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umm kjøpte hele serien om "Sagaen om isfolket" av Margit Sandemo

(ja, jeg vet.. Skam på meg som leser "husmorporno")

Dette er en utrolig god serie, til tross for den såkalte "Sjangeren" :)


Min siste bok?


Spellbound: The Legend of the Ice People 1 av Margit Sandemo. :)


Ca kr 100 på amazon.


Ahh :w00t: jeg er ikke alene!

Den kom ut på engelsk i år, hvis jeg ikke tar feil.

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Dress your family in corduroy and denim - david sedaris (hvorfor har jeg ikke hørt om han før? mannen er genial). 35 polske slotty.


slam - nick Hornby

+ and the ass saw the angel - nick cave. 200kr bokkilden.

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L.E. Modesitt jr. - The Forever Hero - Trilogy Bokklubben.no 0kr (Gavekort)


"L. E. Modesitt, Jr's first major work was a trilogy of SF adventure novels published as paperback originals in the 1980s: "Dawn for a Distant Earth", "The Silent Warrior", and "In Endless Twilight". Together they form "The Forever Hero". Thousands of years in the future, Earth is a desolate ruin. The first human ship to return in millennia discovers an abandoned wasteland inhabited only by a few degenerate or mutated human outcasts. But among them is a boy of immense native intelligence and determination who is captured, taken in, and educated, and disappears--to grow up to become the force behind a plan to make Earth flower again. He is, if not immortal, at least very long-lived, and he plans to build an independent power base out in the galaxy and force the galactic empire to devote centuries and immense resources to the restoration of the ecology of Earth."


Guy Gavriel Kay - Tigana Bokklubben.no 0kr (Gavekort)


"One by one, the divided provinces of The Peninsula of the Palm had fallen, conquered by the armies and the sorcery of the two Tyrants. Now, Alberico of Barbadior holds the provinces of the Eastern Palm while Brandin of Ygrath rules the West, and normality of a sort has returned to the peninsula. But for one province there can be no peace. For there is one land that dared to spill the blood of Brandin's beloved son. A land that has been broken and burned, its towers razed and its people crushed, and through the dark magics of the Tyrant of Ygrath, had its very name erased from the world. It falls to a small band of exiles from this shattered land to attempt to achieve what nine provinces could not, and bring down not one, but two, tyrants. Driven by fierce pride, love and the memory of what was, this brave handful of men and women will risk all that they have to return freedom to the Palm, and to hear once more the music of a forgotten name: Tigana."


Alistair Maclean - The Golden Gate Amazon.co.uk £3.96


"A tense and nerve-shattering classic from the highly acclaimed masster of action and suspense. A ROLLING FOR KNOX is how the journalists describe the Presidential motorcade as it enters San Francisco across the Golden Gate. Even the ever-watchful FBI believe it is impregnable - as it has to be with the President and two Arab potentates aboard. But halfway across the bridge the unthinkable happens. Before the eyes of the world a master criminal pulls off the most spectacular kidnapping in modern times!"

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John Connolly - The Book Of Lost Things £2.76 Play.com


"'Once upon a time, there was a boy who lost his mother !' As twelve-year-old David takes refuge from his grief in the myths and fairytales so beloved of his dead mother, he finds the real world and the fantasy world begin to blend. That is when bad things start to happen. That is when the Crooked Man comes. And David is violently propelled into a land populated by heroes, wolves and monsters in his quest to find the legendary Book of Lost Things.


If you're looking for a typical murder-mystery book, The Book of Lost Things definitely isn't it. Author John Connolly manages to combine outrageous, yet believable fantasy with horrific murders while he entertains you with a story that holds you in thrall. Mr. Connolly is probably best known for his Charlie Parker series, but The Book of Lost Things provides the weird adventures of a twelve-year-old boy. John Connolly's imagination runs rampant, producing a hilarious twist on certain very familiar fairy stories as well as grim pseudo-reality."

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Alistair Maclean - The Golden Gate Amazon.co.uk £3.96



En svært god bok ;)


Mine siste:


Jeffery Deaver - "The Coffin Dancer" og "The Bone Collector"

Gunnar Staalesen: "Svarte får", "Bukken til havresekken" og "Tornerose sov i hundre år"


Ca 200 kr på www.brukbarbok.no

Endret av Degeim
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Emperor: The Gods of War

av Conn Iggulden


Dette er bok 4 i en serie på 4 bøker, handler om Caesar og romerriket. Anbefales på det sterkeste for andre å lese. Jeg leste de 3 første bøkene på norsk, pga jeg lånte dem av en venn, men 4. boken er ikke kommet på norsk enda.


Anbefales også å lese alle bøkene på engelsk - er en del dårlige oversettelser og også skrivefeil flere steder på norsk. Gode bøker still, men ødelegger liksom litt. Blir mer epic på engelsk.


Serien, kronologisk fra bok 1-4 norsk/engelsk:


Keiseren: Romas porter / Emperor: The Gates of Rome

Keiseren: Kongers død / Emperor: The Death of Kings

Keiseren: Sverdets mark / Emperor: The fields of Swords

Keiseren: Krigens guder / Emperor: The Gods of War


Usikker på pris siden jeg har lånt de 3 første. De fås btw i hardbook cover, tror ikke man får den engelske utgaven slik, bare i pocket. Men men, noen liker det best også. Vet heller ikek hva 4. bok kostet, pga mamma som kjøpte den for meg - men regner med under 200 kr.

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John Connolly - The Black Angel £2.33 Play.com


"To those who have been forsaken, hell has no geography. The Black Angel begins with the disappearance of a young prostitute from one of New York City's seamiest neighborhoods. Like so many tormented souls before her, the girl's mother is inevitably drawn to Charlie Parker's doorstep desperate for redemption and revenge. Despite the danger that his chosen profession imposes on his wife and newborn daughter, Parker knows that the woman and her troubles cannot be ignored. As always, he is driven as much by the evil that simmers in the hidden honeycomb world as he is by the ties of friendship and blood. As Parker gets closer to the girl's captors, he discovers that her disappearance is linked to a church of bones in Eastern Europe, to the slaughter at a French monastery in 1944, and to the myth of an object known as the Black Angel -- an object considered by evil men to be beyond priceless. But the Black Angel is not a legend. It is real. It lives. It dreams. And the mystery of its existence may contain the secret of Parker's own origins."

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Gert Nygårdshaug - Mengele Zoo

Funka godt i sommervarmen den! :)

Kjøpte den i dag. Har store forventninger :)


Kjøpte i tillegg bok 3 og 4 om Arn. De var innbundet men kostet allikevel bare 99,-

Riket ved veiens ende og Arven etter Arn

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