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Hvordan er Lord Of The Rings Online?

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Har og startet på Laurelin.

Man - Guardian lvl12 - 'Fornax'.


Må si det er sjeldent jeg har blitt så imponert over et MMO som dette. Utrolig god stemning, og hittil bare truffet folk som kan oppføre seg...

Veldig bra med storyline'n som gir det hele litt mere mening.

Tar gjerne og joiner opp med andre nordmenn online...

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Jeg lurer på om noen har tips angående Destiny Points!

Etter som jeg har forstått det er det bare å bruke de, for man kan lett få det av leveling, deeds osv. Men jeg lurer på hvordan jeg bør bruke pointsene.


Jeg har ikke så lyst til å bruke masse points på ting som bare varer i f.eks 15 min.

Så jeg har brukt alle pointene mine på rest, slik at jeg går hurtigere opp i level!


Er det ikke det beste å bruke de opp på rest?

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Etter å ha møtt på noen Norske på Laurelin så tenkte jeg at å starte en guild kanskje ikke hadde vært så dumt. Vi trenger 6 stk, har ikke tenkt på noe navn eller noe mer. Men tenkte at du kanskje kunne vært greit å ha et guild for den sosiale delen, om det gjelder råd, hjelp med quests eller finne grupper lettere.


Vet ikke om det er noen interesse rundt det, men hvis du er interesert så kontakt meg (Aldats).

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Ser interessant ut! Dog, det blir litt "surt" å starte friskt på et nytt MMORPG bare et halvt år før AoC kommer ut, men...


Jeg har bare ett spørsmål. Hvordan er chat-interface? Er det likt som i WoW, eller er den mer lik Anarchy Online i brukervennlighet? Ikke det at den kommer til å ha noen innvirkning på om jeg kjøper det eller ei, jeg er bare nysgjerrig.

Personlig synes jeg de har gjort en elendig jobb med chatten i WoW, og er forbauset over at de ikke har gjort noe med det på alle disse årene.

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heisann har et par spørsmål, får spillet i morgen forhåpentlig vis, en forbannelse over det norske tollvesen.




1: hvor stor er verdenen sånn ca? hørte 50 square miles eller noe men har ikke fått det bekreftet.


2: så spillet fikk nye områder i juni, noen spesiell info om disse områdene?


takker på forhånd :-)

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Svar til arlion :



How large is the game world planned for launch?

The approximate size of Eriador at launch is 50 million square meters.



Shores of Evendim: The First Update to The Lord of the Rings Online™




The greatest fantasy of all time continues to expand!




Beginning in June, heroes can adventure to the Shores of Evendim, the first of many free updates to The Lord of the Rings OnlineTM.




About 100 miles north of the Shire, in northern Eriador, lies Evendim, a vast region dominated by the Lake Nenuial; the ‘Lake of the Twilight'. On the southern shore, the ancient abandoned city of Annúminas -the former capital of the kingdom of Arnor ­ is well known amongst the Free Peoples. For according to the Legends, amidst its ruins lay a great wealth and powerful artifacts now threatened by evil creatures and the nefarious forces lurking in Angmar.




As the Fellowship prepares to leave Rivendell, Aragorn must re-forge Narsil, the Sword of Elendil. Gandalf has asked for help in Aragorn's search of the ancient lands of Evendim for an ancient jewel that once belonged in the sword's hilt. This powerful relic must be recovered before the Dark Lord Sauron finds it.




Players are challenged to secure the valuables of the abandoned city, defy Angmar's encroaching grip on Annúminas and aid Aragorn in his quest to re-forge Narsil.




Key Features:


Discover the lands of Evendim

Explore over 60 new Quests

Raid in the Battle for Helegrod

Fight against 9 new monsters

Upgraded music system adds new instruments and lets you share your music with others

Equip collectible Armor Sets



[Comments? Post them on our forums!]


Endret av mortenmm
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Shores of Evendim: The First Update to The Lord of the Rings Online™




The greatest fantasy of all time continues to expand!




Beginning in June, heroes can adventure to the Shores of Evendim, the first of many free updates to The Lord of the Rings OnlineTM.




About 100 miles north of the Shire, in northern Eriador, lies Evendim, a vast region dominated by the Lake Nenuial; the ‘Lake of the Twilight'. On the southern shore, the ancient abandoned city of Annúminas -the former capital of the kingdom of Arnor ­ is well known amongst the Free Peoples. For according to the Legends, amidst its ruins lay a great wealth and powerful artifacts now threatened by evil creatures and the nefarious forces lurking in Angmar.




As the Fellowship prepares to leave Rivendell, Aragorn must re-forge Narsil, the Sword of Elendil. Gandalf has asked for help in Aragorn's search of the ancient lands of Evendim for an ancient jewel that once belonged in the sword's hilt. This powerful relic must be recovered before the Dark Lord Sauron finds it.




Players are challenged to secure the valuables of the abandoned city, defy Angmar's encroaching grip on Annúminas and aid Aragorn in his quest to re-forge Narsil.




Key Features:


Discover the lands of Evendim

Explore over 60 new Quests

Raid in the Battle for Helegrod

Fight against 9 new monsters

Upgraded music system adds new instruments and lets you share your music with others

Equip collectible Armor Sets



[Comments? Post them on our forums!]




Nice, nice :D

Endret av Webmaster Esso
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Gud som jeg sulter etter å prøve dette. :dribble:


Vurderer å kjøpe det men er bare det at jeg begynte å spille WoW igjen for 2 dager siden. :hrm:


Vil helst prøve det og før jeg kjøper det, i det tilfelle jeg ikke liker det.


Vis noen hadde hatt en "Buddy" key til overs hadde jeg blitt evig taknemlig :!:

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Svar til arlion :



How large is the game world planned for launch?

The approximate size of Eriador at launch is 50 million square meters.



Shores of Evendim: The First Update to The Lord of the Rings Online™




The greatest fantasy of all time continues to expand!




Beginning in June, heroes can adventure to the Shores of Evendim, the first of many free updates to The Lord of the Rings OnlineTM.




About 100 miles north of the Shire, in northern Eriador, lies Evendim, a vast region dominated by the Lake Nenuial; the ‘Lake of the Twilight'. On the southern shore, the ancient abandoned city of Annúminas -the former capital of the kingdom of Arnor ­ is well known amongst the Free Peoples. For according to the Legends, amidst its ruins lay a great wealth and powerful artifacts now threatened by evil creatures and the nefarious forces lurking in Angmar.




As the Fellowship prepares to leave Rivendell, Aragorn must re-forge Narsil, the Sword of Elendil. Gandalf has asked for help in Aragorn's search of the ancient lands of Evendim for an ancient jewel that once belonged in the sword's hilt. This powerful relic must be recovered before the Dark Lord Sauron finds it.




Players are challenged to secure the valuables of the abandoned city, defy Angmar's encroaching grip on Annúminas and aid Aragorn in his quest to re-forge Narsil.




Key Features:


Discover the lands of Evendim

Explore over 60 new Quests

Raid in the Battle for Helegrod

Fight against 9 new monsters

Upgraded music system adds new instruments and lets you share your music with others

Equip collectible Armor Sets



[Comments? Post them on our forums!]






50 millioner square milles? i frykt for å være litt blasfemisk, holy god, det må da være enormt!

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Svar til arlion :



How large is the game world planned for launch?

The approximate size of Eriador at launch is 50 million square meters.



Shores of Evendim: The First Update to The Lord of the Rings Online™




The greatest fantasy of all time continues to expand!




Beginning in June, heroes can adventure to the Shores of Evendim, the first of many free updates to The Lord of the Rings OnlineTM.




About 100 miles north of the Shire, in northern Eriador, lies Evendim, a vast region dominated by the Lake Nenuial; the ‘Lake of the Twilight'. On the southern shore, the ancient abandoned city of Annúminas -the former capital of the kingdom of Arnor ­ is well known amongst the Free Peoples. For according to the Legends, amidst its ruins lay a great wealth and powerful artifacts now threatened by evil creatures and the nefarious forces lurking in Angmar.




As the Fellowship prepares to leave Rivendell, Aragorn must re-forge Narsil, the Sword of Elendil. Gandalf has asked for help in Aragorn's search of the ancient lands of Evendim for an ancient jewel that once belonged in the sword's hilt. This powerful relic must be recovered before the Dark Lord Sauron finds it.




Players are challenged to secure the valuables of the abandoned city, defy Angmar's encroaching grip on Annúminas and aid Aragorn in his quest to re-forge Narsil.




Key Features:


Discover the lands of Evendim

Explore over 60 new Quests

Raid in the Battle for Helegrod

Fight against 9 new monsters

Upgraded music system adds new instruments and lets you share your music with others

Equip collectible Armor Sets



[Comments? Post them on our forums!]






50 millioner square milles? i frykt for å være litt blasfemisk, holy god, det må da være enormt!



Det er IKKE enromt med GIGANTISK! Du bruker LANG tid, og da mener jeg LANG tid vis du skal gå fra ene ende til andre ende, og dette er bare et kontinent! Som kjent kommer det tillegg senere, blant annet nå i juni.

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Svar til arlion :



How large is the game world planned for launch?

The approximate size of Eriador at launch is 50 million square meters.


50 millioner square milles? i frykt for å være litt blasfemisk, holy god, det må da være enormt!


50 millioner kvadratmeter, ikke kvadrat-miles. :) Noe som tilsvarer 50 kvadratkilometer, hvis jeg ikke husker matematikken helt feil. Noe som igjen er litegrann mindre enn Nøtterøy kommune. ;)


Uansett er det mer enn stort nok, og større skal det bli etterhvert som historien utfolder seg i nye utvidelser. :)

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Jeg synes spillet er utrolig morsomt, men hvor er mitt kjæledyr som hunter :/


Kjæledyret ditt finner du igjen i WoW. ;) Hunter i LotRO og hunter i WoW er nok ikke det samme. Vil du ha kjæledyr må du satse på Lore-Master.

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Nå har jeg spilt 2 dager og 2 timer, har kommet til level 16, og er vel akkurat ferdig (for nå) med the Shire! :)


Har tatt (i spoiler grunnet antall.. Hvis du ikke vil vite, så..);


Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor

Alle questene (ca 150, raskt regnet)


17 deeds, the Shire

3 deeds, Race & Social


2 traits, Race

12 traits, Virtue


18 skills, active

34 skills, passive

4 skills, fellowship


Tror jeg har fått hjelp til kanskje rundt 5 av questene i fellowship (absolutt ikke mer enn 10).


Dette spillet er GØY! :D ..nå skal jeg ut og utforske østover, mot Bree! :w00t:

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