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Får ERROR #132 hele tiden hjelp "søkes" *LØST*

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hei noen her som har litt peiling på error messege

da jeg starter wow.. spiller i 10-20 sec så får jeg opp



ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception

Program: C:\Programfiler\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe

Exception: 0xC00000FD (STACK_OVERFLOW) at 001B:0040B2E7


ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception

Program: C:\Programfiler\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe

Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 001B:00000005



Noen som vet hva dette betyr?


jeg har ikke veldig lyst og ta repair tools siden på søndag måtte jeg installere windows på nytt så da forsvant wow - tbc og alle patchene + addons og enderlig fått lasted ned alt og orker ikke vente mer på repair tool greie

Endret av Metaby
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Du må nok slette WTF mappen og Interface mappen din er jeg redd. Ser slik ut på linken.

Da forsvinner nok addonsene dine. Men du kan jo ta en backup å sjekke om det funker etterpå.



Nei funker ikke:D gjort

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Har du oppdatert ditt motherboard, video, lyd, and netverks kort drivere etter at du re-installerte windows?


Det står som en 'alternativ grunn'.


Står også at du burde ha oppdatert windows update, selv om jeg ikke ville tro at WoW skulle krasje av den grunn :p


Eller kjøre i OpenGL eller windowed? :p


"C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe" -opengl

"C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe" -windowed

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Har selv hatt dette problemet noen ganger og hver gang så har jeg måtet bytte ram minne eller klokke det ned. Husker første gang jeg skule installere spillet og alle andre spill og programmer fungerte som bare det men ikke wow og det var den første dagen! Tok lang tid føre jeg fant ut att jeg måtte klokke ned maskinen og da fungerte det for meg. I senere tid så har jeg regelrett måttet bytte ram brukkene og så har det fungert igen.

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Gikk inn på Wow-Europe.com sitt forum. trykte på tech suport og Error message tråden. der fant jeg følgende:


Error 132


This post exists to explain as well as detail known issues and solutions regarding “Error #132”. While this error is known in many forms, an explanation or solution for each individual error may be quite different due to this error being general in nature. The 132 error simply depicts that something was not processed correctly. As this is such a general implication of an issue, it can be difficult to find the cause and an ultimate solution. In many cases the information below the actual “Error #132” message can help better describe the cause, however in the majority of cases the error will simply depict an error within memory. It should be noted that while the system memory (RAM) may in fact be the cause of this error in some cases, many other causes must be taken into account. Below information exists on common 132 errors, as well as some helpful troubleshooting. However, as has been said already, while this troubleshooting may be a good jumping off point, in no way is it meant as a complete solution to each users 132 error.


If you are experiencing one of these errors, a good start would be our FAQ article on 132 errors:



While we hope that you find a solution for your issue in this thread, we request that if you do not find a solution here, that you contact us through more direct means, via e-mail or on the phone, as the #132 error will often require or in-depth troubleshooting than is possible on these forums.


Contact information is available here:



Memory Could Not Be Read/Written


This 132 error is the most common, and unfortunately the most vague.


Q u o t e:


ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception

Program: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe

Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 001B:0040C5B5


The instruction at "0x0040C5B5" referenced memory at "0x00000004".

The memory could not be "written/read"



Note: The above example may be different to the error you are getting.


The explanation for this is that an error occurred while accessing data that caused the software (World of Warcraft) to be unable to continue functioning correctly. While the most common cause can indeed be system memory (RAM) related, it certainly does not imply that all occurrences of this issue are.


Many RAM tests are available, some popular ones being MemTest86 or Prime95. Versions of both are linked below. While these tests will put the system memory through its paces, they are designed to find physical flaws within the RAM, which may not always be the cause of a RAM related error. More information on other causes for RAM failures is covered in the next section.




When using Prime95, select ‘Torture Test’ in the Options menu and then choose ‘Blend’ and click ok. A continuous test will then start running. It is best to run this for a long period, such as overnight, if the test is still running after several hours, then that can be counted as a success, if the test has halted finding an error, then this would usually indicate an issue with the Motherboard, CPU or RAM in the computer





You may be able to find other ‘stress’ or ‘burn in’ software tests available for heavily testing RAM by searching for them through your favourite Internet search engine. Keep in mind that these programs will stress components and if they are prone to failure, or on their way there, it is possible that the failing component will not make it through the test alive. Any type of ‘stress’ or ‘burn in’ program should be used with the necessary precautions such as securing important data at a secondary location.


A common question is: If there is an issue with a system’s ability to access memory, why does it only show up when playing World of Warcraft?


While World of Warcraft may seem less visually demanding than some other games the amount of data being swapped in and out of RAM can be much greater than many games. With potentially hundreds of characters on-screen at a time, each with their own textures and models, then factoring in game data, terrain, spell effects, etc. the use of RAM and the necessity for stability can be quite important in World of Warcraft. Most games have the ability, and are designed to limit the amount of data seen and processed by the user at any one time. You can see this necessity for RAM mirrored in benchmarks showing that, while games such as Doom 3 or Half-Life 2 will perform better with more powerful video cards over other upgrades, World of Warcraft will perform better with greater amounts of RAM.


Another common question or assumption: If the game ran fine before, and is now only crashing after a patch, isn’t the patch to blame?


In most cases we have found that a specific hardware instability or flaw existed before the patch was introduced, and due to the changes in a patch, it can bring any instabilities or flaws to the surface. This has been proven to be the case many times through proper system troubleshooting steps. However that is not to say that a specific error could not be introduced by a patch and be due to a software error, only that it is still the rarest form of error.


RAM Settings and Procedures


Many RAM related issues stem not from physical errors within the RAM modules themselves, but rather how they interact with the computer they are installed to. Almost all cases of this will be in custom built systems, or those who have recently added additional or new RAM modules. In some cases users will experience a pleasant playing experience until they install additional RAM. This situation can also apply to newly built systems in which no previous point of ‘working’ reference is available, and so an assumption is made that the software is at fault. It would be best to begin by describing some more important and sometimes less known RAM terms and functions. Keep in mind that these descriptions are very basic and the actual meaning and relationship of each may be ‘softened’ for ease of reading.


RAM – An acronym for Random Access Memory. It is a location for temporary storage of information. RAM queues up information from the hard drive and provides it to the CPU much faster than if it were to go directly from the hard drive to the CPU.


FSB – An acronym for Frontside Bus, which is the data ‘highway’ between the CPU and RAM. You may see RAM labelled as PC3200 which is a different way of labelling the RAM as being compatible with an FSB of 400 MHz. The motherboard and processor must also be able to support the RAM’s FSB rating to take full advantage.


Latency – The latency is a term to refer to the different response times inherently manufactured into specific RAM. This differs from the FSB speed as it is the RAM’s own personal speed rating, and not that of the path of data between the RAM and CPU. There are more specifics for latency times, such as the CAS, RAS, T, etc. which dictate where data is stored in memory as well as how frequent it is sent out. Normally seen as a string of 4 or 5 number sets when shopping for RAM (2-2-3-5 for example). These settings are very important but for the sake of the length of this document, further information will be left to you to research.


Voltage – This refers to, quite simply, the amount of voltage (aka power) the motherboard supplies the RAM. Some RAM, especially that of higher quality and/or lower latency, will require a higher voltage than what is provided by the motherboard at default.


Each of these settings can have equally important roles in how the RAM functions within the system. The motherboard is in control of these settings, and their values can only be changed through the motherboard BIOS. The BIOS can be a very sensitive set of controls over the primary functions of the system and it is not recommended that you enter the BIOS and change any settings without prior training or experience. If you have any doubt in your ability to change BIOS settings please involve a trained professional. For any changes of the above mentioned settings it recommended that you contact your motherboard and RAM manufacturer for the correct settings. Keep in mind that the RAM manufacturer may have a better grasp of their own product and settings over what the motherboard manufacturer may recommend.


It should also be noted that some motherboards do not ‘play well’ with specific types of RAM, and some motherboards are pickier than others as far as what they will operate correctly with (more in this in the next section). It is best to look in your motherboard manufacturers suggestions for approved RAM modules before upgrading. However, even with their suggestions it may be necessary to change some of the settings detailed above. In addition, over clocking your system memory and/or CPU can result in a less stable environment for software to run under. It is not recommended to overclock any part of a computer system to achieve greater performance, and to certainly remove any over clocking if instability (crashing) should occur.


Motherboard and RAM Interactivity


There are several chipsets that are documented with stability issues when using certain RAM FSB speeds. The KT400 and nForce2 chipsets have been documented as unstable when DDR400 (PC3200) RAM is used. Other known instabilities may exist with many combinations, such as Athlon 64 processors and motherboards when using low latency RAM timings.






It is recommended to search for technical issues with your own hardware. It can be surprising what you may find as a documented flaw with your motherboard that you may not have

Endret av kule-ku
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Har selv hatt dette problemet noen ganger og hver gang så har jeg måtet bytte ram minne eller klokke det ned. Husker første gang jeg skule installere spillet og alle andre spill og programmer fungerte som bare det men ikke wow og det var den første dagen! Tok lang tid føre jeg fant ut att jeg måtte klokke ned maskinen og da fungerte det for meg. I senere tid så har jeg regelrett måttet bytte ram brukkene og så har det fungert igen.




Det funket jo før da. har ikke gjort noe med selveste pcen bare re-installert windows og har installert alle driverne

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Gikk inn på  Wow-Europe.com sitt forum. trykte på tech suport og Error message tråden. der fant jeg følgende:


Error 132









kan du forenkle det? :innocent:


Btw prøvde det med openGL funka ikke og starte wow -.- også jeg kjører vanligvis i Windowed

Endret av Metaby
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!! fått et nytt problem! da jeg logger in logger jeg in også blir jeg dc etter 2 sec.. eller blir ikke dc men Jeg kan ikke gjøre noe untatt løpe rundt.. kan ikke snakke eller se andre folk røre seg

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Har du oppdatert alle drivere? kan være noen som ikke hånterer minne på en korrekt/bra måte og skaper problemer.




Installert alt som følgte med da jeg bygde pcen


Nettverk driver

Skjermkort driver

Hovedkort tror jeg..


kjørte En ram test Som de i tech support sa.. Fikk en error der de sa at jeg ikke kunne save minne i RAM



skal teste en gang til nå.. skifta noe i BIOS

Endret av Metaby
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