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Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: Holly(20345)

Holly(20345): Welcome to ChaCha!

Holly(20345): Please be more specific as to what you're looking for on this topic.

You: hi

Holly(20345): Hello

Holly(20345): What can I help you search for today?

You: so, how many people are actually working here?

Holly(20345): around 80000

You: wow. how does the company earn money??

Holly(20345): What can I help you with?

You: how does this company earn money?

Holly(20345): would you like some sites about chacha company?

You: hmm, whatever. do you know how many hairs an average cat has?

Holly(20345): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended


Mistenker at dette blir den nye Smarterchild :)

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det var ganske fett :p


hvor i ######### får de lønna si fra?? :p


Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Ring: ...

Status: Connected to guide: Daniel(83278)

Daniel(83278): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: hello

Daniel(83278): Hello

You: I`m trying to find a guide to overcloking

You: can you help me?

Daniel(83278): Sure. Just a few moments please :)

You: thx

You: do you find anything?

You: thank you very much ;)

You: See ya

Daniel(83278): You're welcome :) Have a greast evening

Daniel(83278): *great

se på siste; *great... er hvertfall ikke en bot


vel. det finnes vel en grense for hva de kan finne :p


You: can you get me any pics of cute little cats with one damaged paw and a little lack of hairs??

Joshua(47258): sure

Joshua(47258): please give me a few minutes to research tihs

You: thanx

Joshua(47258): Thanks for being patient! Rest assured I'm finding the most relevant results for your search.

Endret av Hagr
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Hadde en skikkelig koselig samtale med en Kathy... Selv om de bare får betalt for de første 6 minuttene av hver samtale så snakket vi en evighet. Hehe.. dette var gøy  :)


Hvordan klarte du det? Jeg prøvde legge opp til en samtale, men fyren bare stengte hele greia. :(

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Gjest Slettet-xZFMnIz6

Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Ring: ...

Status: Connected to guide: Katie(76045)

Katie(76045): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: hi!

Katie(76045): Hi!

Katie(76045): What kind of picture can I find for you?

You: I want a random picture of anything, please

You: have fun

Katie(76045): Ok, then.

You: thanks

Katie(76045): Nothing specific you would like?

You: nope

Katie(76045): Any theme?

You: nope

You: you choose

Katie(76045): ok, just a moment please.

You: finding anything?

Katie(76045): There is a picture to your right.

Katie(76045): Can I find something more for you?

You: yeah

You: one more favour, please

Katie(76045): What can I do for you?

You: eat a cookie vefore you leave the room you're sitting in, okay?

Katie(76045): Why?

You: It tastes good

You: you should try

Katie(76045): Ok.Is there anything more I can search for you today?

You: I have years of experience

You: no thank you

You: bye bye!

Katie(76045): Ok then.

Katie(76045): Have a nice day!

Katie(76045): Bye!

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Prøvde å bruke ChaCha til dette, de var ikke så flinke. Han trodde Tore var en kunstner, en vulkan eller et sted i Skottland.


Ring: ...

Status: Connected to guide: justin(81780)

justin(81780): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: Hi

justin(81780): hi

justin(81780): what can i search for you today

You: I need a picture of "Tore på sporet" (Norwegian TV celebrity), dressed as a tourist, you know with a belly bag and all

You: No Tore på sporet isn't an artist

You: Nor a volcano

justin(81780): nor you wrote tore

You: What?

justin(81780): Are these results sufficient?

You: No

You: He is a TV celebrity

Transfer: You are being transfered to another guide who can help you search even better!

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De kan ofte ikke så mye. Spurte om sider om tyskland _etter_ andre verdenskrig, men fikk kun linker til sider _før_ og _under_ krigen :roll: Hyggelig er de i alle fall. Stort sett.


Tips: Svar så fort som mulig. Tålmodigheten er ikke alltid på topp!

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Neinei, umulig at det kan være en bug i systemet deres. :roll:


Status: Connected to guide: Freda(80651)

Freda(80651): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: You're the fourth guide, I think I'll give up..

Freda(80651): Hello!

Freda(80651): What exactly are you looking for?

You: Hang on

You: I need a picture of "Tore på sporet" (Norwegian TV celebrity), dressed as a tourist, you know with a belly bag and all

Freda(80651): Is there something I can search for you today?

You: However, the previous guides thought Tore was a place in Scotland, a volcano or a painting even though I said it was a TV celebrity

Freda(80651): Are you wanting information on the tv celebrity "Tore"?

You: No

You: A picture of him

You: With tourist clothes, on his travels

Freda(80651): Sure, just one moment please.

You: With a bellybag and all

You: Do you understand?

Freda(80651): I will see what I can find for you.

Freda(80651): Is it Tore Birkedal?

You: Uhm

Freda(80651): Do you know what the last name would be?

Freda(80651): Birkedal? Sansonetti?

You: I did a quick Google search for Tore Birkedal, no pictures of the man

Freda(80651): What is he famous for?

You: Tore Strømøy

You: He ran a TV show, where he looked up old relatives and such to the audience

You: And reunited them

Freda(80651): Do you know waht the name of the show was?

You: Tore På Sporet

Freda(80651): Are you still there?

You: Yes

Freda(80651): Do you know what the name of the show was?

You: Tore På Sporet

You: Did you recieve the message?

You: Maybe it's not accepting messages with æøå in

Freda(80651): Which message?

You: You: Tore På Sporet

You: I mean not you, me

Freda(80651): Is that the name of the show?

You: Tore På Sporet

You: Yes

Freda(80651): Ok, maybe that will help.

Freda(80651): Do you know the last name?

You: Yeah

Freda(80651): What is his last name?

You: Strømøy

Freda(80651): What did you say the name of the show was?

You: Tore På Sporet

Freda(80651): Due to no response this session will automatically end in one minute.

You: I am responding

You: I said what the show was named

You: Or was it from the other side?

Freda(80651): " Did you Receive the Message"

You: Now I'm confused

Freda(80651): There is not a show with either of those names. Do you know the last name of Tore?

You: Yes, I've said it like three times

You: It's Strømøy

Freda(80651): I need to know the last name please.

You: I just said it

You: Right under the message 'Yes, I've said it like three times'

Freda(80651): You have not given me the last name.

Freda(80651): I am not seeing that on my screen.

You: Then there is a bug in your system, all messages containing the three nordic letters won't send

You: øæå

Freda(80651): What is the last name?

You: The problem is that whenever I say the last name, you won't recieve it

Freda(80651): Why is that?

You: Because of a bug in your system

You: When I send a message with the three nordic letters

You: It won't show up at you, but it does at me

Freda(80651): There is no bug because everything else is coming through.

You: Apart from the messages with the three nordic letters

You: Repeat this message to confirm you recieved it. æøå

You: I sent you a message that told you to repeat my message to confirm you recieved it

You: Did you recieve it?

Freda(80651): Try searching it on the site I just sent you and let me know if that helps you.

You: It has no information about that show

Freda(80651): Yes, I confirm that I received ti.

You: Then repeat the message

You: The message I sent, that is

Freda(80651): Did you locate who you were looking for on the site I sent you?

Freda(80651): I am trying to help you locate the results that you are looking for.

You: I looked for the show Tore På Spore

Freda(80651): Can you type his last name on there and locate him?

You: Yes, no results.

Freda(80651): Well if we as guides are unable to receive the last name then we are unable to help you locate it.

You: Well what do you think about the bug?

Freda(80651): Is there anything else on this topic I can locate for you?

You: I'd like somewhere to report ChaCha bugs.

Freda(80651): Visit ChaCha.com

Freda(80651): Have a great day!

Freda(80651): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended.

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