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Gjest Slettet+12348972834

Tom Egeland - Paktens voktere - 149,-


Erlend Loe - Kurt 3 - 99,- Alle tre bøkene om Kurt i én:D


Ingvild H. Rishøi - La Stå - 99,-


Jostein Gaarder - Sofies Verden - 99.00,-


fra bokklubben.no

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jo Nesbø - Hodejegerne Gave


"Roger Brown er Norges mest vellykkede hodejeger. Han er gift med den vakre gallerieieren Diana Strom-Eliassen. For å finansiere det luksuslivet de lever, driver Roger med en farlig bigeskjeft som kunsttjuv. Rogers opplegg går knirkefritt heilt til han møter nederlandske Clas Greve. Han er tilsynelatende den perfekte kandidaten til toppstillinga i det elektronikkfirmaet Roger jobber som hodejeger for; han eier også et nærmest uvurderlig bilde av Rubens. Å bryte seg inn hos Greve går problemfritt, men på vei ut med maleriet oppdager Roger noe som gjør at snart er han den som jaktes på."


David Gemmell - Sword In The Storm 99kr Bokklubben.no


"Sword In The Storm is the first in the Rigante Series and traces the young life of Connavar--a Rigante tribesman with the mark of greatness upon him. Fighting against the flaws of his own character, the prophecies of invasion from across the water, and feted as both hero and villain, Connavar strives to secure the lands of his birth for his people through joy, tragedy and every shade in between.


This is the beginning of another epic saga from arguably the finest fantasy writer in Britain today. Following in the footsteps of the classic Drenai series and the tales of The Jerusalem Man, this offering will not disappoint Gemmell devotees. Sword In The Storm is easy on the eye and offers up a hero that can be both loved and hated in equal measure. Quite simply, David Gemmell has done it again.


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The Complete Chronicles of Conan (Centenary Edition) - Robert E. Howard. 925 sider med spenningsfylte Conanfortellinger. Jeg fikk svingt meg rundt til å kjøpe denne boka når jeg så den mens jeg var på bokjakt i Outland i Trondheim, etter jeg hadde kjøpt Age of Conan :)


Så langt så har de fleste fortellingene i boka innfridd så det holder! Det er faktisk litt avslappende å lese fantasy i kort form for en gangs skyld.



'Howard was the Thomas Wolfe of fantasy, and most of his Conan tales seem to almost fall over themselves in their need to get out' - Stephen King.

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Wheel of Time 2, 4 og 8, dvs: "The Great Hunt", "Shadow Rising" og "Path of the Daggers". Tilsammen 100 kr på Libris-butikken her i byen. Var "ta tre til 100 kr"-tilbud, og de sa at de skulle legge ut resten av serien til uka, så da blir det innkjøp av hele Wheel of Time-serien, som jeg jo må si nesten er på tide, selv om jeg oftest låner på blibliotek, og har lest serien to ganger før

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David Bishop - Fiends of the Eastern Front Play.com £6.71


"Black Flame are proud to present the collected edition of David Bishop's "World War Two" magnum opus. From the Russian front in 1941, the Siege of Leningrad in 1942, to the bloody climax in Berlin, 1945, we see Lord Constanta dictate his vampire cadre to influence the outcome of the war with unholy terror. "Fiends of the Eastern front" mixes the gritty realism of war, rich military detail and alternate history. "

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David Gemmell - Dark Moon £5 Amazon Marketplace.


"The three elder races were believed gone, but now one of them, a xenophobic warrior people has been reawakened. Standing between this enemy and the destruction of all mankind are three heroes; Karis, a warrior woman with a brilliant tactical mind, Duvodas, a pacifist and worker of magic and Tarantio, who harbours a demonic alter-ego named Dace."

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I Am Legend

- Richard Matheson


Mother Tongue: The English Language

- Bill Bryson


Bryson's Dictionary of Troublesome Words: A Writer's Guide to Getting It Right

- Bill Bryson


Shakespeare: The World as a Stage (Eminent Lives)

- Bill Bryson


Never Let Me Go

- Kazuo Ishiguro


The Stand

- Stephen King



- William Gibson


Get Thee to a Punnery: An Anthology of Intentional Assaults Upon the English Language

- Richard Lederer


420,- for alt på The Book Depository.

Endret av Skarstad
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Fikk 8 bøker fra bokklubbens salg, alle til 79kr stykket.


Robert Wilson - De skjulte morderne

Diane Setterfield - Den trettende fortellingen

Gert Nygårdshaug - Mengele Zoo

William Boyd - Hvileløs

Tom Egeland - Paktens voktere

Mark Billingham - Reddhare

Frank Schãtzing - Svermen

Andre Bjerke - Døde menn går i land / Skjult Mønster

Endret av SteinErik
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Douglas Adams - The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


Seconds before Earth is demolished to make way for a galactic freeway, Arthur Dent is plucked off the planet by his friend Ford Prefect, a researcher for the revised edition of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy who, for the last fifteen years, has been posing as an out-of-work actor. Together, this dynamic pair begin a journey through space aided by a galaxyful of fellow travelers: Zaphod Beeblebrox, the two-headed, three-armed ex-hippie and totally out-to-lunch president of the galaxy; Trillian (formerly Tricia McMillan), Zaphod's girlfriend, whom Arthur tried to pick up at a cocktail party once upon a time zone; Marvin, a paranoid, brilliant, and chronically depressed robot; and Veet Voojagig, a former graduate student obsessed with the disappearance of all the ballpoint pens he's bought over the years. Where are these pens? Why are we born? Why do we die? Why do we spend so much time in between wearing digital watches? For all the answers, stick your thumb to the stars!


Kjøpt i Orlando for rundt 20 dollar. :)

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umm kjøpte hele serien om "Sagaen om isfolket" av Margit Sandemo

(ja, jeg vet.. Skam på meg som leser "husmorporno")

Dette er en utrolig god serie, til tross for den såkalte "Sjangeren" :)


Kjøpte også "Muleum" av Erlend Loe for kort tid siden.

It's Erlend Loe!!

'Nough said

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Colin Harrison - Manhattan Nocturne Amazon.co.uk £3.96


"Manhattan tabloid reported Porter Wren has an appetite for the city's dirtiest scandals. On the beat, he sells, murder, tragedy, and anything that passed for the truth. At home, he's happily married with two kids. Then one clandestine night, he risks everything he has on the seduction of a stranger...

Her name is Caroline Crowley, widowed by the unsolved murder of her late husband — a man with a nasty little hobby. Caroline has the vidoes to prove it. A ruthless billionaire who indulged in her husband's sordid games wants the evidence buried — along with anyone who has it.


But the enigmatic Caroline wants more than Porter's help. She knows he can't refuse. He's already crossed the line — and on the run in an escalating nightmare of blackmail, deception, and sexual obsession. For Porter, the only way out is murder — if the truth doesn't kill him first.



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umm kjøpte hele serien om "Sagaen om isfolket" av Margit Sandemo

(ja, jeg vet.. Skam på meg som leser "husmorporno")

Dette er en utrolig god serie, til tross for den såkalte "Sjangeren" :)


Min siste bok?


Spellbound: The Legend of the Ice People 1 av Margit Sandemo. :)


Ca kr 100 på amazon.

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Min siste bok?


Spellbound: The Legend of the Ice People 1 av Margit Sandemo. :)


Ca kr 100 på amazon.


Er boka sendt? Viss ikkje så kan du avbestille den og så legge inn en bestilling hos Play.com og få boka for ca 56-57kr. HER


Den er også billig HER hos The Book Depository, £5.31 - ca 53-54kr

Endret av SteinErik
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