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loading XML entites in descending order

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for my project i have decided to create a news page where articles are loaded from an xml file.


what i have:

at the moment my articles are kept in separate xml files and are loaded into html in ascending order.


what i want:

being news, id like to have the latest articles to be displayed first, and along side this, id also like to be able to keep all my articles in 1 xml file.


this is the code i have created thus far:

include_once 'includes/common.inc.php';

$handle = opendir($fileDir);
while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) {
if (is_dir($fileDir . $file)) continue;
if (!eregi("^news.*\.xml$", $file)) continue;

$news = simplexml_load_file($fileDir . $file);
 $id = htmlentities($news['id']);
 $title = htmlentities($news->title);
 echo '<div id="article">';
 echo '<div id="article-top">';
 echo '<h2>' . ($title) . '</h2>'; 
 echo '<h5>' . htmlentities($news->pubdate) . '</h5>';
 echo '</div>';
 echo '<p>' . htmlentities($news->body) . '</p>';
 echo '<a name="' . ($id) . '" id="' . ($title) . '"></a>';
 echo '</div>';


can anyone help me?

any help is appreciated...



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ingen kan xml ??





for my  project i have decided to create a news page where articles are loaded from an xml file.


what i have:

at the moment my articles are kept in separate xml files and are loaded into html in ascending order.


what i want:

being news, id like to have the latest articles to be displayed first, and along side this, id also like to be able to keep all my articles in 1 xml file.


this is the code i have created thus far:

include_once 'includes/common.inc.php';

$handle = opendir($fileDir);
while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) {
if (is_dir($fileDir . $file)) continue;
if (!eregi("^news.*\.xml$", $file)) continue;

$news = simplexml_load_file($fileDir . $file);
 $id = htmlentities($news['id']);
 $title = htmlentities($news->title);
 echo '<div id="article">';
 echo '<div id="article-top">';
 echo '<h2>' . ($title) . '</h2>'; 
 echo '<h5>' . htmlentities($news->pubdate) . '</h5>';
 echo '</div>';
 echo '<p>' . htmlentities($news->body) . '</p>';
 echo '<a name="' . ($id) . '" id="' . ($title) . '"></a>';
 echo '</div>';


can anyone help me?

any help is appreciated...




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Ja jeg vil sortere den slik at den siste nyheten kommer først.

Jeg har denne filen ,ikke Xpath


include 'security.inc.php';
include_once '../common.inc.php';

$doc = new DOMDocument();
$root = $doc->createElement('news');
$root = $doc->appendChild($root);

$timestamp = date('YmdHis');
do {
$id = 'news' . $timestamp++;
} while (file_exists($fileDir . $id . '.xml'));
$root->setAttribute('id', $id);

$author = $doc->createElement('authorid');
$atext = $doc->createTextNode($_POST['authorid']);

$cat = $doc->createElement('categoryid');
$ctext = $doc->createTextNode($_POST['categoryid']);

$head = $doc->createElement('headline');
$htext = $doc->createTextNode($_POST['headline']);

$url = $doc->createElement('url');
$utext = $doc->createTextNode($_POST['url']);

$desc = $doc->createElement('description');
$dtext = $doc->createTextNode($_POST['description']);

$pub = $doc->createElement('pubdate');
$pubtext = $doc->createTextNode(date('Y-m-d'));

$stat = $doc->createElement('status');
$stext = $doc->createTextNode($_POST['status']);

$key = $doc->createElement('keywords');
$ktext = $doc->createTextNode($_POST['keywords']);

$filename = $fileDir . $id . '.xml';

header('location: newstool.php');




Du ønsker altså å sortere artikler fra en XML-fil etter dato? Sånt har man vel XPath til?

Bare å kjøre $news->xpath('SOME QUERY') for å få resultatet.





Du ønsker altså å sortere artikler fra en XML-fil etter dato? Sånt har man vel XPath til?

Bare å kjøre $news->xpath('SOME QUERY') for å få resultatet.


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