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Har kjøpt meg en ny IDE-harddisk og skal sette den som slave i maskinen min. Dvs at den skal brukes til programmer og filer, mens den HD jeg har installert fra før skal være OS-disken.


Spørsmålet er; hvordan partisjonerer jeg den nye disken slik at den får en NTFS-partisjon.

Jeg veit bare hvordan man lager FAT-partisjoner med fdisk....

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Har fått masse tilbakemeldinger om at PM er en ustabil og risikabel løsning, men ditt andre forslag var jo forsåvidt greit!

Det er bare det at jeg har hørt at det skal gå an å boote med WinXP-cd'en og opprette partisjonen der, men det er framgangsmåten jeg stusser ved....


Det er forøvrig en WD-disk....

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Partition Magic ustabilt? Hva behager? Har aldri hatt problemer med PM, og jeg har har brukt det siden versjon 5.0 elns.


Men hvis du kikker på WDD sine sider, finner du det du trenger, uten bruk av tredjepartsprogramvare. Jeg har seff gravd det fram til deg. :wink:



Adding a Second Drive:

Set BIOS to AUTO for all IDE devices.

Note: Make sure your drive is identified on the boot up screen. If not, please refer to our knowledgebase article on how to identify drives in your BIOS, here.

Acess Disk Mangement by first clicking on the Start button.

Select Run.

In the text box type diskmgmt.msc and click OK

When Disk Management opens, a wizard may appear entitled: Initialize and Convert Disk Wizard.

Note: You must use this wizard to write a Signature to the drive otherwise, the hard drive will not work with the Windows XP. If the wizard does not appear, you may need to manually complete this process. For more information see the following knowledge base article:

How do I write a signature to a hard drive in Windows 2000 or Windows XP?

Using Initialize and Convert Disk Wizard:

Drives are numbered as follows: drive 0 being the boot drive and drive 1-3 are all other drives, (except CD’s the first CD is CD 0 the second CD 1 and so forth).

After clicking Next on the first screen you will select the drive you wish to install (in this case Disk 1). Next, select the drive to be initialized to continue.

The next screen shows the drive you selected to initialize. Make sure the drive is checked and click Next.

You will have the option to convert the drive from basic to dynamic storage. Leave this unchecked and click Next.

Click Finish.

For more information about Basic and Dynamic storage, access the following link:

What is the difference between basic and dynamic storage in Windows 2000 and XP?


Note: In two separate windows, on the right side of the screen, a graphical representation of the partitions on the installed drives will be displayed. The top window is for viewing a drive’s status, capacity, and file system. In the bottom window, you will see a representation of the drives in the system starting with the boot drive (drive 0). In almost all cases, you will want to work with the bottom window.

Once you’re done initializing the disk, right-click in the unallocated space.

Then click on Create Partition.

A new wizard will appear: Create Partition Wizard. Click Next to continue.

On the next screen select either Primary or Extended Partition and click Next to continue.

You may assign a drive letter that is not in use by other devices if you wish, then click Next to continue.

Format the drive and select the type of format (NTFS or FAT32). Leave allocation unit size at default & label the drive as desired.

Enter the desired partition size. If using FAT32, your partition cannot be larger than 32 GB.

Click “Finish” when done.

Note: If you do wish to use Data Lifeguard Tools, versions 2.8 and earlier of this software are intended for use with the Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, and Windows Millennium (ME) operating systems; and not with Windows NT, Windows 2000, or Windows XP. Please use version 10 for these operating systems.


HTH. HAND. :smile:

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