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Lech Johansen på prestisjeliste

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Strengt tatt kan man si at han er mest kjent for å ha "brutt kopisperren på dvd", det er jo slik VG, Nettavisen, Dagbladet og Itavisen har fremstilt det.Skremmende at det skal være så komplisert for tabloidene å treffe rett.

Endret av Syfer
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Nå er det vel strengt tatt avisene som har gjort han til kjendis, og ikke at han er så pr-kåt selv. Er det noen man skal misslike, så er det vel avisene. Hva han har gjort og ikke gjort vet ikke jeg allverdens om, men at han tok støyten for det som ble gjort er vel ihvertfall sikkert.

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Selv om det var mange flere involvert i DeCSS-utviklingsarbeidet så er vel de fleste godt fornøyd med at det var Jon Lech som tok støyten og at ikke flere ble dratt med i rettsaker. Det er tross alt to sider av denne medaljen.

Uansett har ikke dette med saken å gjøre.


Jeg vil gjerne vite begrunnelsen til hvorfor han har blitt plassert så langt opp. DeCSS alene er ikke grunn godt nok.

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Her er begrunnelsen til PCWorld:

Better known as DVD-Jon, Jon Lech Johansen is the Norwegian hacker who broke the encryption system used on DVD movies, thereby allowing them to be copied. He released the DeCSS decryption program in 2002 and was promptly prosecuted in his homeland. Eventually acquitted, Johansen went on to crack Apple's iTunes DRM (repeatedly) while working as a software developer in the United States. Beaten to the punch in cracking high-definition DVD formats by the still-anonymous muslix64, who created "backup" programs for HD DVD late last year and for Blu-ray Disc in January, Johansen nonetheless remains the renegade that big media fears most.


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Han skrev GUI for en gruppe som "cracket" koden til DeCSS. Og hvor mye cracking som ble gjort er også diskutabelt, ettersom spilleren til Xing hadde lagret nøkkelen på en måte som gjorde den lett tilgjengelig.


I tillegg var det en annen gruppe som fant nøkkelen på omtrent samme tidspunkt, kanskje ikke så rart ettersom det ikke var spesielt vanskelig.


Norsk media har ihvertfall gjort en glimrende jobb i å fremstille han som helten. På tross av at første DeCSS hadde inkl en readme-fil der det sto at det var en gruppe som hadde gjort jobben, så ble han fremstilt som den som gjorde det. Han gjorde ikke noe for å rette opp det inntrykket heller.

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Helt uavhengig av DVD-Jon syns jeg det er overraskende at den godeste Tim Berners-Lee havnet så langt nede som 46. plass. :ohmy:


What do you do after you invent the World Wide Web and give it away for free? Start a consortium that works on making it better This British scientist designed the first Web browser, editor, and language protocol (HTTP) while employed as a scientist at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research), and he founded the W3C in 1994. He has recently spoken in favor of Net neutrality. And like the old financial firm E.F. Hutton, when Berners-Lee talks, people listen.
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Har ikke lest igjennom hele artiklene, men såvidt jeg vet så er det vel egentlig alment kjent at hans rolle i utviklingen av DeCSS var å lage brukergrensesnittet. Mener å huske at det var han selv som opplyste om dette i en veldig tidlig fase.


Men han har skapt seg en karriere som det står respekt av og at han ikke bare er en dimling er vel greit nok å innrømme.

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Les dette:

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- The Truth about DVD CSS cracking by MoRE and [dEZZY/DoD] -



Date: 4th of November 1999.

By: [dEZZY/DoD], [MultiAGP & German dood of MoRE]


This document is written cooperatively by the two groups

that independently and simultaneously cracked the DVD Content

Scrambling System, in order to straighten out mass media



DoD -> Drink or Die: "warez bearz from Russia and Beyond"

MoRE -> Masters of Reverse Engineering


[dEZZY/DoD] alone is the author of DoD DVD Speed Ripper.

MoRE is a new group and they are the authors of DeCSS.


Lately, Jon Johansen of MoRE has been pretty much all over

the news in Norway, though he had NOTHING to do with the actual

cracking of the DVD CSS protection. Yes, it was MoRE who did

DeCSS, but the actual crack was not a team effort, MoRE didn't

even exist back when the anonymous German (who is now a MoRE

member) cracked it...


Most of the papers chose a headline very similar to this:

"15-year old Norwegian cracked the DVD-code".

They probably did this because they wanted to make a big

Norwegian "Wooohoooo" out of it. This was also pretty much

the contents of the TV show "Vestfold-sendingen" where they

brought up matters from Vestfold, Norway where Jon Johansen



In most newspapers they vagely included the name MoRE, and

that DeCSS was a team effort, but neither MoRE nor DoD liked

the headlines. Jon's comment on this matter is:

"I never told the media that I had cracked the dvd encryption.

What I told them, was that we (MoRE) had made an app called

DeCSS which would decrypt dvd movies and let them be played

off your hd, or off dvdrs if you have a dvd burner. I always

used _we_ and _MoRE_ when talking to them. I never said anything

about me or my position in the group.

Now that the storm is over, I see that all they were after,

was to get a big story. They even included some of "my" quotes,

which I never said. When media starts making up stuff, it's really

sad. I know that this has been done before in Norwegian media,

regarding the cooperation between a computer group at my school

and the school people in charge of the network. All I can say is

that I'm very sorry that the media twisted my words, and even lied,

to make it appear as I had done the cracking myself. I'm pretty

sure that I will do everything to avoid the media in the future,

but if I'm forced to talk with them, I'll have to get them to

sign an agreement. Again, I apologize on the behalf of Norwegian

press, and I hope that this document will make everything clear.

The truth shall set you free."


DoD DVD Speed Ripper was developed by [dEZZY/DoD] at the

same time as DeCSS. The first release of DoD's app (which

came out a couple of weeks before the first release of DeCSS)

did not work with all (WB) titles, like The Matrix. This was

known by [dEZZY/DoD] at the time of his release. MoRE decided

to wait until they could fix this. In short time, [dEZZY/DoD]

solved the problem and MoRE's top coder/disassembler from

Germany used that information to get DeCSS working with every

movie before they released it, along with a GUI. DeCSS was then

the first application which decrypted ALL dvd titles, since DoD

had not released a new version to the public. How MoRE got

their hands on the information by [dEZZY/DoD], seems to have

something to do with the Linux community...


Why Drink or Die didn't want to release a new version so soon,

was because warez sites nuke programs that are too close in

release (minimum 2-3 weeks). Meanwhile when DeCSS came out, it

caused DoD to delay any Windows release until a GUI version of

their Speed Ripper was done. However, they released a Linux

version of their ripper late October 1999. As for the new Windows

version of the Speed Ripper, [dEZZY/DoD] has been very busy with

his education and hence the ripper is extremely delayed.


[dEZZY/DoD] already got the idea of reverse engineering a DVD

player for the CSS code back in late summer 1998. He was not able

to do it at the time since he did not have access to a DVDROM. In

the beginning of 1999, MoRE's German member also got the idea.

[dEZZY/DoD] and MoRE's German member got CSS decryption code

working at the same time (middle of September 1999), without

having shared info (although they knew about each other). After

[dEZZY/DoD] solved "the problem", MoRE's German member, as stated

above, implemented these changes and added them to DeCSS for



Before DeCSS was developed and released, MoRE had already sent

the source for the decryption to their contact in the Linux DVD

community, Derek Fawcus <[email protected]>. This is the reason

why one of Wired's news reporters was put on the case.


[dEZZY/DoD] also had relations in the Linux DVD community (who

does not want to be mentioned), but decided not to release the

source code publicly (at least not for the moment).


Enjoy the software!



- Jon Johansen [MoRE]

- anonymous German cracker [MoRE]

- [dEZZY/DoD]

Nå kan vi vel legge diskusjonen rundt Jons rolle i DeCSS til side..

Endret av überGoliath
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Hehe.. kunne ikke unngå å le litt av denne kommentaren fra JLJ etter decss saken...

All I can say is

that I'm very sorry that the media twisted my words, and even lied,

to make it appear as I had done the cracking myself. I'm pretty

sure that I will do everything to avoid the media in the future,

but if I'm forced to talk with them, I'll have to get them to

sign an agreement.

:!: Endret av ibrotha
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Merkelig at R Stallman ikke er på den lista, siden store deler av tjenere på nettet drives av GPL lisensiert programvare. Også Linus som gjerne blir kreditert for å starte basar modellen i programvareutvikling, altså gjennom internett burde ha vært på den lista etter min mening

Endret av mandela
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Gjest Slettet+56132

9. Marissa Mayer

Vice president for search products & user experience, Google.


Overrasket meg ganske heftig at jeg fant en dame på top-10 listen :p

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