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Lost: Spoilertråd: Rundt kommende episoder


52 stemmer

  1. 1. Hvor mye fra 1-10 likte du at Richard blir med på fulltid i siste sesongen?

    • 1-4
    • 4-6
    • 6-8
    • 8-9
    • 10
  2. 2. Liker du at Charlie er tilbake for 3 episoder i den nye sesongen?

    • Ja, begynte å savne han.
    • Nja...
    • Nei, gi meg Eko istede!
  3. 3. Boone kommer også tilbake, bra eller dårlig?

    • Bra.
    • Dårlig.
  4. 4. Hvem andre vil du ha tilbake?

    • Mr. Eko
    • Tom
    • Ethan
    • Michael
    • Shannon
    • 0
  5. 5. Faraday kommer tilbake, bra eller dårlig?

    • Jævelig bra!!!
    • Dårlig...

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Ok du vet altfor lite. :p


Den innholder jo ingenting nytt annet enn tagline for sesong 6, øyet til Jack er fra tidligere sesonger. De har ikke begynt å filme sesong 6 enda, de er sikkert ikke ferdig med å skrive sesongstarten engang.

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Ok du vet altfor lite. :p


Den innholder jo ingenting nytt annet enn tagline for sesong 6, øyet til Jack er fra tidligere sesonger. De har ikke begynt å filme sesong 6 enda, de er sikkert ikke ferdig med å skrive sesongstarten engang.

Jeg sammenligna bilder med jack sitt øye og det ser ikke ut som om det er jack sitt i teaseren.

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Nok nå, det er Jack. Ingen andre utenom


Angående Juliet er ikke Elisabeth Mitchell ferdig med i Lost.

Kristin@E!Online, date: 14th of may

Can you tell me if Elizabeth Mitchell will appear on Lost in season six? She was my favorite actress on the show, and I think after last night, I may have died a little on the inside. Thank you!

Sources confirm that Elizabeth Mitchell will appear on Lost next year. But does that mean Juliet's alive and a going concern on the show? Well, we're meant to debate all summer who lived and died in the Lost finale, but you will note that she fell hundreds of feet into the waiting arms of a hydrogen bomb. You'll have to do your own calculations about her realistic prospects for survival—there are many variables to include in your equation!—but we've been asked nicely not to show you our answers. Good luck.


Source: E!Online

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Start stand-up`en din i en annen tråd a, plz.



Ser ut som Juliet blir ikke fast hovedkarakter neste sesong. Kanskje de ville fjerne litt tid ved å ha mindre Juliet så de bruker henne bare i noen få episoder neste sesong fordi Claire vil komme tilbake og?


And now for some news that should surprise no one: ABC is expected to announce tomorrow that it has picked up a reboot of the camptastic '80s thriller V and that Lost heroine Elizabeth Mitchell is a full-time castmember.


Translation: She will not be returning to Lost as a series regular.


However, before you go declaring Juliet DOA from last week's detonated hydrogen bomb, I should point out that this piece of scoop comes with a big but attached: Mitchell's Lost days are not done. Multiple sources confirm that the actress is expected to appear in an unspecified number of episodes next season, so it's entirely possible Juliet survived Jughead and her absence will be explained in another way. (Check out Doc Jensen's column this Wednesday for a comprehensive Juliet theorypalooza.)


Source: EW

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Selvin, januar 2010 er ikke bekreftet. Men vi kan anta S6 starter i enten slutten av januar 2010 eller starten av februar 2010.


Virker som om du ikke har fulgt med på Lost azzex, når du tror virkelig ABC ville ha sendt Lost på den måten.

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Selvin, januar 2010 er ikke bekreftet. Men vi kan anta S6 starter i enten slutten av januar 2010 eller starten av februar 2010.


Virker som om du ikke har fulgt med på Lost azzex, når du tror virkelig ABC ville ha sendt Lost på den måten.


sorry, trodde jeg leste noe om det en gang....

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  • 2 uker senere...

Helt riktig LanSi. Hun ville i samråd med Lindelof og Cuse ta en pause hvis forfatterne da fant opp en brukbar grunn for å gi henne pauser i sesong 5. Hun fikk istede en mer fulltidspause. Så hun er blant annet å se i "Enemy`s of The State" med Christian Bale og Johnny Depp nå snart.


At hun ville få fulltidstatus igjen i sesong 6 ble også sagt, selv produsentene sa dette i fjor.

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  • 2 måneder senere...

Comic-Con 09: Sammendrag

1) Parallel with S1 and S6 - DL confirms many characters from season one!

CC: Says there is a way of discovery that they will have in play in S6

2) Faraday confirmed for S6!!

3) Will we see flashbacks to characters' childhood? CC says S6 will be different. CC won't describe what that point of difference is.

4) Richard Alpert's backstory is "involved"

5) DL: Juliet WILL be in final season.

6) Q: Is Man in Black's name "Esau?" Emerson: Might be too literal--but I like the way your mind works.

7) Food drop in S2 finale might be covered... DL: "Something we'll try to address."

8) We won't see much DHARMA in S6

9) Jacob has NOT appeared as another character on the show.

10) Dominic Monaghan appeared on the panel!!!!(Charlie er også bekreftet for 3 episoder denne sesongen av Lost)



Nestor Carbonell bekrefter at Richard var med å drepe eks-mannen til Juliet

Nestor Carbonell on the challenge of playing such a mysterious character: "My first episode was as a recruiter to get Juliet to come to the island. I ended up killing her ex-husband who was stopping her from leaving [for] the island... When I read the material I thought it'd be interesting if I didn't play him - I've got to convince her, so I can't tip her off that I've got some other surreptitious ideas, I've got to be genuine and honest and kind and probably have a good reason for doing this, for killing her ex-husband. So that was always my mantra was just don't play the villain, play him as a human being and to this day I don't really know if he's good or bad or evil or how much of him is good or how much of him is [evil]. Just when I've figured out the character, I open up another script and I say, 'Oh my God, now I'm completely thrown!'"



Greg Grunberg(Seth Norris, piloten) tilbake denne sesongen på Lost?

It might be a busy season for Grunberg, who has also been approached about appearing on Lost. The actor, who played pilot Seth Norris of Oceanic flight 815 in the very first episode, got a call about coming back for the last season of the hit ABC show. Grunberg is totally game for anything the Lost producers can cook up for him, but he has no idea what they are planning. “That’s literally where my call ended,” he says.


Norris didn’t survive the island, but as more of Lost’s characters who met the grim reaper are signing on to appear one last time, it would only be appropriate to bring back the man who flew them to the island in the first place. “If NBC will allow it,” Grunberg says. “I will go back.”


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