Paull Skrevet 24. mars 2007 Del Skrevet 24. mars 2007 (endret) De fleste har sikkert hatt æren av å luktet en våt hund en eller annen gang i livet, og det er ikke særlig stas. Lett gjenkjennelig lukt. Men, jeg har opptil flere ganger opplevd at jeg har bestilt en halvliter øl på et utested, og så lukter det våt hund av glasset/innholdet. Så det jeg lurer på er; hvorfor er lukta så lik, og hvorfor lukter ølglasset slik av og til? Lurer på om jeg ikke har lukta det samme av noen av krus/kopper jeg har tatt ut av min egen oppvaskmaskin også.. Edit: Har funnet noe på RESULTS Sixteen compounds were found to be important odorants in dry dog hair coat vs. 22 in wet dog hair coat. Water addition to dog hair and incubation caused substantial changes in the volatile compounds observed. Many compound groups showed increases upon water addition: strong sulfur, medicinal, or fecal smelling odors (dimethyl trisulfide, phenol, p-cresol), mushroom (1-octen-3-ol), fruity (2-nonanone), floral (â-damascenone), and earthy smelling (2,3-diethyl-5-methylpyrazine) odors, and branched or complex aldehydes (2, and 3-methyl butanal, isobutanal, 2E-octenal, acetaldehyde, benzaldehyde, phenylacetaldehyde, 2E-nonanal). Of those compounds measured, benzaldehyde, phenylaldehyde, acetaldehyde, phenol, and 2-methyl butanal showed the largest increases with 32, 6, 5, 5 and 4 times the dry hair value, respectively. Concurrent with these increases, analytical results show decreases in straight chain aldehydes upon water addition (hexanal, heptanal, and decanal). However, the changes in levels of octanal and nonanal were dog dependent. Isovaleric acid, hexanal, and heptanal showed the largest decreases upon water addition to the hair. CONCLUSION There are many volatile compounds which individually do not have odors associated with "dog smell", however, in combination, these compounds produce the typical "dog smell" that many people describe as unpleasant. There is a complex pattern of changes in the volatile compounds associated with wetting of brushed dog hair. This pattern appears to manifest as "wet dog" odor. While some amount of change in odor would be expected due to the different partition coefficients when water is added to the hair, the variety of differences indicates a probable chemical or biochemical reaction on the hair. Men jeg har litt for lite peiling på kjemi til at det sier meg så allverdens.. For å relatere til det opprinnelige spørsmålet, så vil jeg tippe det er et tegn på at det er noe snusk i glasset som ikke har blitt vasket bort ordentlig? Endret 24. mars 2007 av Paull Lenke til kommentar
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