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Lost: Spoilertråd: Rundt kommende episoder


52 stemmer

  1. 1. Hvor mye fra 1-10 likte du at Richard blir med på fulltid i siste sesongen?

    • 1-4
    • 4-6
    • 6-8
    • 8-9
    • 10
  2. 2. Liker du at Charlie er tilbake for 3 episoder i den nye sesongen?

    • Ja, begynte å savne han.
    • Nja...
    • Nei, gi meg Eko istede!
  3. 3. Boone kommer også tilbake, bra eller dårlig?

    • Bra.
    • Dårlig.
  4. 4. Hvem andre vil du ha tilbake?

    • Mr. Eko
    • Tom
    • Ethan
    • Michael
    • Shannon
    • 0
  5. 5. Faraday kommer tilbake, bra eller dårlig?

    • Jævelig bra!!!
    • Dårlig...

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Episode 4.07: "Ji Yeon" - CTV + ABC Promo og sneak peeks

ABC og CTV-promoene er så og si like, men poster begge for det.


Se filmen hos Youtube

Se filmen hos Youtube

Se filmen hos Youtube

Se filmen hos Youtube


A Major Death, og andre spoiler ifra Digital Spy om de kommende episodene

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One final warning: if you want to avoid spoilers about what is a pretty major plot twist, then look away now.


In two weeks' time we learn that the final two members of "Oceanic Six" are Jin and Sun. One of the Oceanic Six will also DIE in a flashforward, and I have it on very good authority that the person being killed off is actually one of this pair, but I won't go so far as to say which. Of course, because they're being killed off in the future, they will still be part of the show in the present, any flashbacks to the past and any flashforwards before the point they are killed off. Why couldn't poor Charlie have "died" this way?


The return of Michael (and maybe Walt)

... will come in episode eight - the final before a five-week hiatus - called 'Meet Kevin Johnson'. The episode tracks what happened to Michael (is he now known as Kevin Johnson, perhaps?) since he left the island with his son. According to various reports, there are scenes set in New York where Michael meets up with.. wait for it... Mr. Friendly. Yes, the same Mr. Friendly shot dead by Sawyer at the end of season three.


The Future

Speaking to the New York Post this week, Lost guru Damon Lindelof outlined this roadmap for the final three seasons: "Season 4 is about who gets off the island and the fact that they need to get back. Season 5 is about why they need to get back, and season 6 is about what happens when they get back."


Source: Digital Spy

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okai nye sneak peeks

Kapteinen snakker om forfalskningen av 815 ulykken




Yin og Sun snakker babynamn



Kate sier hva som har skjedd



Sun vil til Locke

oppe i 6 sneak peeks Oo

Endret av Moff
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Hatt en lettere oppdatering på førsteinnlegget og lagt til spoilere ifra episode 7 til 10(de få som ute i skrivende stund siden episodene etter episode 8 enda ikke er i gang med filmingen før neste uke trolig).


Episode 4.08: Meet Kevin Johnson

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Airdate: March 20, 2008

(Michael Dawson "Kevin Johnson"-sentrert)


03/12 - Walt does appear in episode eight, but 100-percent-trustworthy sources tell me that during his blink-of-an-eye appearance, "He is exactly the size that a nine-year-old should be." Source: Kristin on E!Online



Episode 4.09: Bakir?

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Airdate: April 24, 2008



03/04 - Episode nine is gonna feature some richy-rich types who live in a doorman building-the show is now casting for a French-speaking African desk clerk and a "distinguished" doorman. Methinks we're going back to Tunisia... Source: Kristin on E!Online


02/29 - Julie Carlson, the extras casting director for "Lost," is looking for people of all ages who have a Middle Eastern or Arabic appearance to take part in the new episode that begins filming March 10. Source: Honolulu Advertiser


02/28 - Episode 409 features Bakir, a distinguished, 40ish, Middle Eastern man. While charming, there is an underlying menace. Also, a French speaking African woman. Source: secretagentman at TWoP


Episode 4.10: ?

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Airdate: May 1, 2008



03/12 - Walt's Island visitations are alluded to in episode 10, but that's it for explaining the mysteries of Walt for the rest of this much-shorter-than-it-should-be season four. Source: Kristin on E!Online

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Ooh najs får "credit" for å poste :new_woot: Sorry har oppdatert sneak peeksa. De forige med irriterente italiensk sub er bytta ut med nyere uten subs så man kan lettere se hva Sun og Jin snakker om


Hvis du vil oppdatere sneak peeks på første post uten italienske subs =P De sto litt i veien når Sun og Jin snakket på Koreansk. Klarte ikke å deaktivere bb koden så bare sender jutub koden









Endret av Moff
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Ahh bra, de andre der henta jeg ifra en bruker fra Lost-norge skjønner du. Har slutta og se sneak peeks, holder meg til promoer og minst mulig da ;)


Episode 4.07 - Ji Yeon - UGO Preview

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With the first part of Season 4's episodes rapidly dwindling, expect major revelations from the upcoming "Yi Jeon" and "Meet Kevin Johnson." For a spoilerish look at "Yi Jeon" read on.


"Yi Jeon" is a Sun/Jin Joint flashback that plays out in the days following the Tempest fiasco. With it becoming increasingly obvious that there is no rescue, Sun and Jin decide to evacuate to camp Locke, against Juliet's better judgment.


Remember last season's episode D.O.C.? The good news was that Sun's baby was fathered by Jin, the not so good news was that mothers who are impregnated on the island wind up dying on the island. So will Juliet be able to convince the duo to hold off on moving to Lockeville? Unlikely, but there make be hope for them yet...in the future.


Remember Desmond and Sayid. Yeah, they sort of left them out this week right? Don't worry because next week the two are not only going to meet the Captain of the freighter, they are going to have a chance encounter with a very familiar face at the end of the episode, and you'll not only find yourself asking why, but how this person is on the freighter. The answers are coming in "Meet Kevin Johnson."


Camp Locke is going to have a bit of excitement, we're finally going to find out what happened to Miles after his hand grenade breakfast. Trust me, he's okay, but he might have some choice words for somebody.


Back to the question of the final two members of the Oceanic 6. Doesn't the fact that it is two really speak volumes about who those two are? It's Rose and Bernard, naturally. Okay so it isn't, but who it is must be painfully obvious so its hardly worth mentioning.


The last thing you should know about this episode is that it features a major character death. Yes, I was kind of casual about mentioning that, and there is a reason for it. A reason that will have you hailing the genius of the Lost crew. Hang in there, you can make it.


Source: UGO

Endret av Mahavishnu
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Jeg er Kompe på lost norge. Barre surra fælt med de Italienske. Kunne ikke la være å ikke dele sneak peeksa der og her. Selv om det er hele 6 sneak peeks klarer jeg aldri å holde meg unna ;)

Endret av Moff
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Mange av kildene som DarkUFO, E!Online og TVGuide har sagt siden langt tilbake til minst september at Sayid, Kate, Jack, Hurley, Sun og Jin er O6. Så ærlig talt er jeg veldig usikker, fordi vi kan ikke regne med enten Ben eller Aaron som det siste medlemet. Å ting legger seg opp til at Jin og sun var de siste sidene promoene la til at de to siste ble avslørt i Ji Yeon. Kan hende Michael er siste O6`ern, selv om vi vet han har vært av øya.

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Nei, fordi det er riktig i form av hva kildene har skjønt. Kildene som da så workprint/råkopi av episoden som testseer ikke forsto at Jin hadde flashback og Sun et flashforward med en slutt med at Jin var død(Digital Spy). Testseerne er ikke folk som er fans av serien stort sett, så de kan ikke nødvendigvis forstå at 22/9 - 2004 er datoen flyet kræsjet o.s.v. Alt hva jeg poster her har vist seg å være sant, selv om ting kan misforståes av både kilden eller oss(som i dette tilfellet).


Er det noe som kommer fra utroverdig kilde så bemerker jeg det med en advarsel, men jeg holder meg unna posting av sånne spoilere både på Lost-norge.net og her.


Hvorfor mange har sagt at Jin er en av O6 sammen med alle andre som har vist seg å være dem lenge før episodene ble vist er usikkert, så ting kan kanskje ha blitt endret under produksjonen.

Endret av Mahavishnu
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Etter at Sayid var klar som en av O6 og Desmond ble dårlig i The Constant. Så trodde jeg på Jin / Sun. Ikke fordi jeg hadde lest det i en spoiler, men fordi alle som var langt unna "The Hatch" når den imploderte var fri for påvirkninger som ville føre til tilstanden som George M og Desmond fikk.

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Episode 4.09: Bakir - Sayid/Ben-centric

Here is a nice little scoop that I'd like to share with you all. One of my contacts in Hawaii, called "Hawaii Girl" has just been in contact with me and sent me the following information from yesterdays filming. We can confirm the following snippets.


We hope to get confirmation of the Title (which has been rumoured as Bakir, a character in the episode) and if is indeed a Sayid or Ben centric episode. I strongly suspect that it is a Sayid Centric episode but we'll have to wait and see on that.


Here are some photos from the filming. You can see the photo of Nadia being held by one of the extras on the set that was placed on the coffin.


- Sayid is indeed in Episode 4.09

- Sayid is one of the Pallbearers at his former love, Nadia's, funeral

- According to other sources Ben was also seen "close by" and ties in with recent spoilers and photos posted here from Ryan in with Michael Emerson was spotted.


Bilder av innspillinga av episoden(Ben, begravelsen til Nadia og annet):

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Source: Hawaii Girl@DarkUFO


Ryktes også at vi skal få en Ben episode allerede noen få episoder etter denne, ettersom mange hint har hintet til dette og castingen søker etter noen som kanskje skal spille Ben før han kom til øya og hans tid på øya som blant annet ungdom(ala Karl sin alder nå).


LOST, Episode #411

Producer: Jean Higgins

Director: Paul Edwards

Location: Hawaii

Shoots: 4/2 - 4/15/08



Caucasian, green eyes, sweet, shy, tentative and smart. Has to take a test and becomes nervous about passing. NICE CO-STAR.



Plays as 16 or 17, Caucasian, green eyes. Angry, a little nerdy, defiant and rebellious. There's a lot more to this kid than meets the eye. Tries to fight back against older, stronger boys but is pushed into a locker. NICE CO-STAR.



Plays as 16, Caucasian, red hair (or willing to dye hair red). Emotional, prone to dramatic gestures, passionately in love and fights with her Mom about it. NICE CO-STAR.

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