det var chkdsk som lagde problemet? Det er vel noe mer sannsynlig at disken ble korrupt før du kjørte chkdsk. At chkdsk ikke kan rette ennhver feil kan man vel ikke laste chkdsk for.

Lenke til kommentar
... fikk beskjed om noen korrupte filer eller noe, kjørte chkdsk, og etterpå så var ikke disken min i min datamaskin...


Trenger det nødvendigvis bety at det var chkdsk som lagde problemet? Det er vel noe mer sannsynlig at disken ble korrupt før du kjørte chkdsk. At chkdsk ikke kan rette ennhver feil kan man vel ikke laste chkdsk for.



Ja, men altså bortsett fra at jeg fikk meldinger om korrupte filer, så merket jeg jo ikkenoe til det. Alt av mp3'er, filmer osv fungerte som de skulle. Den hadde fungert perfekt i månedsvis. Og RETT etter at jeg hadde kjørt chkdsk sånn så man må boote og den sjekker disken under oppstart, så var den ikke der lenger. Den var helt iorden av det jeg merket, rett før jeg startet på nytt og kjørte chkdsk.

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