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Lost: Spoilertråd: Rundt kommende episoder


52 stemmer

  1. 1. Hvor mye fra 1-10 likte du at Richard blir med på fulltid i siste sesongen?

    • 1-4
    • 4-6
    • 6-8
    • 8-9
    • 10
  2. 2. Liker du at Charlie er tilbake for 3 episoder i den nye sesongen?

    • Ja, begynte å savne han.
    • Nja...
    • Nei, gi meg Eko istede!
  3. 3. Boone kommer også tilbake, bra eller dårlig?

    • Bra.
    • Dårlig.
  4. 4. Hvem andre vil du ha tilbake?

    • Mr. Eko
    • Tom
    • Ethan
    • Michael
    • Shannon
    • 0
  5. 5. Faraday kommer tilbake, bra eller dårlig?

    • Jævelig bra!!!
    • Dårlig...

Anbefalte innlegg

For det første, jeg ante ikke at Claire ville dukke opp igjen. Men det er nå ikke en stor sak.


For det andre, om så mange dukker opp igjen tyder det på at bomben mer eller mindre fungerte. Jeg vil tippe vi får starten på S1 om igjen, komplett med de aller fleste folkene som var med. Kanskje til og med Michael, selv om han ikke er bekreftet så vidt jeg vet. Men om Charlie bare blir med i tre episoder kan vi jo lure på hvem andre som også er med i så kort tid, og grunnen til det. Kanskje de som dra tilbake i tid husker det som er skjedd og prøver å unngå det? Tenk starten på S1, bortsett fra at de vet hvem Jacob er, de vet hvem The Others er, de vet hvor templet er og så videre. Kan bli interessant. :)

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Eko`s kirke fjernet i fjor, bygd på nytt i år

Fra en fan på The ODI:

Hey All,

We are getting close to the beginning of filming season for Season 6 and we are already getting some set reports sent in!!


Apparently Eko's Church has been rebuilt!! What could this mean? Will we see not just the church but another sign we will see him return??


However according to the report the church seems to possibly be "more advanced" than before.


Here is the full report thanks to Sharkington:


NOTE: We should have pictures soon and will post them once we have them.


Last year, I sent you the first pics of the Other's camp in 1954. This year, I went back to Hawaii and had time to go on Oahu north shore.


They built Eko's church again, and it was more advanced than we had previously seen (I think). Also there was automatic watering system to keep the vegetation green around the church, which tells me they will use it soon. Last year, there was no church at all..




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John Hawkes joins 'Lost' for final season



Nok en HBO-veteran inn i Lost.


Via Hollywoodreporter:

John Hawkes is joining the final season of "Lost" as a recurring.


The "Deadwood" alum will play Lennon, the scruffy, edgy and charismatic spokesperson and translator for the president of a foreign corporation who is far more powerful than it seems from his position. Hawkes, who played budding entrepreneur and politician Sol Star on David Milch's Western "Deadwood," recently co-starred on another HBO series, the offbeat comedy "Eastbound & Down."


His feature credits include "American Gangster" and "Miami Vice."



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David. H Lawrence XVII til Lost



Fra Twitter-profilen hans:



The ODI: Om en scene som ble filmet forrige uke

Here is another small snippet from the filming that took place late last week at the 4-Toed Statue set.


This is just a little bit more about the scene of UnLocke coming out of the statue with Ben and then beating up Richard.


Thanks to Lostie4Life for the details.


Locke walks straight over to Richard, says something like its good to see you haven't aged (or changed) or it's good to see you are still here (as I said it was hard to hear). Then he kneed him in the stomach and as Richard is bent over UnLocke says to the crowd I'm very disappointed in you guys.

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Hiroyuki Sanada til Lost


Popular Japanese actor Hiroyuki Sanada is joining the cast of Lost in the series' final season as a recurring. Details on his character and the number of episodes he will appear in are being kept under wraps.



Casting calls

(karaktern beskrivelsen trenger ikke å bety at karaktern er sånn eller at navnet er riktig)

Episode 6.01:

Paul: Male, 30s to 60s, any ethnicity. Overworked, harried from a long day and many hours, faced with a highly adrenalized situation that forces him to remain calm and tests his ability to keep his wits about him - a test he fails as panic wins out. Will be in episode 602 and must also be avail for episode 603.


Episode 6.02:

Melky: Male, 30s to 40s, any ethnicity. Dangerous looking guy that can be surprisingly calm. Runs a seedy chop shop and not someone to be messed with; has handled many dicey situations and is not thrown by anything.

Jenny: Female, early 30s, any ethnicity. Yuppie, sweet, happy and well off. Never had any problems until she receives heart-breaking news that tears her world apart. While dealing with her personal crisis, she then has to deliver bad news to someone else knowing it will hurt them, too.

Russell: Male, late 20s to early 40s, any ethnicity. Tough guy who takes no gruff from anyone. Executes orders efficiently but has a nice, compassionate streak that surfaces from time to time.


Oppdateringer fra settet(henta fra DarkUFO)


1) Set apparently being used is a big ditch with some sort of "hatch"

2) "Shiny" new Dharma van was spotted close by

3) Several of the cast from the potential hatch explosion scenes have been spotted around


The secret "hatch" set with super tight security was active once again today and our source confirmed that Josh Holloway (Sawyer) was on set and sent along some set pics of the shiny new Dharma Van.




Episode 6.03

Producer: Jean Higgins

Director: Paul Edwards

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Litt lenge siden jeg har posta her nå.


Har kommet fram litt den siste tida. Disse karakterne vil bli sett iløpet av de første episodene(av de som er sett på settet blant annet). Charlie, Dr. Arzt, U.S. Marshal Edward Mars og Neil/“Frogurt”.

Helen(Katey Segal) er også bekreftet skal komme tilbake.


Adam Kitis(forfatter på Lost) om S6 fra "Seattle’s music and arts festival"

1. started with an awesome clip show starting with the lost season 6 promo (Locke in center, back to us with his head turned around) and continuing on with important scenes from season 5, played to knights of cydonia

2. This season's motto could be "All killer, no filler." The pedal is through the floor, and this final season is gonna be amazingly kick-ass

3. There isn't much sex because they can't fit enough in a 45 minutes episode. That, and doing it while having flaming arrows shot at you can be hard.

4. Jack has always been a tortured soul, and will be into the final season

5. "Daniel [Dae Kim] doesn't take off his shirt enough... my god, did I just say that?" - Carlton

6. We saw the three clips: Oceanic, Hurley's Mr. Cluck's commercial, and Kate's appearance on America's Most Wanted (killing her stepdad's assistant, Ryan Milner)

7. "Did everything reset?"-esque questions are what we should be asking. Like we haven't been for 4 months.

8. Master plan? Like somebody else said, more like a roadmap... but yes, they knew where things would lead.

9. Eko would have been another spiritual force on the island, and his plot would have focused around him discovering his spirituality

10. When talking about mapping out the time travel, they mentioned the "finding of the compass" occuring in 1902.

11. "... that's the case with flashbacks, flashforwards, or whatever's in season six..."

12. 3 favorite clips described above. the "fast boat" referenced earlier is the raft from season 1 which was so well-built one of the fastest boats had trouble keeping up with it

13. No surprise thing planned for after season 6, unless disney picks up the franchise sometime later

14. Spirituality will play a large part

15. ethan, cindy, and the children may show up

16. again, there are some things better not knowing, but we will get answers to many things. "There will be a balance of answers and acceptable mystery." - Carlton

17. Last shot of the series is known.

18. LIBBY QUESTION IS THE FINAL QUESTION. Jesus, I would've strangled him with my mind if it was possible.



Diverse oppdateringer fra settet

Hey mate, got a friend who was lucky enough to play an extra for some recent Lost filming. My friend for obvious reasons couldn't say anything direct, but I can pass some onto you and your site. My mate was on an inflight airplane set!. Buddy has never seen the show before, so tried to get as much as I could based on descriptions (and my guesses).


The plane resembles flight 815 and get this mate, on it were Jack, Kate (in cuffs) and with some guy (the marshall? unconfirmed), Sayid, flight attendant lady (Cindy? I think he means), and CHARLIE!!!! Could have been more but that's all my friend could describe. Everyone was in precrash clothing!. Can't say what happened except it looks like Charlie has accident (overdoses?) in the loo. Reset? Alt-Timeline who knows.

Source: Chinese Chicken@DarkUFO


# Inside the terminal, Kate (Evangeline Lilly) was in the handcuffed custody of The Marshall (Fredric Lehne). Meanwhile, Jack (Matthew Fox) emerges, passing a passport station, and appears to head for the exit… but then turns back.

# Kate, now mysteriously loose, passes and exchanges a passing “hey” with Hurley (Jorge Garcia), and heads out of the baggage claim and onto the street. She jumps the line at the taxi stand, and someone yells at her as she gets in a cab. According to a message board post, the angry guy is none other than Neil, a.k.a. “Frogurt” (Sean Whalen).

# Kate jumps into a cab, as The Marshall emerges from the building with a head injury. He runs to security guards waving a piece of paper with a picture, telling them to keep an eye out for Kate. Noticing the cab, he runs after it.


On Wednesday, my good friend Mitchell found the “LOST” production trucks off Nimitz Highway near Fisherman’s Wharf. The crew apparently returned to Pier 2 (the Foreign Trade Zone), which also served as an airport interior in the Season 5 premiere. Apart from that, the rest of the week appears to have been spent behind closed doors at the Hawaii Film Studio.

Read the full report @ Ryan's Hawaii Blog


Hey All,

Here are some more tidbits and filming spoilers for Season 6 from various sources and fans sightings!


1) Today we received a tip that the cast and crew busy filming some airplane scenes at Diamond Head Studios


Thanks once again to Annie for the heads up for the following details posted in the SpoilerTV Forums:


2) More from Airport Taxi scene:

Posted By: Bonky

- It was at "the LA airport circa 2004 Oceanic terminal".

- Edward Mars was around (with a bruise on his head), but not in this scene.

- The scene involved the extra getting in Kate's way as she ran from the airport to get a taxi. As she pushed in, some guy yelled "Hey, lady, there's a line!" That guy was none other than Neil Frogurt.


3) Fan Sighting:

Posted By: Katieb

- Dominic Monaghan was spotted with Matthew Fox and Daniel Dae Kim at a Modest Mouse concert in a club in Oahu on Wednesday night. Hail, hail the gang's all here.


Source: The ODI

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Liten liste over karakterer som retunerer(de bekrefta)



Claire(Mørkehåret denne gangen visstnok, og fulltid)

Lapidus(blitt hovedkarakter i S6)

Illana(blitt hovedkarakter i S6)

Richard(blitt hovedkarkter i S6)




Desmond retunerer i sesongstarten(er forløpig ikke lenger hovedkarakter)


Og selvfølgelig alle som levde i slutten av S6, inkludert Sayid.


Shannon er et kanskje, Maggie Grace er opptatt men har sagt ja hvis det går for henne pga hun er opptatt med filmer.





Alex Linus

Dr. Arzt

Charles Widmore(mulig scener med Sawyer i hans første opptreden i S6)

Charlotte(i voksen form)

Jacob(Mark Pellegrino)

Jacobs fiende(Titus Welliver)



Elloise(ung og gammel)

Zach & Emma(barna The Others kidnappet)


Vincent(erstattet med ny hund denne gangen, selvfølgelig samme rase)

Roger Linus

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Bernard er nok mulig med. Men bare skuespillern som spiller Rose er sett både i Hawaii og på settet. Mulig Sam Anderson gjemmer seg i en bunker på Hawaii da. :p


Maggie Grace er ikke bekreftet per siste nytt på den fronten(3/11)

Update, 10:24 a.m.: An ABC spokesperson confirms that there is no deal in place for Maggie Grace to return to Lost at this time


Despite reports that Lost's hottest bikini-wearer ever Maggie Grace is coming back to the ABC cult fave, I am now told exclusively that Maggie has not yet signed on to return for the final season.


A rep for the actress tells me: "It has not been confirmed that [Maggie] is returning [to Lost]. She has been asked, but nothing more than that."



Glemte å nevne en person; Ethan er med. Med et annet etternavn enn Rom(gjetter dere hvilket?). Og han vil være med på fødslen til en karakter vi kjenner godt, og moren enda mer.

Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor


Disse skuespillerne vil ikke være tilgjengelig for Lost sesong 6:

Mira Furlan(Danielle nåtiden)

Cynthia Watros(Libby)

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Overlevende i "Others"-klær iløpet episode 7-9?

Hey All,

Earlier today we got word that the LOST cast and crew were filming at the majestic Manoa Falls.


Lucky for us and some lucky fans who happened to be on a tour of the area near the falls and spotted the filming today.


No word on what was taking place, but confirmed on set were Sawyer, Kate a blond woman and Sayid. Maybe a continuation of Episode 6x08 Recon but of course with on-island scenes.


I can confirm these people: Sawyer, Sayid, Locke, Kate, Jin, Cindy (all decked out in Others gear), and a whole bunch of Others, including some kids.



Alan Dale(Widmore) og Josh Holloway(Sawyer) filming






Episode 6x8: "Recon" - Bilder av Sawyer og Miles scener off-island


Video av en Alex/Ben scene, rundt episode 6-7



Bekreftet tittler på episoder i sesong 6


Episode Title: LA X

Centric: Diverse

Sendingsdato: 2 Feb 2010



Episode Title: What Kate Does

Centricity: Kate

Sendingsdato: 9th Feb 2010



Episode Title: The Substitute

Centricity: Locke

Sendingsdato: 16th Feb 2010



Episode Title: Lighthouse

Centric: Jack

Sendingsdato: 23 Feb 2010



Episode Title: Sundown

Centric: Sayid eller Sun

Sendingsdato: 2 March 2010



Episode Title: Dr. Linus

Centric: Ben

Sendingsdato: 9 March 2010



Episode Title: Recon

Centric: Rumoured Sawyer(Kan være Miles)

Sendingsdato: 16 March 2010

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