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Guest-Visa - Can You Help Me ?


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Please DO NOT delete this topic (I don`t know does it follows forum rules or not).


And I don`t know actually where to post this topic - so I put it here.




Hallo dear norskemenn.


As you all know me and my wishes and dreams concerning yours wonderful Motherland - Norge, I need to appeal to all of you. With my big and desperate request, beg and pray !


All I need it`s a some help from you ! Not such big but such important for me!


I need a guest-visa !


This is the only possibility for me to reach the Norway !


As you understand - it`s doesn`t matter what a human can be a talented, gifted, with a lot good and bright ideas and intensions to create great projects - it`all NOTHING - if a human is a citizen of some non-respectful, non-solid, and simply strange state to those states in which a human wants to go !


This all concerning me and Ukraine. For me as a citizen of this state IS practically IMPOSSIBLE to reach the Norway without some or any help from citizens of Norway.


So, this is almost my the only chance to reach Norway now and fast.


Nobody in Norway will NEVER be interested in me as an actor/director/writer/athlete/musician/politician/social activist/and so on -


UNTILL I will show them myself in real life and real time, being on all kind of auditions and so on.


I hope you understand this fact.

One thing - if you is as a profile in Net (even if this profle is brilliant (much much better than my - for example) ) -




Other thing absolutely - if you is a real human with your profile statnding face to face to all kind of auditions, and so on.


But for this situation you must be really there in real time and space.


Only in this case there is some chance to be accepted in some projects !


So - what can I do for travel to Norway - being in Ukraine ?


Only a several acts -


1. To get some job in Norway standing at home (this variant is almost IMPOSSIBLE for the reasons which I did describe above in position of internetional status of Ukraine as a state).


2. To travel to Norway as a tourist (yes I can do that - BUT - a tourist-visa can gives permission only for about 2 weeks (maybe a little more ~ a month).


I hope you understand that this period of time is too small for any realization as a creative person. So I will spend about 1500 $ for 2 weeks (riding in both ends and livivng) and hardly I will get all necessary contacts and hardly I will have the possibiblity to show up myself to necessary people.


3. To travel to Norway as a guest-tourist (exactly this appeal about this).

If some human wants to go to any state as a guest-tourist - this human MUST have there some relatives or friends who can prepare for a human a guest-visa!


A guest-visa can gives permission to be in a state for about 3 months + it`s can be prolong for 3 months more!

So - a human can be in a Norway for example for a 6 months !


This is about what I`m beging you ! To help me preparing this guest-visa!


Because I DON`T have any relatives or friends in Norway - despite I have interesting to yours motherland for a last 15 years. Even was time when I have correspondence with norwegean embassy, NRK, and a some organization/humans in 90-s when I don`t have computer and Net yet ...


This is the biggest forum in Norway and you know me a little, maybe more ...

You could read my topics, my answears, some my positions concerning Norway, you can see me at my site which very open as much as myself.


So I`m opened for contacts and you must know HOW strong I do love yours motherland, WHY I do love Norway, WHY I want to live there, WHAT and HOW MUCH I want to bring to Norway in development and HOW MUCH I want contribute my good ideas in development of Norway, despite that fact that Norway is the best and welfared state in the World !


But I think and see - that - there is NO end for perfection !


Therefore I need your help with such simple thing as a guest-visa!


Which gives me a permission to stay in Norway for a 6 months - through which I could be find job, find some people for realization my projects in Music, Cinema, Literature, Business, Sport and so on, maybe find a wife ...


In other words - the 6 months can give me the possibility to remain in Norway forever and with time to get the citizenshp about which I dream and need whole time ...


So maybe someone of us could be take this question in hands and help me ?


You must DON`T worry ! I`m NOT bring to you any discomfort !


You making the guest-visa for me and invite me, I`m legally going to Norway (oficially to your house), but I have the money to travel and to stay in Norway (so you must DON`T worry about this).


I could be live in any cheap place in area where you invite me and almost autonomously, sure I would like get some info-help from you (what a town, where is situated different spots - shops, organizations, markets and so on - usually things for living). But I will not waiste much yours time ...


So ... then we will see - what will can I do/create and reach some success for this time. It`s life - and the time will show this.


But ... If I reach some real success - I WILL be always apreciate and I will not remain in debt !


I don`t know how for now but the fact is that my apreciance will be forever ...



If someone of us gonna help me with guest-visa, please write me PM - and I will provide all contacts and info and full plan of my actions in Norway.

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The reffuges coem here because its a danger to their life to be in their homeland... As far as i see your not in that possision



edit,, ble det samme som løve det , nesten





And i think the system is working fine, protecting the norweagan jobs to the norwegan people... Ofcourse if you are qualified, you shuld get a chanse... But just asking for any random job to be alowed to live in norway is wrong in my eyes



2edit, innelget ser føkka ut pga lett moderering,



Disco stikker av fra tråden

Endret av DiscoBoB
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Vostochno Slavjanskiy Blok


which means -


Eastern Slavonic Block


the spot on the Earth from where is ALMOST impossible to emmigate !


Because of it`s international status ...


As I said - being a CITIZEN of Poland, Czechia, Hungary, even wretched Albania and so on - NOT the same situation where you being a CITIZEN of VSB (Russia, Belarus or Ukraine).


Even TURKEY has MORE respectful STATUS and possibility for it`s citizens in West World ...




Well, I really don't think anyone would take the chance on inviting some random person to their country... and I suppose you would be kind of responsible for that person too since it's suppoed to live at your adress...



sure, did I said - "invite me now - cause I`m good ?" :( or "you must" or something like this way ... ?


This is just my DESPERATE attempt and I don`t see any other variants more ...


Besides - maybe one of you could be help me NOT personally but by some connections with some organizations or socially influential persons ...

Endret av Marley
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Why don'y you try to prepare all that you're going to show, book meetings etc. and try to squeeze it all into two weeks in Norway? Cause theres no way you will get a visum.




another strange and empty message from you ... sorry - HOW old are you ?


1. I have almost every stuffs for diffeirent auditions (not the best surely (cause the best costs TOO much) ) - I mean "portfolio" and so on ...


2. And HOW you can imagine this "to squeeze it all into two weeks in Norway" ?


What about "look over the town/state", "what about communication with the local people" and a lot, lot others things ?


People travel for 2 weeks ONLY in that case WHEN they want just have a fun, relax, sightseeing, etc - in OTHER WORDS - when they act as a TOURISTS !


CAN YOU SEE the difference ? ;)

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Well, aren't you primarily going there to find some work? And as I understand from your first post you're going there to personally meet people around in Norway... Coming here 2 weeks as a tourist should be better than not coming here at all? If you arrange meetings etc. before you come it shouldn't be that hard to meet all the people you want to. As for meeting the local population in Norway the larger cities (Oslo, Trondheim, Bergen) etc. are the places with most people... Other places are kind of small compared...

Endret av Løve
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  • 2 uker senere...

No offence to you Rostislav, but I seriously doubt that anyone on this forum will invite a person they don't know to Norway.


For all we know, you could be a criminal or something like that, and as you most likely know an ID on the internet could be fake.

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No offence to you Rostislav, but I seriously doubt that anyone on this forum will invite a person they don't know to Norway.


For all we know, you could be a criminal or something like that, and as you most likely know an ID on the internet could be fake.




No offence ...


Surely I understand you all people ...


If we take a look on this situation from a side ... well it must be strange for some society if some human from another world (even the same civilization (like this situation - christian-european civilization) ) wants to join to dream-society from another edge the same civilization ...


I understand this ... that`s normal ... and yours worries are logical actually ...


Unfortunately I have not such close contacts to Norway that I could show whole myself to my wish-society ...


well I`m working on this ... I`m learning the språk, maybe soonly I will make one of my sites fully in norsk ...


but actually for reason of all this activities must be my connection with Norway much closer than now ... but for this surely I must have been in Norway as 1 time as minimum ...


So ... as usually we have the closed circle ... :ermm:


There is NO any problem for checking MY ID !


My home adress must be keeping in norwegean Ambassy ...


I can provide all my docs, my phone-numbers and so on ...


I don`t see some serious problem to take a look at me closer ...

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Check out Norwegian Directorate of Immigration for information.


Another good resource is these pages on New in Norway:

For visitors

Work migrants


Residents for asylum reception centres




Yeah ... takk for all links ... but actually I have read them all long time ago and not once ... :)


The question is to get maximally long visa for me that I have as much time being in Norway as this possible !


That I could show all my projects, plans and get all necessary contacts ...


If you want full and wide list of my planning projects which I want to propose to some norwegeans to create and realize them - I can publically provide them ...


This is not problem ... despite I did it many times ...


maybe NOT very detailed but the basical positions you know all the same.

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Tråden er åpnet under tvil.



Fra nå av vil jeg ikke se noen form for personuthenging eller personagrep mot trådstarteren. Ethvert nytt brudd på dette vil få konsekvenser.


Reaksjoner på moderering tas på PM, ikke her i emnet.


En bruker ignorerte ovenstående formaning og fikk posten sin slettet sammen med svarene på denne.


One poster did not follow the above quooted advice from a forum moderator. (Which basically reads "From now on I do not want to see any personal attacks on the person starting this thread.) His post and the replies to this have therefore been deleted from the thread. Keep this civil and serious.


Geir :)

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You could try to contact the YMCA in Ukraine, as I know the Norwegian YMCA has some connections with the Ukrainian one. They might help you in many ways, like contacting the "right" people, providing necessary information etc.




yeah ... one of variant ... many years ago (when I have not comp & net) I did write the letter to "Jehova`s Witnesses" in Norway ...


And ? My house was spammed by local "Jehova`s Witnesses" - they had coming and coming and annoying everyday ...


So the norwegeans even did not write me back but did send to me a local organization for some "recruting".


dirty play - isn`t ? :mad:

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You could try to contact the YMCA in Ukraine, as I know the Norwegian YMCA has some connections with the Ukrainian one. They might help you in many ways, like contacting the "right" people, providing necessary information etc.




yeah ... one of variant ... many years ago (when I have not comp & net) I did write the letter to "Jehova`s Witnesses" in Norway ...


And ? My house was spammed by local "Jehova`s Witnesses" - they had coming and coming and annoying everyday ...


So the norwegeans even did not write me back but did send to me a local organization for some "recruting".


dirty play - isn`t ? :mad:



Dude! The Jehova's Witnesses is a weird sect and has nothing to do with YMCA.

The YMCA in Norway has had meetings where they discussed different matters when it comes to tightening the bonds with the Ukrainian YMCA. Tightening the bonds, as in trying to integrate them more into European and international scouting, as well as helping them economically when they're abroad. If you contacted them, I think they wouldn't hesitate to help you out, even though you're not a member of the organization.


I met a bunch of Ukrainians some years ago at a national YMCA meeting here in Norway, and they seemed to have good connections here in Norway


(I'm apologizing in advance for any spelling errors, tired ^^)

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Hi, I just read on the NRK Tele-text that foreigniers that has an high education degree can apply for å work permit in the Norwegian Embassy.




Believe me - it`s all *fake* - I mean - it`s just the WORDS and some kind of diplomacy and good international manners ...


you can NOT get the job in NORWAY from such state like UKRAINE - untill you being out of Norway and in the same time you can NOT to apply untill you being in Norway !


It`s usual closed circle ...


So how it looks in reality ?


There are 3 variants ONLY ! -


1. If you SOME phenomenal specialist in SOME needing industry which to seeking over the state and over the world this specialist - *you* are such necessary for this industry that even goverment accept this situation and will give you the work permit.


2. If you SO lucky human and some circumstances putting in such way that you even not trying a lot for this *destiny gift* - but the *doom`s gift* heself own going to you in your hands.


3. If SOMEONE! takes a look closer to you and see you what kind of you are Person and what you want to do and so on and this SOMEONE will decide to help you just for charity or understandidg that this is right Person and deserves some help ...


That`s all !


There are NOT any others realistical chances !


I could had them ... these chances - if I was a citizen of a state like Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and so on ...


Surely it`s not the same that being a citizen of close, relative and equal states like Sweden, Finland, Denmark and so on ...


But EVEN being a citizen of these EU-10 (new members) states is real Hope and gives you real chances get such state as Norway ... EVEN despite the fact that Morway is NOT member of EU !


So ... what about we are talking ?


I`m from Ukraine ...


I think in your eyes this is even worse than being from some hell like Pakistan, Iran, Angola or something like this ...


Because *you* give them MORE chances and more open hands than some good, educated, good-willing, wish-to-bloom the Norway, young, talented guy like me ...


Just because that guy from such unrespectable and non-reliable state as Ukraine ...


But ! if he was from Poland ? Yeah ! This is another converstion !


Not from Denmark sure - but OK ... acceptable variant !


The Human and Person is NOTHING ! The Paper and Passport is EVERYTHING !


This is the Truth of Life ! and REAL "World" .





Endret av RostislaV
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