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Wilhelm Von Ockham !

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Skal snakke litt om han for klassen (andre klasse) og har funnet ut det som er verdt å ha med untatt en vesentlig ting som læreren sa var viktig :


-Knytt Wilhelm Von Ockham opp mot Renessansen !


Om noen gadd å hjelpe meg med dette hadde jeg blitt glad :) Trenger ikke være mye, men noe.

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Ockham levde 1288 - 1348, og dette regnes vel egentlig som slutten av middelalderen. Om du skal knytte ham til renessansen så bør du se på hvilken innflytelse han hadde på senere renessanse-filosofer og -teologer. Jeg aner ikke hvor mye Ockham's razor ble brukt i renessansen, men det er nå den han er mest kjent for.


Fra wikipedia:


The views on monarchial accountability espoused in his Dialogus (written between 1332 and 1348) greatly influenced the Conciliar movement and assisted in the emergence of liberal democratic ideologies.


Videre, om Conciliarisme:


In the history of Christianity, the Conciliar movement or "Conciliarism" was a reform movement in the 14th and 15th century Roman Catholic Church which held that final authority in spiritual matters resided with the Roman Church as corporation of Christians, embodied by a general church council, not with the pope. The movement emerged in response to the Avignon papacy— the popes removed from Rome and subject to pressures from the kings of France— and the ensuing schism that inspired the summoning of the Council of Pisa (1409), the Council of Constance (1414-1418) and the Council of Basel (1431-1449). The eventual victor in the conflict was the institution of the Papacy, confirmed by the condemnation of conciliarism at the Fifth Lateran Council, 1512-17. The final gesture however, the doctrine of Papal Infallibility, was not promulgated until the First Vatican Council of 1870.


I renessansen ble jo antikken gjenoppdaget. Dette drev Ockham også med:


Ockham wrote a lot in natural philosophies, among others a large commentary on Aristotle's physics. According to the principle of ontological parsimony, he holds that we do not need to allow entities in all ten of Aristotle's categories; we thus do not need the category of quantity, as the mathematical entities are not "real". Mathematics must be applied to other categories, such as the categories of substance or qualities, thus anticipating modern scientific renaissance while violating Aristotelian prohibition of metabasis.


Han var også en av de første til å fremme kirke/stat-deling, men dette ble jo ikke særlig populært før i nyere tid.


Se også scholastisisme, noe Ockham visstnok utviklet:


Scholastic theology continued to develop as the thirteenth century gave way to the fourteenth, becoming ever more complex and subtle in its distinctions and arguments. The fourteenth century saw in particular the rise to dominance of the nominalist or voluntarist theologies of men like William of Ockham. The fourteenth century was also a time in which movements of widely varying character worked for the reform of the institutional church, such as conciliarism, Lollardy and the Hussites. Spiritual movements such as the Devotio Moderna also flourished.


Alt dette var ikke spesielt vanskelig å finne fram.

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