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MediaMonkey v4-tråden: 4.0 med videoavspilling/-synkronisering: Norsk på vei!


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MediaMonkey v3.1: Intern build med integrert Last.fm støtte!

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MediaMonkey v3.0.6 (Siste offisielle versjon)

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Utseende<!--SPOILER BEGIN--><div class="spoilertop" onClick="openClose('181ac3e9dca9d3be89a7b87491911fb4')" style="font-weight: bold">Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor</div><div class="spoilermain" id="181ac3e9dca9d3be89a7b87491911fb4" style="display:none"><!--SPOILER END-->"Glided" (Miniavspiller):

mediamonkeypeanutik4.png<!--SPOILER DIV--></div><!--SPOILER DIV-->


Betatesting;<!--SPOILER BEGIN--><div class="spoilertop" onClick="openClose('c16cab5dadc908086ebb73cf4aaa0656')" style="font-weight: bold">Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor</div><div class="spoilermain" id="c16cab5dadc908086ebb73cf4aaa0656" style="display:none"><!--SPOILER END-->Beta-fasen<!--SPOILER BEGIN--><div class="spoilertop" onClick="openClose('9ebc98b6df6a85c8bb2c13351e4492a7')" style="font-weight: bold">Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor</div><div class="spoilermain" id="9ebc98b6df6a85c8bb2c13351e4492a7" style="display:none"><!--SPOILER END-->Beta 1<!--SPOILER BEGIN--><div class="spoilertop" onClick="openClose('cbbbacb9d71a92df64a8427fb57b0a0f')" style="font-weight: bold">Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor</div><div class="spoilermain" id="cbbbacb9d71a92df64a8427fb57b0a0f" style="display:none"><!--SPOILER END-->2517 Added db upgrade from 2.5.5 to 3.x

3035 Added support for Default Programs functionality in Vista

3410 Added Glided Mini and MicroPlayer skins and updated Glided

3447 Fixed focus switches unnecessarily during playback

3468 Fixed Composers appear in Album Artist node

3338 Fixed Global Hotkeys don't work correctly in many cases

2806 Fixed missing shortcut to 'My Music'

3404 Fixed Locate Moved/Missing Tracks doesn't work well for full folder deletion

2814 Fixed cannot delete tracks from AutoPlaylists

3455 Fixed Now Playing window is lost after restoring from MicroPlayer / Tray

3463 Fixed Player shows -0:00 for internet streams

2807 Fixed autoPlay options don't work correctly on Vista

3458 Fixed occasional AVs on termination

3465 Fixed AVs when using some old skins

3459 Fixed occasional AVs with some WMDM devices

3452 Fixed Pop-up display configuration with empty Now Playing can trigger AV

3052 Fixed skin engine support for alpha-blended custom shapes

2958 Fixed misc skin issues in Blue Glass

3423 Improved defaults for file type associations and scans

3090 Improved install/config for file type associations

2809 Removed in_cda.dll plugin (no longer needed)<!--SPOILER DIV--></div><!--SPOILER DIV-->


Beta 2<!--SPOILER BEGIN--><div class="spoilertop" onClick="openClose('037f3277306970190f0a8f2623561761')" style="font-weight: bold">Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor</div><div class="spoilermain" id="037f3277306970190f0a8f2623561761" style="display:none"><!--SPOILER END--> 3518 Added Leveling to auto-conversion when burning Discs

3258 Added Grouping field for classical music (only saved to ID3 tag for now)

3487 Fixed .m4a scanning problems

3489 Fixed lack of prompt whether to proceed with DB upgrade

3540 Fixed error Unknown table "DeletedSongs_..."

3484 Fixed Error Executing SQL Statement "INSERT INTO DeletedSongs_2..."

3550 Fixed Add/Rescan folders without tracks triggers 'Remove unavailable tracks'

3470 Fixed 'maintain library' can cause SQL error (in relation to Virtual CD)

3498 Fixed ipod sync erases video db

3538 Fixed Sync settings dialog AV

3538 Fixed Sync settings dialog performance issues

3373 Fixed Auto-sync random subset should include Music and Playlists only

3530 Fixed Nested auto-playlists cannot be synched (regression)

3522 Fixed header doesn't appear when rechecking Advanced on Auto-sync Audiobook tab

2441 Fixed iPod Sync: tracks with Genre 'Podcast' should appear as iPod Podcast

3559 Fixed Podcasts don't sync to a full device when sync random subset is enabled

3408 Fixed Find more from same fails in some cases

3408 Fixed Find more from same doesn't support Composer/Conductor

3512 Fixed missing Composer from basic search

3551 Fixed Artists/Composer nodes missing + for child nodes

3574 Fixed scrolling in Album Art view can trigger error

2996 Fixed Album Art View: Album Properties dropdown appears in Album Art

3516 Fixed Album Art View: clicking outside an Album selects unwanted Album

3564 Fixed Album Art shown in fewer columns than expected

3553 Fixed Album Art View: Art is partially cut off

3306 Fixed Disc # field can't be edited in-place

3515 Fixed Auto-tag from Web dialog's lack of directions

3537 Fixed Properties dialog opens too slowly

3513 Fixed Mood value not shown if common to multiple tracks (regression)

3497 Fixed Tracklist sorting inconsistencies

3038 Fixed autoleveling calculations don't occur when needed

3474 Fixed web/radio nodes always visible even if disabled in view

1618 Fixed inserted CD doesn't always trigger CD node creation

3447 Fixed (again) Track Changes often trigger change in focus

3542 Fixed interaction between volume and mute function

2717 Fixed double-click in Now Playing sometimes opens edit dialog

3531 Fixed regression: Now Playing position doesn't persist when switching players

3529 Fixed Now Playing Genre list is empty (regression)

3528 Fixed freeze when changing tracks via System Tray

3554 Fixed OGG Playback can trigger an AV

3527 Fixed MiniPlayer flashes and can trigger error on close

3486 Fixed short tracks fail to trigger the Last Played counter to advance

3514 Fixed right mouse button can accidentally trigger mouse gestures

3480 Fixed changing playing album Album Art view can trigger AV

3476 Fixed Track info popup briefly flashes

3488 Fixed Auto-DJ crashes when calling nested playlists

3571 Fixed unicode characters don't display correctly in player skin

3561 Fixed Filter Player rules don't work

3471 Fixed Pop-up window doesn't show stream artists and titles

3469 Fixed Bookmarks don't work correctly in some cases

3552 Fixed MM can freeze in Podcast nodes

3549 Fixed overlapping Podcast terminology ('Podcast subscriptions' vs 'Podcast' filter)

3536 Fixed selection problems in Podcast node

3496 Fixed possible to accidentally download a podcast twice

3495 Fixed Global Podcast Options should be the default settings for new podcasts

3562 Fixed too many error messages in response to internet connection issues

3541 Fixed alignment bugs in Save Playlist dialog

3556 Fixed alpha blended mini player doesn't work in < Win2k

3532 Fixed MicroPlayer Play/Pause button disappears when Taskbar is docked at top

3482 Fixed shrinking the window in Glided --> the time in the player disappears

3535 Fixed Tracklist can disappear when Player is moved around

3478 Fixed kbps indicator doesn't vary for VBR files

3565 Fixed 'MediaMonkey' is missing from Titlebar

3520 Fixed some buttons are hidden with Glided skin

3567 Fixed various other issues with Glided & added Vertical MicroMonkey

3509 Fixed About dialog often stops scrolling and appears frozen (regression)

3557 Updated German translation (Onkel Enno)

3024 Updated logging component to v6.0.7

3524 Updated online help / links

3523 Updated strings and context help tooltips

3472 Improved filter defaults

3423 Improved defaults for file associations and scanning<!--SPOILER DIV--></div><!--SPOILER DIV-->


Beta 3<!--SPOILER BEGIN--><div class="spoilertop" onClick="openClose('04ac2f4751411f491204b2d26c17c2ed')" style="font-weight: bold">Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor</div><div class="spoilermain" id="04ac2f4751411f491204b2d26c17c2ed" style="display:none"><!--SPOILER END-->3626 Added iPod Sync support for iPod Classic, iPod Nano 4g

3661 Fixed iPod Sync: Album Art sometimes fails to sync

3599 Fixed synchronization: size of converted Oggs isn't estimated correctly

3660 Fixed iPod sync: Album artist isn't correct for browsing iPod via MM

3609 Fixed database upgrades fail for some users

3579 Fixed some db fields aren't imported correctly

3596 Fixed regression Drag&Drop Tracks on Now Playing auto-added to Library

3615 Fixed Party Mode has some holes that allow MM to be closed

3619 Fixed Party Mode can't exit with password enabled

3658 Fixed Party Mode regression: new Player controls aren't disabled if so configured

3659 Fixed Now Playing (floating) playback doesn't initiate when double-clicking track

3604 Fixed MiniPlayer's Now Playing list appears offscreen in some cases

3478 Fixed Bitrate is shown as -1 after switching to MiniPlayer/MicroPlayer

3616 Fixed disabling Auto-DJ doesn't unload the current Auto-DJ script

3600 Fixed apparent freeze when NP list contains networked tracks

3597 Fixed restore from micro player hides Now Playing window

3595 Fixed enabling equalizer on vista triggers freeze/endless loop

3585 Fixed player can trigger AVs

3583 Fixed regression popup info causes an error in skinless mode

3642 Fixed Album Art view wheelmouse works too slowly

3645 Fixed Album Art View double-click of down arrow can trigger playback

3674 Fixed Album Art view scrolling can trigger AVs / UI Freezes

3649 Fixed Album Art views represent all tracks from unknown albums with their own image

3640 Fixed Album Art views filter/view settings don't apply

1612 Fixed Album Art details view: many columns not displayable

1612 Fixed Album Art details view: double-clicking track plays 1st track instead

3277 Fixed Album Art views: can't drag and drop a selection

3634 Fixed Album Art view grouping in Artist/Album Artist node

3580 Fixed regression: Album Art View doesn't refresh correctly in some cases

3610 Fixed regression: cannot delete track that is playing

3617 Fixed regression: Genre node subnodes include tracks that don't match the Genre

3601 Fixed Filter/Views: main Tree nodes not updated in some cases

2936 Fixed songs with multiple definition fields can appear > 1 time in query results

3602 Fixed some queries from MM 2.5 don't work in MM 3.0

3612 Fixed some queries <Some field> Contains: text1;text2;text3 no longer work

3631 Fixed Search for some nodes should always default to search current selection

3627 Fixed regression: Search for Album Artist equals -> list of the artists is empty

3628 Fixed regression: Search for Date >= 3.6.2007 can throw SQL error

1325 Fixed Search dialog clears tracklist even if user cancels search

3501 Fixed unneeded refreshes when searching in current node

3629 Fixed searching by Type = returns tracks where extension is in the filename

3629 Fixed searching for Tracks in album = doesn't work correctly for multi-artist albums

3629 Fixed Composer is unknown doesn't work correctly

3572 Fixed Search bar doesn't search classification fields

3603 Fixed aac tagging memory error

3605 Fixed aac tagging date is read incorrectly sometimes

1449 Added Grouping support in AAC tags

2952 Added Grouping support to WMA tags

2951 Added Grouping support to OGG tags

3578 Fixed regression: MM throws an error when user deletes album art

3570 Fixed some tracks cannot be leveled & prevent auto-leveling from working

3598 Fixed Album leveling doesn't work for albums with the same name

3607 Fixed in-place conversion doesn't update library with new field values (e.g. bitrate)

3594 Fixed original file can't be deleted on conversions occasionally

2806 Fixed Key folders should be accessible in tree/browse folder dialogs (My Documents/My Music)

3586 Fixed usability problems in Hotkeys for adding new hotkeys

3663 Fixed closing while podcasts are downloading takes long

3584 Fixed OPML directory content not parsed 100% correctly

3669 Fixed OPML directory should be downloaded > 1 time concurrently

2397 Fixed hashes not generated on rescan for duplicate content node

3581 Fixed regression opening track properties crashes in non-skinned MM

3517 Fixed misc skinning issues re. Glided

3637 Fixed Browse Folder Dialogs display folders incorrectly in Vista

3196 Fixed possibility to move Album Art dialog into 'forbidden area' in player

3655 Fixed Album Art background in player is white / not shaped correctly

3629 Fixed sizing of Search Property field

3638 Updated German Localization files (Onkel Enno)<!--SPOILER DIV--></div><!--SPOILER DIV-->


Beta 4<!--SPOILER BEGIN--><div class="spoilertop" onClick="openClose('ae6e07a09ba9d52232bd5aa360463df8')" style="font-weight: bold">Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor</div><div class="spoilermain" id="ae6e07a09ba9d52232bd5aa360463df8" style="display:none"><!--SPOILER END-->0553 Added support for Hidden filters for playback rules with no UI changes

3681 Fixed MM 2.5 DB Upgrade: some SQL errors in soem auto-playlists

3704 Fixed Search for '[', ']', '_' doesn't work

3692 Fixed Find more from same Folder (Library) doesn't work (regression)

3678 Fixed "Find from more same ..." doesn't scroll to requested node

3631 Fixed device node searches selected & Web node searches Amazon by default

3503 Fixed Search Current Selection - can't undo search if focus has switched to the tracklist

2825 Fixed usability issues with the Vista-style hierarchy browser

3686 Fixed Search selection doesn't work with logical operators (' '=AND, ""=exact, ';'=OR)

3686 Fixed Search bar searches some non-visible fields, returning unintended results

3683 Fixed presentation of multi-artist albums in the tree

3731 Fixed tracks can't be deleted from Album Art + Details view

3709 Fixed Track deletion not working correctly for some nodes (regression)

3679 Fixed Album Art View: selection of multiple albums can throw an error

3647 Fixed selection is lost when switching views

3688 Fixed Tree and Track list don't scroll in response to change in focus

3699 Fixed Album Art View: Playing tracks from iPod bolds all tracks in AA/Details view

3705 Fixed Unsynchronized Tags node shows many tracks unsynched (regression)

3721 Fixed filters shouldn't be applied to Playlist nodes outside the Library tree

3735 Fixed database upgrade doesn't migrate Virtual CD tracks correctly

3751 Fixed Track browser doesn't handle multiple definitions correctly for Composers

3677 Fixed Track browser can cause the Tracklist to disappear with Composer heading

3647 Selection is lost when switching views

3640 Fixed Album Art Details View: Column settings don't persist

3758 Fixed Album Art + Details View: Right click on a track --> no focus indicator

3639 Fixed Album Art Views: cleanup of various Columns, Sorting, and Grouping issues

3639 Fixed Album Art Views: sometimes a single album is represented by multiple images

3674 Fixed closing MM from miniplayer throws an error

3478 Fixed bitrate on player still shows '-1' in some cases (regression)

3682 Fixed player time indicator is inaccurate for long tracks

3733 Fixed Miniplayer transparency problems

3712 Fixed multiple definition fields: sometimes spaces are auto-deleted

3393 Fixed multiple definition fields: cannot Drag and Drop to append field value

3714 Fixed editing Track Properties in Album Art view creates duplicates

3675 Fixed some fields are always checked when doing mass edits

3690 Fixed in-place edit of title field in album node causes DB error

3273 Fixed no way to set rating to unknown via 'My Rating'

3749 Fixed tags are saved even when configured not to if using live rating control

3755 Fixed in-place editing doesn't work for conductor field

3667 Fixed iPod sync: another access violation while browsing iPod

3697 Fixed iPod sync: auto-sync deletes mp4 files and these are usually video

3698 Fixed iPod Sync: album artwork can be corrupted if iTunes syncs video

3729 Fixed iPod Sync: Filenames can contain a space before file extension

3750 Fixed iPod Sync: Playlists are prefixed with 'Playlist-' for many users

3723 Fixed Auto-Sync list: Playlists sometimes appear on music tab

3724 Fixed Auto-sync deletes tracks that are on the sync list if they're inaccessible

3719 Fixed possible to delete device while connected --> error

3713 Fixed non-square album art doesn't look good on new iPods

3696 Fixed Podcasts don't update immediately at startup

3753 Fixed some podcasts attempt to load perpetually and generate duplicate entries

3582 Fixed various UI issues in the unskinned version

2370 Fixed various usability issues with Mask configuration

3689 Fixed background volume analysis shouldn't pop up error messages on failed tag write

3722 Fixed background volume analysis triggers db error in some cases

3382 Fixed can't burn to non-empty CD (regression)

3680 Fixed opening Extensions dialog triggers an error

3684 Fixed hints-related failed application termination

3701 Fixed APE or MPC tracks can throw an exception if year field is missing

3685 Fixed various localization-related UI issues (space/positioning)

3665 Fixed some registry entries weren't being removed at uninstall

3726 Fixed extensions should be installed globally for all users

2859 Fixed statistics report fails in some locales

3623 Fixed more problems on Win98/ME

2360 Fixed several issues in Extensions UI

3657 Optimized expansion of Artists node

3676 Optimized cpu utilization in idle state

3676 Optimized drawing of the player and drawing routines in general

3676 Optimized browsing / caching in Album Art views

3700 Optimized audio burning & on-the-fly burn option

3024 Updated logging component to v6.08

3594 Updated to SQLite 3.5.1

3711 Removed unnecesary mask bars in various dialogs

3399 Reverted Installation of MM3 to Program Files\MediaMonkey3\ to \MediaMonkey\<!--SPOILER DIV--></div><!--SPOILER DIV--><!--SPOILER DIV--></div><!--SPOILER DIV-->


Alpha-fasen<!--SPOILER BEGIN--><div class="spoilertop" onClick="openClose('c33d5a2bb8d1223d3da4339e8e37fa87')" style="font-weight: bold">Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor</div><div class="spoilermain" id="c33d5a2bb8d1223d3da4339e8e37fa87" style="display:none"><!--SPOILER END-->Alpha 1<!--SPOILER BEGIN--><div class="spoilertop" onClick="openClose('41c33b6835a5df17d8a0867738abb025')" style="font-weight: bold">Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor</div><div class="spoilermain" id="41c33b6835a5df17d8a0867738abb025" style="display:none"><!--SPOILER END-->

2704 Added Vista compatibility for CD playback

2754 Added new themeable player (via msz files)

2389 Added adjustable font sizes in Themes (for Media PC themes)

2583 Added new status bar framework which conserves space

2360 Added new client-side framework for easy installation of scripts (via mmip files)

2399 Added lightweight db (sqlite) for improved performance and reliability

0848 Added ability to display all fields in the Tracklist

1856 Added podcast reader (configurable directories and podcasts)

2253 Added My Documents in the Locations node (needs more work for Vista)

1313 Added iTunes style browser

2699 Added in-tracklist editing of ratings

2524 Added Send-to email

2366 Added the ability to add new folders via Drag and Drop

1273 Added ability to sort the Now Playing list

1273 Added undo capability for changes to the Now Playing list

1988 Added Files to Edit > Unlevelled tracks

2623 Added track selection via spacebar to better comply with accessibility requirements

0104 Added ability to see which playlists a track belongs to

1797 Added empty winamp.exe file to install directory to facilitate winamp plugin installs

2614 Added themeable text to better highlight Burn Wizard warnings

1445 Added ability to burn audio across multiple Audio CDs

2373 Added auto-conversion for CD Burning (e.g. convert Flac on the fly for an MP3 CD)

2242 Added optional warnings to appear in burn wizard when when burn path > 64 characters

2416 Added delete original files option to burn data disc wizard (for archival purposes)

2374 Added 'cache files from network' option for safer burning of non-local files

2521 Added ability to delete tracks in audio cd burn wizard

2173 Added unicode support for disc burning

2072 Added verify disc function for burning

2371 Added much faster audio CD burning via on-the-fly track preparation and larger buffer

1746 Added warning to prevent scanning of a directory containing the Virtual CD

2772 Added option to add tracks to the library on conversion

0097 Added automated volume analysis (optional)

1330 Added Album Gain support

0849 Added ability to edit volume leveling values

2659 Added Micro-Monkey player upon minizing to Tray (currently 'MediaMonkey Desk Player')

0351 Added configurable hotkeys with Global hotkey support

2476 Added remember last node when closing

2505 Added hibernate and sleep options to Sleep function

2180 Added auto-generation of debug logs if MM crashes

1448 Added AAC playback (requires Quicktime)

0117 Added native crossfade support

2545 Added silence removal

2678 Added playback position is bookmarked based on Genre

1380 Added advanced search for 'unknown' fields

2645 Added advanced search for last synched date

1987 Added advanced search for contained in playlist

2335 Added logical operators for quicksearch (' '=AND, ""=exact, ';'=OR)

0096 Added basic logical operators for advanced search ('Any'/'All)

1449 Added AAC tagging

1545 Added improved support for classical music (help file to be updated)

1633 Added global album art configuration settings / improved album art management

1633 Added support for saving Album Art as folder.jpg globally

2667 Added Album Art tagging in FLAC files

2750 Added replay gain support for WMA tags (previously only in DB)

2730 Added Album Art tagging in OGG files

2773 Added linked Album Art locations to FLAC tags

0956 Added WM9 encoding (lossless, Pro, speeach, VBR, CBR-2 Pass, etc)

2605 Added multiple genres support to ID3 tags

2440 Added Send-to My Documents

2147 Added ability to import ratings from jRiver

2655 Added synch support for iPod Gapless mode

2231 Added auto-synch should display number of tracks being deleted

1949 Added synchronization gives more control over auto-generated playlists

2107 Added synchronization config allows user to define formats supported on a device

0714 Added support for multiple Genres, Artists, Albums, CDs

1796 Improved database is stored to Application data instead of My Music

1627 Improved associated file types are not set to 'MediaMonkey file'

2490 Improved burn priority set to High for on-the-fly, and uses default thread priority otherwise

2378 Improved default burn data disk format masks

2212 Improved CD-text usability in the Audio CD wizard

1132 Improved configuration in volume leveling screen (needs more work)

0519 Improved Tooltips behaviour (needs more work)

2731 Improved layout and icons

1807 Improved Auto-tag from Amazon to better display changed tags

2415 Improved Auto-organize with addition masks

2664 Updated to LAME 3.97

2737 Updated FLAC to 1.1.3

2694 Updated Microsoft Windows Media components

2506 Fixed MediaMonkey doesn't work well in multi-monitor environments

2377 Fixed Window Positions not persisted when application is closed

2685 Fixed settings don't persist if application is abnormally terminated

1437 Fixed switching from Winamp back to MM player should trigger Now Playing list to appear

2572 Fixed odbc errors when searching using Chinese characters

2715 Fixed scanning status bar shows track prior to the one actually being scanned

2760 Fixed MediaMonkey can add duplicate entries when a drive is switched from IDE to USB

2643 Fixed MediaMonkey isn't correctly associated with tracks in some environments

2672 Fixed config settings can sometimes be saved to C:\My Music

2695 Fixed file lengths reported incorrectly when headers are incorrect (e.g. MusicMatch rips)

2593 Fixed Audio CD is closed even if 'Allow further writing' is enabled

2575 Fixed if burner/disk fails to initialize, no error message is given

2560 Fixed progress bar shows 'Burning .m3u file' when burning a Single Data file

2550 Fixed non-Gold user cannot click burn if CD/DVD isn't inserted

2549 Fixed Send-to disk has CD/DVD as an available option

0210 Fixed Drag and Drop / Cut & Paste disabled for virtual CD

2460 Removed Virtual CD queue (playlists serve the same function)

2786 Fixed newly added/converted tracks fail to trigger a refresh of the current view

2751 Fixed leveling RVA2 ID3 tags written incorrectly

2692 Fixed leveling RVA2 ID3 tags from Foobar not read correctly

1421 Fixed tracklist scrolls horizontally unnecessarily in some cases

2280 Fixed focus shifts when tracks are added/removed from the view

0266 Fixed Location/Network node shouldn't appear unless tracks are contained within

2526 Fixed wheelmouse works backwards if configured to scroll page at a time

2512 Fixed tray 'restore' function when MM is in foreground causes 'Now Playing' to become hidden

0946 Fixed clicking a Tree shortcut sometimes cause node to display at the bottom of the window

0700 Fixed <Shift><Delete> should trigger permanent deletion without prompting for choice of method

0021 Fixed empty tree nodes should not have a '+'

0945 Fixed Now Playing transparency stops working after MediaMonkey is restored

1127 Fixed Now Playing transparency blocks confirmation dialogs

0905 Fixed Now Playing doesn't always show the upcoming track

2767 Fixed folder selection dialog can trigger AV, and is slow

2489 Fixed usability issues in folder selection dialog

2548 Fixed invalid MPP files can trigger an access violation

2815 Fixed track never ends after switching back from party mode/full screen

2680 Fixed playcount algorithm should only mark tracks as played when fully played

2726 Fixed playcounts are increased when tracks are paused

2718 Fixed MP3 input plugin introduces slight gaps

1670 Fixed editing tag of currently playing track can lead to 5-10 seconds of repetition

2711 Fixed player timer is stuck at zero if set to count down on a radio stream

0124 Fixed changes in equalizer setting during playback cause audio artifacts

2632 Fixed misc issues with MediaMonkey / Winamp integration

2452 Fixed Auto-DJ performance issues

2674 Fixed copy & paste of autoplaylists doesn't always work

1966 Fixed duplicate detection doesn't give any feedback if no duplicates are detected

2738 Fixed faulty tags in some wave tracks cause them to always remain in unsynchronized tags

2778 Fixed wave tags written by EAsy CD-DA extractor cannot be modified

1765 Fixed auto-tag from Amazon generates incorrect artist info for Various Artist CDs

2165 Fixed My Computer node infers properties of tracks that are already in the DB

2241 Fixed multiple Album Art windows can open for a single file and retain focus incorrectly

2696 Fixed File Monitor adds tracks in 8.3 format on FAT filesystems

2687 Fixed volume leveling information isn't read from LAME info tag

2434 Fixed Volume leveling peak info not stored to MPC tags

2621 Fixed auto-organize tries to organize all checked files even when no change is required

2631 Fixed corrupted MP3 tags are read very slowly

2499 Fixed tagging of tracks in tagging queue can cause damaged Album art

2386 Fixed Auto-organize of large number of tracks leads to an apparent UI freeze

2582 Fixed wording of auto-increment script

2646 Fixed scripting bug: SDB.UI.NewEdit.ControlName = SDB.UI.NewEdit.Text

2782 Fixed MTP synchronization: wmdm driver doesn't delete empty directories

2781 Fixed MTP synchronization: wmdm driver doesn't synch album art from My Computer node

2276 Fixed synchronization: iRiver H Series inaccurately named

<!--SPOILER DIV--></div><!--SPOILER DIV-->


Alpha 2<!--SPOILER BEGIN--><div class="spoilertop" onClick="openClose('e33a80174f791a1e2fa2da8f7c460352')" style="font-weight: bold">Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor</div><div class="spoilermain" id="e33a80174f791a1e2fa2da8f7c460352" style="display:none"><!--SPOILER END-->

2558 Added different headers to Now Playing in minimized mode

2237 Added total lockdown to Party mode

2878 Added option to burn same disc again

1991 Added query by Track#

1992 Added query by Media

1985 Added query by Album / Album Comments

0715 Added query by Type

2558 Improved integration of the Mini-Monkey with the Now Playing window

2851 Improved grouping by Album Artist in Album Art views

2834 Fixed occasional access violations in Album Art views

2839 Fixed access violations when user adds album art before view has refreshed

2860 Fixed access violation on addition of Album Art via group properties

2856 Fixed Track # should be shown in AA view instead of play order #

2832 Fixed minimizing progress bar can trigger access violation

2829 Fixed <ctrl><a> in some views triggers access violation

2836 Fixed access violation when user double-clicks on minimonkey to restore

2830 Fixed access violation when winamp is used as the player

2847 Fixed player flickers when docked under tracklist and mouse hovers on it

2841 Fixed access violation on resizing player

2867 Fixed minimized status bars not visible in unskinned mode

2874 Fixed Editing rating from within player triggers apparent change in Now Playing list

2558 Fixed tracks don't play on double-click in Mini-Monkey if player is stopped/paused

2866 Fixed 'All' nodes fail to update to reflect scanning progress

2802 Fixed Album Ratings shouldn't appear editable

2872 Fixed Access Violation for scripts calling GetNodeData

2850 Fixed podcasts fail to download if episode title contains > 1 line

2857 Fixed occasional freezes from some podcast downloads

2858 Fixed freeze upon removal of many tracks from the library

2840 Fixed access violation on clearing many Genre fields at once

2837 Fixed database version check fails in some cases

2844 Fixed access violation when multiple selects occur

2842 Fixed 'List index out of bounds' error in virtual tree

2854 Fixed auto-tag from Amazon doubles up track listings

2833 Fixed playlist.m3u should be moved from My Music to App Data directory

2827 Updated to FLAC 1.1.4 libraries

<!--SPOILER DIV--></div><!--SPOILER DIV-->


Alpha 3<!--SPOILER BEGIN--><div class="spoilertop" onClick="openClose('3ef724ecb2dcfde9d823ba6fe72c7f18')" style="font-weight: bold">Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor</div><div class="spoilermain" id="3ef724ecb2dcfde9d823ba6fe72c7f18" style="display:none"><!--SPOILER END-->

2667 Added Album Art support for flac

1331 Added search history

2825 Added Vista-style hierarchy browser (via 'View')

0347 Added option to restrict Quicksearch to current view

2774 Added multimedia keys to the hotkey list

2753 Added album art management for device synchronization

2417 Improved search node isn't shown unless search history exists

2933 Improved messages for disk spanning

1633 Improved album art management

2904 Improved Auto-sync dialog should be resizable

2887 Improved description of UTF-16 tagging behaviour

2921 Improved debug logging so that it doesn't require an email to be sent

2848 Updated CD Burning Engine to version 2.02

2490 Fixed burning auto-conversion is at high priority

1449 Fixed some AAC m4a tags not read

2936 Fixed queries may show tracks multiple times (e.g. with multiple genres)

2931 Fixed minimizing mini-monkey triggers error

1949 Fixed regression: iPod auto-sync can fail to create playlists

2907 Fixed regression: 'Advanced' option not available on auto-sync list

2914 Fixed tracks on WMDM devices are sometimes synched unnecessarily

2858 Fixed deleting many tracks triggers freeze

2828 Fixed Milkdrop generates an error on visualization startup

2862 Fixed very large OPML 1.0 directories can trigger a freeze

2910 Fixed 'Year' queries don't work correctly

2913 Fixed Now Playing > Edit > Clean can trigger a freeze

2909 Fixed edits to classification can be lost in the Properties dialog

2859 Fixed statistics report fails

2901 Fixed ID3 2.4 tags aren't read correctly for frame > 127 bytes

2902 Fixed Album Art numbering

2902 Fixed Album art not added correctly for tracks in different albums / locations

2903 Fixed some Podcast attributes not read correctly

2900 Fixed send to Playlist from Now Playing window doesn't trigger update

2898 Fixed Auto-Tag from Amazon 'Auto-Tag' button is disabled once used

2899 Fixed extensions on remote files/streams can be read incorrectly

2897 Fixed progress bar blinks when clicking unsyrchronized tracks node

2882 Fixed unsynchronized tracks node can trigger a crash

2896 Fixed prefixes (e.g. 'The') can cause incorrect sorting when switching views

2886 Fixed eMusic ID3 tags read incorrectly

2891 Fixed occasional SQL errors when scanning tracks and/or other db operations

2888 Fixed Volume Bar doesn't work correctly in some cases

2716 Fixed some streams don't display correctly in the player

2849 Fixed MP3 files with a long block of zeros can trigger a crash

2849 Removed in_dsmp3.dll

2881 Fixed exception after MainTree node is edited

2880 Fixed access violation when changing album properties in Album Art view

<!--SPOILER DIV--></div><!--SPOILER DIV-->


Alpha 4<!--SPOILER BEGIN--><div class="spoilertop" onClick="openClose('680a8557c3ff51052dfbde3621b57e60')" style="font-weight: bold">Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor</div><div class="spoilermain" id="680a8557c3ff51052dfbde3621b57e60" style="display:none"><!--SPOILER END-->

2889 Added ability to integrate scripts with Auto-DJ (see wiki)

2986 Added ability to integrate custom search scripts to Auto-tag from Web function

3015 Added ability to manually trigger debug log (see Forum for instructions)

2953 Added support for new fields in ID3 tags (Disc#, Conductor, Album Gain, Rel. Date)

2972 Added expand/collapse Albums in Album Art view with <ALT>+<Up>/<Down>

Use <Shift> for multiple albums

2983/3012 Added fields to appear in the Tracklist

3019 Added authenticode signature to stop download warnings

2099 Added Album Art support to CD Burning

3018 Added support for multiple classifications per track

1572 Added live synchronization space indicator for auto-sync list

2981 Added total duration to statistics report

1449 Added support for new fields in AAC tags and fixed various AAC tagging issues

2952 Added support for new fields in WMA tags (Disc#, conductor, Date, classifications,

involved people, custom fields, multiple attribute fields)

2951 Added support for new fields in OGG tags

2146 Added hotkeys for ratings, search, undo

2812 Added support for different fonts in menus

3000 Added tooltips for Track properties in Album Art view

2971 Added indicator for Total# of tracks in Album Art view

2924 Added additional custom fields

0347 Added ability to restrict quicksearch to current view

3020 Updated CD Burning engine to version 2.04

2994 Improved empty Album Art image

2908 Improved Auto-sync list config panel

2370 Improved mask configuration

2204 Improved Burn CD Again workflow

2990 Improved hotkey shortcuts should be reflected in menus

2988 Improved hotkey panel usability

2802 Improved ratings representation for Album Ratings

2963 Improved skinning capabilities

2969 Improved CPU utilization (better caching) for Album Art views

2824 Improved accessibility of Auto DJ

2976 Improved support for Japanese characters

2955 Improved Album Art window with Maximize button

2948 Fixed regression: Edit controls in skinned mode aren't Unicode ready

3005 Fixed regression: toolbar setting in Party mode overwrites regular toolbar setting

3003 Fixed regression: scrolling property attributes doesn't work correctly in Party mode

3008 Fixed regression: data in custom fields can be deleted in some cases when editing

3006 Fixed regression: empty BPM field always has a value of 1

2989 Fixed regression: hotkeys should not open > 1 instance of a modal dialog

3001 Fixed regression: Album node is lost when its name is mass edited

2967 Fixed regression: Cannot clear Album field in tracklist

2975 Fixed regression: Unchecking 'Infer track properties' causes scanning to freeze

2859 Fixed statistics report fails with new DB

3013 Fixed linked Album Art can be deleted in some cases when editing Track properties

2972 Fixed Album Art view selection problems

2998 Fixed Album Art view doesn't refresh when art is deleted

3016 Fixed usability regressions in auto-type dropdowns

3027 Fixed player image is corrupted when second instance is run

2808 Fixed iPod synchronization: iPods appear incorrectly in Vista

3031 Fixed Scanning large wave files can trigger memory leak

2865/2875 Fixed refresh of tracklist (e.g. scanning) causes view to scroll to the top

3030 Fixed Party Mode isn't protected for Win key + TAB

2966 Fixed Hotkeys behave globally even if not set to global

2941 Fixed SQL error when attempting to browse podcast directory

2843 Fixed access violation when updating podcast

2995/2984 Fixed podcast directory can't be expanded in some cases

2204 Fixed confusing workflow & messaging for multiple disk burns

2770 Fixed classification subnodes can't be renamed

2846 Fixed volume bar gets offset when changing skin options

2982 Fixed playing a flac while converting it triggers an access violation

2961/2993 Fixed playback artifacts while tagging a track during playback

3002 Fixed double-click action doesn't always work correctly in Album Art view

2072 Fixed Disc Burn verification fails when auto-conversion is used

2220 Fixed m3u playlist files aren't burnt correctly

2992 Fixed CD rip / playback problems when multiple CDs are inserted

2985 Fixed quicksearch history / auto-type doesn't work as expected

2979 Fixed iPod synchronization can fail if iPod DB has > 1 identical track IDs

2959 Fixed text in Now Playing view not properly refreshed re. Bold text

2977 Fixed Windows Logon screen can cause MM to freeze

2844 Fixed various freezes of MM

2968 Fixed Autoplaylists - condition Played# = 0 does not work correctly

2945 Fixed resizing of device synchronization settings dialog fails

2965/2956 MediaMonkey graphics improvements

2528 Fixed Winamp 5.3+ Unicode Input plug-ins not compatible

2950 Fixed access violation on shutdown if external device is connected

2942 Fixed minimize/maximize buttons don't always respond

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Alpha 5<!--SPOILER BEGIN--><div class="spoilertop" onClick="openClose('b453b4fdcf6d4dbb0adf797522f9d653')" style="font-weight: bold">Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor</div><div class="spoilermain" id="b453b4fdcf6d4dbb0adf797522f9d653" style="display:none"><!--SPOILER END-->

3088 Added Glided skin as default. Special thanks to Morten!

2957 Added Casino Orange skin.

3042 Added various new skin objects to support Glided skin

0897 Added player spectrograph

0102 Added filtering functionality for multiple collections

3026 Added ability to auto-delete podcasts based on rating

1572 Added live indicator of sync list size

2952 Added support for WMA SharedUserRating tag

3078 Added queries for # tracks by Artist or in Album and # Albums by Artist

3054 Improved performance in startup, scanning, tracklist, sorting, etc.

3089 Improved auto-dj performance

2825 Improved behaviour of hierarchy browser & fixed several bugs

2547 Improved automation via auto-organize rules

2844 Fixed freezes caused by more than one SELECT

3115 Fixed regression: File Monitor doesn't detect changes to a directory name

1426 Fixed micro-player sometimes fails to appear

1449 Fixed scanning some m4a tracks causes MM to crash in Vista

3087 Fixed Sync list totals fail to update correctly / freeze

3061 Fixed sync status bar moves to the left sometimes

3084 Fixed tracks sync unnecessarily if 'save album art to tags is enabled'

2782 Fixed sync via wmdm doesn't delete empty directories

3105 Fixed Auto-conversion with 'Save album art to tag' option doesn't work

3037 Fixed sync album art to WMDM devices can crash if no drive letter assigned

3085 Fixed sync album art can be in unsupported format

3067 Fixed eject device can trigger an access violation

3064 Fixed removing device while tracks are open can can an access violation

2971 Fixed clicking 'Show all tracks' in Album Art view doesn't work correctly

3066 Fixed connecting an iPod can cause an access violation

2859 Fixed more errors in the statistics report

3062 Fixed Playlists don't sync when tracks within are auto-converted

2982 Fixed playing flac while converting flac triggers an access violation

3109 Fixed per Album volume leveling on FLAC tracks doesn't work

2869 Fixed podcast opml directories should use opml 1.0 where possible

3100 Fixed Podcast cannot be deleted from within a podcast node

3094 Fixed various cosmetic issues in podcast functionality

3095 Fixed podcasting 'download all' new episodes downloads all episodes

3103 Fixed auto-sync podcast tab is always enabled

2862 Fixed more OPML parser issues

2850 Fixed some podcasts still fail to download

3119 Fixed podcasts subscriptions fail if accepted before episode list downloads

3119 Fixed many podcast feeds appear empty

3120 Fixed indentically named podcasts should have unique numeric identifiers

3099 Fixed unsubscribed podcasts continue to download

3104 Fixed File Monitor can show List index out of bounds error

3010 Fixed no error on m4a playback when QuickTime isn't installed

3045 Fixed playing some corrupted MP3 files triggers a freeze

3065 Fixed Direct Sound output plugin division by zero error in some cases

3111 Fixed playing song not in the DB briefly adds it to the DB Location node

3104 Fixed rare 'list index out of bounds error' for File Monitor

3074 Fixed error when quickly refreshing the tracklist

3053 Fixed sorting Now Playing changes sort order of main tracklist

3070 Fixed regression: Tree doesn't have individual years

3069 Fixed playlist content can be duplicated in some cases

3081 Fixed AddTracksFromQuery() function

3068 Fixed player appears to freeze when trying to play inaccessible files

3083 Fixed party mode: tracks can be d&d into playlist when re-ordering is disabled

3049 Fixed regression: cannot play files recorded to Virtual CD

3039 Fixed many winamp plugins no longer work

3063 Fixed scanning multiple value ID3 fields can cause other fields to be skipped

2475 Fixed Album art is sometimes imported out of order if multiple images exist

3044 Fixed regression: Album Art quality was reduced in Alpha 4

3113 Fixed Edit Album Art properties can cause access violation

3122 Fixed Conductors dropdown list contains Artists

2360 Fixed various issues with script installation framework

3048 Fixed 'Thread Error: The handle is invalid (6)'

3028 Fixed Track Browser button status can be incorrect

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Alpha 6<!--SPOILER BEGIN--><div class="spoilertop" onClick="openClose('e67af3cf4bbb724ea0ad579624bb63b6')" style="font-weight: bold">Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor</div><div class="spoilermain" id="e67af3cf4bbb724ea0ad579624bb63b6" style="display:none"><!--SPOILER END-->

3240 Added Blue Glass skin instead of Casino Blue

0656 Added Configuration options for popup notifications

3126 Added File > Open menu entry and context menu entry to player

3116 Added subscribe to podcasts via .pcast web links (no default association yet)

3116 Added open RSS feeds in MediaMonkey subscribe dialog via Firefox

3096 Added podcast indicator to show which tracks are queued

3098 Added ability to play an unsubscribed podcast

3099 Fixed Podcasts continue to download after unsubscribing

3102 Fixed Podcast name isn't assigned to the Album field

3214 Fixed Podcasts with ' are parsed incorrectly

3289 Fixed occasional errors when browsing OPML directory

3149 Fixed operations on Location node are very slow on larger databases

3212 Fixed Duplicate Titles node is very slow

3046 Fixed scanning of some files with unicode (update to sqlite engine)

3193 Fixed scanning manual termination takes too long

3134 Fixed scanning M4P tracks crashes MediaMonkey

3125 Fixed tagging of some OGG fields (related to multiple Artist / Genre support)

2954 Fixed tagging of some of flac (multiple Artist/Genre support + Replay Gain)

3130 Fixed tags are saved even if configured not to when auto-analyzing volume

3260 Fixed empty Year field appears with garbled data for some OGG tracks

3127 Fixed numerous freezes reported in alpha 5 (DB, File Monitor, synchronization)

3213 Fixed Tempo, Mood, Occasion and Quality fields were not written into DB

3295 Fixed 'Error executing SQL statement "COMMIT" : SQL logic error or missing db'

3219 Fixed modifying Album properties modifies Artist incorrectly

3237 Fixed regression: 'All' node sub to Location doesn't work

3198 Fixed 'Search current node only' doesn't work for 'Now playing'

3190 Fixed search bar usability issues and added persistence of settings

3296 Fixed rapid changing of tracks triggers error

3239 Fixed Next and Back Shortcuts cause skipped tracks in Now Playing

3146 Fixed equalizer can make sound muted

3254 Fixed equalizer can cause endless repeat of audio and freeze

3184 Fixed regression: in_wmp3.dll can't play tracks without ID3v2 tags

3238 Fixed cannot open some streams via 'Open file or URL' dialog

3248 Fixed pop up of track metadata doesn't display correctly for streams

0956 Fixed WMA9 encoding is at incorrect bitrate

3246 Fixed WMA lossless doesn't offer choice of sampling rate

3288 Fixed random errors in Now Playing

3291 Fixed visualization freezes on some tracks

3218 Improved algorithm for device free space calculation

3087 Fixed changing confign in Sync options can still trigger an error

3129 Fixed foreign characters aren't sorted correctly

3128 Fixed View | Player (Ctrl-Alt-L) doesn't always work

3055 Fixed Track with mulitple Genres/Artists/Classifications don't display correctly

3142 Fixed Album Art views don't refresh when Album Art is deleted

3144 Fixed large fonts causes tracklist headings to display incorrectly

3136 Fixed player can sometimes disappear

1807 Added Auto-tag from Amazon option to display without changes (context menu)

3133 Fixed player displays .5, 1.5, 2.5 star ratings rounded up

3299 Fixed player displays tracks with symbols incorrectly or not at all

3114 Fixed automatic horizontal shift is excessive

3255 Fixed mass edit of Disc# / Track# fields don't auto-check

3186 Fixed 'Find more from same' doesn't work when Artist/Genre contain multiple items

3145 Fixed Auto-Organize rule options window can freeze

3175 Fixed regression: Auto-Organize $if() function doesn't work

3137 Fixed some translations not included with the installer

<!--SPOILER DIV--></div><!--SPOILER DIV-->


Alpha 7<!--SPOILER BEGIN--><div class="spoilertop" onClick="openClose('26bfa9f4298ed5fc416d0802b08078e6')" style="font-weight: bold">Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor</div><div class="spoilermain" id="26bfa9f4298ed5fc416d0802b08078e6" style="display:none"><!--SPOILER END-->

3253 Added context search within OPML directories

3307 Added Disc# as a mask option in auto-organize and elsewhere

3318 Added ability to configure podcast downloads more granularly (e.g. last 10)

3302 Fixed crash when Toaster plugin is enabled

3039 Fixed crash when old AudioScrobbler plugin is enabled

3337 Fixed some MP3s trigger a crash

3333 Fixed Auto Auto-DJ can trigger a freeze

3336 Fixed access violation on exit (occasionally with some plugins)

3305 Fixed random errors on playback of FLAC or MP4

3299 Fixed player displays tracks with '?' incorrectly

2763 Fixed Winamp playlist doesn't update if settings are saved per user

3148 Fixed some OPML directories cannot be imported

3119 Fixed some podcast feeds appear empty when they shouldn't

3314 Fixed Podcast episodes don't appear in the correct order on iPod

3297 Fixed single click of podcast shouldn't open subscription window

0956 Fixed WMA Pro VBR bitrate settings displayed incorrectly

3316 Fixed Multiple Albums node doesn't work if filter is active

3311 Fixed Duplicate Content node is exceptionally slow

3324 Fixed Track Browser title settings don't persist

3335 Fixed FileMonitor performance issues

3332 Fixed Duplicate Content node contains non existent duplicates

3334 Fixed Auto analyze volume is too slow

3327 Fixed Auto analyze volume should only attempt to analyze accessible tracks

3300 Fixed played tracks are added to the tracklist when they shouldn't be

3345 Fixed occasional freeze while working with Artists

3346 Fixed occasional freeze related to burning

0519 Fixed configurable Track tooltips (single field vs all fields)

0656 Fixed pop-up display configuration usability issues

3058 Added make Popup Display content configurable (via .ini file only)

3313 Fixed Equalizer Transparency isn't configurable from the Equalizer

3309 Fixed options UI (misc cleanup)

3312 Fixed references to MiniPlayer show 'Now Playing'

1253 Fixed caption bar graphics have artifacts when displayed sideways

3215 Fixed MP1/MP2 can be associated even when MP3 plugin doesn't support them

3319 Fixed Digital Podcast Top 50 should be removed

3328 Fixed Statistics report: Buttons aren't placed correctly

3024 Updated to new version of logging code (6.06)

0656 Code cleanup for popup display

1273 Improved undo functionality in Now Playing

3310 Fixed various freezes caused by threading issues

3304 Fixed random errors on thread destruction

3339 Fixed Miniplayer skins are too wide by default

3326 Fixed regression: Auto-Tag from Amazon Titles fail to update if user changes Track#

2953 Fixed disc# not saved correctly for ID3

3125 Fixed BPM not saved for OGG tracks

3117 Fixed failed burns on standard version due to need to configure low speed

2859 Fixed more problems in the statistics report

Not regression tested:

3077 Added support for password protected Podcasts

3343 Fixed error when device is connected on termination

3342 Fixed album art window indicates add art to selected track instead of Now Playing track

3341 Fixed length of mp3s with Xing header is incorrect

1448 Fixed crash when AAC format isn't supported by version of Quicktime installed

2475 Fixed Album Art: Windows Media Player Album Art still isn't imported correctly

3303 Fixed DateAdded value disappears when track is changed externally

3264 Fixed continuous spelled incorrectly in player.ini

<!--SPOILER DIV--></div><!--SPOILER DIV-->


Alpha 8<!--SPOILER BEGIN--><div class="spoilertop" onClick="openClose('b1bf4b2141afdb52055706dbbd441400')" style="font-weight: bold">Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor</div><div class="spoilermain" id="b1bf4b2141afdb52055706dbbd441400" style="display:none"><!--SPOILER END-->

2108 Added on-the-fly volume leveling for synchronization

1606 Added mass editing of album art to Properties dialog

1618 Added newly inserted CD should appear as a top level node

0863 Added missing tracks should be deleted during a scan

3900 Added mask $First(<Field>,x) for multiple-definition fields

0553 Added configurable views per filter (columns & nodes)

0553 Added configurable playback rules per filter

2822 Added ability to disable Shuffle per filter

0553 Added new nodes for Composer, Conductor, Album Artist, etc.

3411 Added support for Original Date (TDOR) tag (instead of just orig. year)

3413 Added query to search for Status 'is podcast'

3366 Added query to Search by Disc #

2408 Fixed Lookup of Now Playing tracks at startup is too slow

0656 Fixed popup doesn't appear for first played track

3401 Fixed Player doesn't always reflect tray-initiated changes

3437 Fixed Sleep mode shouldn't force PC to hibernate/sleep

3364 Fixed visual artifacts in skins on restart

3352 Fixed visual artifacts seen in WMP skin

2958 Fixed skinned fonts don't appear correctly in popup

2958 Fixed popup artifacts in Blue Glass skin

3363 Fixed progress bars sometimes don't fill correctly

3387 Fixed synchronization can freeze if attempt to eject/browse is performed

3242 Fixed auto-synch list doesn't dynamically update

3391 Fixed sync rules needs to be configurable for multiple definition fields

3356 Fixed synchronization: track references sometimes not deleted from iPod

3373 Improved synchronization: Auto-sync list consistent with filters implementation

3404 Improved usability of Locate moved/missing tracks

3122 Improved composer/conductor fields should have auto-complete

3122 Improved composer/conductor advanced queries for multiple values

3011 Improved track properties layout (suitable for all music now)

3434 Improved presentation of playlists section of Properties dialog

3011 Fixed Genre-based Properties dialog layout switch by removing it

3400 Fixed Mass Edit: comments field isn't visible even if identical for all tracks

3433 Fixed Mass Edit: Album Artist isn't visible even if identical for all tracks

3398 Fixed Auto-tag from Amazon adds empty albums

2772 Fixed conversion can add tracks to Library even when configured not to

3412 Fixed using tab key to navigate to search control clears tracklist

3435 Fixed Track Browser doesn't reflect 'ignore prefix' settings

3357 Fixed Auto-organize doesn't work for fields containing trailing '.'

3389 Fixed downloading album art from Amazon can cause AV

3379 Fixed adding linked album art can names linked images incorrectly

2475 Fixed hidden folder.jpg Album Art from Windows Media Player not imported

3380 Fixed selecting first Album in Album Art View puts focus on wrong album

3365 Fixed searching for non-ASCII characters is case sensitive

0167 Fixed default track # and disk# should be an empty string (no longer numeric)

3369 Fixed disc # mask doesn't support $if(<Disc#>, <Disc#> - ,)

3421 Fixed Album Art doesn't appear in Tracklist if no Album name is given

3414 Fixed regression: Removal of album art via AA Window consistently fails

3078 Fixed query re. # Albums by Artist should use Album Artist

3394 Fixed search of multiple definition fields |= returns incorrect results

3293 Fixed regression: Find more from same artist fails when filter active

3355 Fixed regression: Sort order doesn't persist

3377 Fixed freeze when ejecting CD during playback

3367 Fixed error when trying to burn CD on some systems

2930 Fixed Audio CD burns have occasional gaps on some systems

2938 Fixed no indication of # discs for burns spanning multiple disks

3384 Fixed possible Rip/Burn errors when > 1 device is used

3399 Changed install directory to /MediaMonkey3 to avoid accidental overwrites

3083 Fixed Party Mode config so that accidental track re-ordering is preventable

2708 Fixed replay gain tag issues in WAV files

3349 Fixed FLAC tags: Original Year tag cannot be deleted

3396 Fixed MPC tagging problem re. replay gain handling

3438 Fixed Bitrate isn't shown for many m4a tracks

3361 Fixed Auto-tag from Amazon downloads Art even if not required

2961 Fixed instance of repeating OGG audio stream

3359 Fixed OGG streams sometimes show garbage instead of title

2211 Improved config panel layout for Library options/suboptions

3370 Fixed Tripex visualization can't be enabled in MM 3.0

3358 Fixed CPU Usage 100% with downloading of Podcasts

3375 Fixed internet connection errors (TIE library not threadsafe)

3388 Fixed starting while another instance is terminating causes AV

3439 Fixed occasional freeze on termination (of the out_mmds plugin)

3310 Fixed freeze related to different threads accessing DB

3310 Fixed freeze related to File Monitor / threading

3425 Fixed freeze when searching in some cases

3376 Fixed error on startup with Filter enabled

3354 Fixed occasional error when switching from MiniPlayer to main window

3353 Fixed Read/Write lock problem when selecting albums in AlbumArt view mode

3368 Optimized some DB queries

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Hvordan rapporterer jeg problemer?

  • Det spørs hva problemet er. a) Noen ganger vil MediaMonkey sende automatiske meldinger til en server, slik at utviklerne kan finne problemet uten at brukeren gjør noe. Det er uansett lurt å skrive hva man gjorde før problemet oppstod i tekstboksen før man sender feilrapporten - MediaMonkey henter inn informasjon om maskinvaren og andre programmer som kjører. b) Andre ganger må man rapportere problemet manuelt. Dette gjøres enten via dette forumet (undertegnede har direkte kontakt med utviklerne), eller via MediaMonkey-forumet hvor du kan finne lignende/helt like problemer.

Hvem er trådstarter?

  • Jeg har laget det offisielle skinnet "Glided" og har oversatt v2.5 og v3.0 til norsk. I det siste har jeg fått mer og mer innblikk i hvordan utviklingen av MediaMonkey foregår, men er fortsatt kun en svært interessert bruker. Les gjerne mer om meg på DinSides utfyllende artikkel.

Endret av iMono
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Last.fm scrobbling

Funksjon: Laster opp avspillingshistorikk til Last.fm-brukerkontoen din.


Last.fm Auto-DJ

Funksjon: Lager spillelister utifra anbefalinger fra brukere av Last.fm.




advarsel6rd.png - Det eneste du trenger å gjøre er å kjøre mmip-filen(e). Tillegget installeres automatisk.

Endret av iMono
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  • Når jeg skal sette Høyre pil til som hotkey for neste sang, går ikke dette (blir først høyre pil, men når jeg slipper høyre pil, blir det omgjort til NUM 6(på bærbar). Antar MM tror jeg har Numpad der. Løsningen er å holde Høyre pil, og så trykke på f.eks. Action-boksen.
  • Vanskelig å få "grep" på høyre nedre hjørnet av MM (kanskje bare psykisk :p )
  • Ganske høyt CPU-forbruk (40-50% på MM, 40-50% på decoder.exe (justerer lydnivået nå)
  • Tre første knappene i høyre øverste vindu reagerer ikke
  • Album-informasjonen som sendes til Samurize blinker
  • Noe galt med kontrollene (se bilde)screenhunter01feb161713td6.th.gif

For å være ærlig likte jeg ikke det nye utseende.

Kanskje ikke helt topp likevel. Holder meg nok til MM2.5 en liten stund til ;)

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The_Fire; Husk at dette er som et stykke tre. Det er ikke pusset, såvidt skjært ut. MM3 har mye og vil bli et svært bra produkt når det er ferdigstilt.


Jeg holder på med et skin hvor avspilleren er 90% ferdig.

Endret av iMono
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Denne har vi ventet på lenge! Med "iTunes-bla"-visning (de burde ha fått med en kolonne for antall spor bak Artist og Album a la WinAmp) og stilige AlbumArt visninger. Glimrende!


Ikke vanskelig å se at dette er en tidlig alfa-versjon. Der er mange bugs, men jeg tror dette kommer til å bli SVÆRT bra. (Men jeg kan styre meg for det blåstripete skinet som foreløpig er det eneste. Når jeg er tilbake fra ferie om 14 dager regner jeg med at mye har skjedd.)


For de som lurer på hvordan dette blir, men ikke vil slite med bugs: Drøy nedlastningen en stund, ta heller en titt på sreenshots




(PS: I den siste tråden nevner flere at MM2-oppsettet ødelegges av MM3. Jeg holder MM3 unna hovedmaskinen foreløpig)

Endret av nojac
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Dere har jo også amaroK som i stor grad har importert funksjoner fra MM.


Om kanskje ikke MM vil bli laget for GNU/Linux, så ser det ut til at amaroK etterhvert vil komme i Windows-versjon, dvs fra og med v2.0 (tidligst sommeren 2007) ifølge denne siden.


Med både MediaMonkey og amaroK på samme platform må vi vel forvente at det blir litt kniving om brukerne, og litt konkurranse vil jo kunne være bra for oss brukere, enten det er av MediaMonkey eller amaroK.

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Ah.. takker! :) ..tok litt lengre tid enn jeg trodde, men..




Er det bare å installere over, eller bør jeg avinstallere den gamle først?


Vil gjerne "huske" played when, and how many times - greiene..



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