pedsti Skrevet 10. mars 2007 Del Skrevet 10. mars 2007 hei, når jeg prøver og poste noe på siden min så kommer denne feil meldingen opp: Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /mnt/home4/s/public_html/inc/plugins.php on line 193 Jeg er helt blank på php og scriptet jeg bruker er Aj-fork.. her er koden som brukes i plugins.php filen: Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor <?php define('ROOTPATH', $cutepath ? $cutepath : '.'); define('CURRENT_APPLICATION', 'CN:AJ'); define('ACTIVE_PLUGINS_FILE', ROOTPATH.'/data/active-plugins.php'); define('PLUGINS_DIRECTORY', ROOTPATH.'/plugins'); define('PLUGINS_DATA_DIRECTORY', ROOTPATH.'/data/plugins'); define('PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FILE', PLUGINS_DATA_DIRECTORY.'/settings.php'); define('PLUGIN_XFIELDS_FILE', PLUGINS_DATA_DIRECTORY.'/xfields-data.php'); define('PLUGIN_FRAMEWORK_VERSION', '1.1.5'); define('PLUGIN_DEFAULT_PRIORITY', 50); function LoadActivePlugins() { foreach (active_plugins() as $plugin_filename => $active) { $path = PLUGINS_DIRECTORY.'/'.$plugin_filename; if (is_file($path)) include($path); else disable_plugin($plugin_filename); } } function plugin_enabled($plugin_filename) { $plugins = active_plugins(); if ($plugins[$plugin_filename]) return true; else return false; } function enable_plugin($plugin_filename) { $plugins = active_plugins(); $plugins[$plugin_filename] = true; SaveArray($plugins, ACTIVE_PLUGINS_FILE); } function disable_plugin($plugin_filename) { $plugins = active_plugins(); unset($plugins[$plugin_filename]); SaveArray($plugins, ACTIVE_PLUGINS_FILE); } /* List Plugins */ function available_plugins() { $ffl = FileFolderList(PLUGINS_DIRECTORY,1); $plugins = $ffl[file]; if (!empty($plugins)) foreach ($plugins as $null => $pluginfile) { if (stristr($pluginfile, ".htaccess")) { continue; } $plugin_data = GetContents($pluginfile); preg_match("{Plugin Name:(.*)}i", $plugin_data, $plugin[name]); preg_match("{Plugin URI:(.*)}i", $plugin_data, $plugin[uri]); preg_match("{Description:(.*)}i", $plugin_data, $plugin[description]); preg_match("{Author:(.*)}i", $plugin_data, $plugin[author]); preg_match("{Author URI:(.*)}i", $plugin_data, $plugin[author_uri]); preg_match("{Version:(.*)}i", $plugin_data, $plugin[version]); preg_match("{Application:(.*)}i", $plugin_data, $plugin[application]); preg_match("{Conflicts:(.*)}i", $plugin_data, $plugin[conflicts]); preg_match("{Required Framework:(.*)}i", $plugin_data, $plugin[framework]); $required_version = trim($plugin[framework][1]); $conflicts = trim($plugin[conflicts][1]); $application = trim($plugin[application][1]); // Skip plugins that need a better framework if ($required_version && version_compare(PLUGIN_FRAMEWORK_VERSION, $required_version, '<')) $compatible = false; else $compatible = true; if ($conflicts && in_array($conflicts, active_plugins())) $conflicting = true; else $conflicting = false; // Skip plugins designed for other systems if ($application && $application != 'CuteNews') continue; $available_plugins[] = array( name => trim($plugin[name][1]), uri => trim($plugin[uri][1]), description => trim($plugin[description][1]), author => trim($plugin[author][1]), author_uri => trim($plugin[author_uri][1]), version => trim($plugin[version][1]), application => trim($plugin[application][1]), file => basename($pluginfile), framework => $required_version, compatible => $compatible, conflicting => $conflicting, ); } else $available_plugins = array(); return $available_plugins; } function active_plugins() { if (!is_file(ACTIVE_PLUGINS_FILE)) return array(); $active_plugins = LoadArray(ACTIVE_PLUGINS_FILE); return $active_plugins; } /* Actions And Filters */ function add_action($hook, $functionname, $priority = PLUGIN_DEFAULT_PRIORITY) { global $actions; $actions[$hook][] = array( 'name' => $functionname, 'priority' => $priority, ); } function run_actions($hookname) { global $actions; $todo = $actions[$hookname]; if (!$todo) return false; usort($todo, 'SortByActionPriority'); foreach ($todo as $null => $action) $buffer .= $action['name']($hookname); return $buffer; } function add_filter($hook, $functionname, $priority = PLUGIN_DEFAULT_PRIORITY) { global $filters; $filters[$hook][] = array( 'name' => $functionname, 'priority' => $priority, ); } function run_filters($hookname, $tofilter) { global $filters; $todo = $filters[$hookname]; if ($todo) { usort($todo, 'SortByActionPriority'); foreach ($todo as $null => $filter) $tofilter = $filter['name']($tofilter, $hookname); } return $tofilter; } function SortByActionPriority($a, $b) { return $a[priority] > $b[priority] ? 1 : -1; } /* File Functions */ function FileFolderList($path, $depth = 0, $current = '', $level=0) { if ($level==0 && !@file_exists($path)) return false; if (is_dir($path)) { $handle = @opendir($path); if ($depth == 0 || $level < $depth) while($filename = @readdir($handle)) if ($filename != '.' && $filename != '..') $current = @FileFolderList($path.'/'.$filename, $depth, $current, $level+1); @closedir($handle); $current[folder][] = $path.'/'.$filename; } else if (is_file($path)) $current[file][] = $path; return $current; } function LoadArray($pathandfilename) { if (is_file($pathandfilename)) { @include($pathandfilename); return $array; } return array(); } function WriteContents($contents,$filename) { if (file_exists($filename)) if (!is_writable($filename)) if (!chmod($filename, 0666)) return false; if (!$fp = @fopen($filename, 'wb+')) return false; if (@fwrite($fp, $contents) === false) return false; if (!@fclose($fp)) return false; return true; } function GetContents($filename) { $file = @fopen($filename, 'rb'); if ($file) { while (!feof($file)) $data .= fread($file, 1024); fclose($file); } else { return false; } return $data; } function SaveArray($array,$filename) { $contents = '<?php $array = '. var_export($array,1) .'; ?>'; return WriteContents($contents, $filename); } /* Data Handling Classes */ class PluginSettings { function PluginSettings($plugin_name) { $this->name = $plugin_name; $this->all_settings = LoadArray(PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FILE); $this->settings = $this->all_settings[$plugin_name]; } function save() { $this->all_settings[$this->name] = $this->settings; return SaveArray($this->all_settings, PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FILE); } function delete() { unset($this->settings); return $this->save(); } } class XFieldsData { function XFieldsData() { $this->file = PLUGIN_XFIELDS_FILE; $this->data = LoadArray(PLUGIN_XFIELDS_FILE); } function fetch($news_id, $field_name) { return $this->data[$news_id][$field_name]; } function set($value, $news_id, $field_name) { $this->data[$news_id][$field_name] = $value; } function increment($news_id, $field_name) { return $this->data[$news_id][$field_name]++; } function decrement($news_id, $field_name) { return $this->data[$news_id][$field_name]--; } function delete($news_id) { unset($this->data[$news_id]); } function save() { return SaveArray($this->data, $this->file); } } /* XFields self-cleaning plugin */ add_action('deleted-single-entry', 'clean_single_xfields'); add_action('deleted-multiple-entries', 'clean_multiple_xfields'); function clean_single_xfields($hook) { global $old_db_arr; $news_id = $old_db_arr[0]; $xfields = new XfieldsData(); $xfields->delete($news_id); $xfields->save(); } function clean_multiple_xfields($hook) { global $selected_news; $xfields = new XfieldsData(); foreach ($selected_news as $null => $news_id) $xfields->delete($news_id); $xfields->save(); } ?> Lenke til kommentar
Runar0 Skrevet 10. mars 2007 Del Skrevet 10. mars 2007 PHP'en trenger tilgang til å chmodde ei fil. Er ikkje sikkert på kass fil det er etter som at det ikkje kommer klart frem av koden. Men prøv og lest i manualen til programmet Lenke til kommentar
ilpostino Skrevet 10. mars 2007 Del Skrevet 10. mars 2007 for ordens skyld: du kan la scriptet sette tillatelser selv. Ligger scriptet på en linux-server kan du bruke chmod Lenke til kommentar
pedsti Skrevet 10. mars 2007 Forfatter Del Skrevet 10. mars 2007 har hjort det, chmodet hele filen til det som AJ-fork krever, så skjønner ikke hva som er galt. Lenke til kommentar
Kagee Skrevet 10. mars 2007 Del Skrevet 10. mars 2007 <?php function WriteContents($contents,$filename) { if (file_exists($filename)) if (!is_writable($filename)) if (!chmod($filename, 0666)) return false; if (!$fp = @fopen($filename, 'wb+')) return false; if (@fwrite($fp, $contents) === false) return false; if (!@fclose($fp)) return false; return true; } ?> Det ser ut som om denne funksjonen prøver å chmode filer som ikke er skrivbare - du har vist ikke ordnet rettigheter på alle filene. Lenke til kommentar
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