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Interessante historier fra religion.

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Jeg har sett litt rundt etter gode historier fra bibelen i det siste, og har kommet over noen morsomme. For eksempel en om en engel med fire ansikter som fikk 4 barn, hvor disse ble boende på jorda. Men de var alle skrekkelig deformerte, og selv om de så ut som mennesker, hadde de sjeler som engler. Da siden disse ikke egentlig skulle være til, ble faren(han med ansiktene) sendt for å hente de opp igjen til himmelen. Eller noe sånt.


Synes tekster i samme gate med den her, ikke at jeg har lest hele - kun et lite sammendrag, er interessant lesing, og jeg skulle mer enn gjerne ha lest mer. Derfor er det bare å pøse på, om dere har noen bra.

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Engel(/gud) med fire ansikter høres ut som den hinduistiske skaperguden Brahma. Men så høres jo mesteparten av bibelen ut som den er lånt av andre religioner også, da.




Det har vel noe å gjøre med det faktum at både kristendommen, Jødedommen og Islam tror på den samme guden og mange av de samme profetene.

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Jada, men like mye det at alle disse bygger på andre religioner fra regionen. Ser man på persergudene, hellensk mytologi og filosofi og andre religioner fra de østlige middelhavslandene, finner man så mange likhetstrekk (spesielt ang. jesus) at synkretismen er åpenbar. Jeg kom over en liste over trekk i jesusberetningen som sammenfaller med omkringliggende idéer her, listen er komprimert her:


1. His mother was a virgin woman: Jesus, Attis, Buddha, Dionysus, Krishna, Mithra, Zoroaster

2. He was born on December 25: Jesus, Attis, Buddha, Dionysus, Horus, Krishna, Mithra

3. His earthly (adopted) father was a carpenter: Jesus, Krishna

4. His birth was signaled by a heavenly star: Jesus, Buddha, Horus, Krishna

5. At his birth, shepherds presented him with gifts: Jesus, Buddha, Horus, Krishna, Mithra

6. He was born in a manger or a cave: Jesus, Dionysus, Mithra

7. As a baby, he is declared a king. Wise men present him with gifts of gold: Jesus, Buddha, Krishna

8. Angels or other good divine spirits sang songs or danced at his birth: Jesus, Buddha, Krishna

9. He was threatened by a king or tyrant who tried to kill him as an infant: Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Moses

10. He was of royal lineage: Jesus, Buddha, Horus

11. He taught at the temple as a child and astounded all who heard him with his wisdom: Jesus, Buddha, Horus, Zoroaster

12. He was baptized at a river: Jesus, Buddha, Horus, Zoroaster

13. His hapless baptizer is later decapitated: Jesus, Horus

14. He was tempted in the wilderness by the devil: Jesus, Zoroaster

15. He was a traveling teacher of great wisdom: Jesus, Buddha, Dionysus, Mithra

16. His ministry preached a message of charity, peace and love. He lived in poverty and loved the poor: Jesus, Krishna

17. He taught of heaven and hell, revealed mysteries, resurrection, judgment, salvation and the apocalypse: Jesus, Zoroaster

18. He gave a famous sermon on a mountain: Jesus, Horus

19. He had 12 disciples: Jesus, Horus, Mithra

20. He gave his disciples the power to work miracles: Jesus, Krishna

21. He was transfigured in front of his disciples, sometimes described as shining as the sun: Jesus, Buddha, Horus, Krishna

22. He healed the sick and the injured: Jesus, Buddha, Horus, Krishna, Mithra, Serapis, Zoroaster

23. He cast out demons: Jesus, Horus, Zoroaster

24. He fed hundreds or thousands with magically generated food: Jesus, Buddha

25. He walked on water: Jesus, Buddha, Horus

26. He brought back the dead: Jesus, Horus

27. He turned water into wine: Jesus, Dionysus

28. His followers were admonished to take vows of poverty and renounce worldly desires: Jesus, Buddha

29. He was called such exalted titles as "Lord", "Master", "Light of the World", "Holy One", "Redeemer", "The Way", "The Truth", etc.: Jesus, Buddha, Dionysus, Horus, Krishna, Mithra

30. He is called "Logos" or "The Word": Jesus, Horus, Krishna, Mithra, Prometheus, Zoroaster

31. He was called "the anointed one" (how "Christ" translates): Jesus, Dionysus, Horus

32. He was known to his followers as a Shepherd of Humanity: Jesus, Buddha, Horus, Mithra, Serapis

33. He was known as a fisher, associated with the fish: Jesus, Horus

34. He's identified with the ram or lamb: Jesus, Dionysus, Horus, Mithra

35. He's identified with the lion: Jesus, Horus, Krishna, Mithra

36. He came not to destroy but to fulfill the law: Jesus, Buddha, Horus

37. He rode in a triumphal procession on a donkey: Jesus, Dionysus

38. He condemned the clergy for their ambition and hypocrisy. He would later fall victim to their scheming: Jesus, Krishna

39. He crushed a serpent's head: Jesus, Buddha, Krishna

40. Declared the savior of humanity, slain for our salvation: Jesus, Attis, Krishna, Mithra

41. He sometimes is known by a heart symbol: Jesus, Krishna

42. His body and/or blood is consumed through bread/wine in a symbolic ritual: Jesus, Attis, Dionysus, Mithra, Zoroaster

43. He had a sacred cup or grail: Jesus, Zoroaster

44. He died while hung from a cross or a tree: Jesus, Attis, Buddha, Dionysus, Horus, Krishna

45. His good friend, a fisherman named Peter/Petraeus, would desert him: Jesus, Prometheus

46. He was crucified between two thieves: Jesus, Horus, Krishna

47. He was around the age of 30 when he was crucified: Jesus, Krishna

48. At his death, the sun darkened or there were other grim supernatural signs: Jesus, Krishna

49. He went to the underworld for three days: Jesus, Attis, Mithra

50. He was resurrected: Jesus, Attis, Buddha, Dionysus, Horus, Krishna, Mithra

51. He was resurrected during the springtime, the date of which would become a day of celebration among his followers: Jesus, Attis, Dionysus, Mithra

52. His sacred day is Sunday: Jesus, Mithra

53. He is the second part of a divine trinity and/or considered to be one with his father god: Jesus, Attis, Krishna

54. He promises to return one day: Jesus, Buddha, Horus, Krishna, Zoroaster

55. When he comes again, he will ride on a white horse to do battle with the prince of evil: Jesus, Krishna


I praksis betyr dette at jesus som historisk figur ikke er særlig sannsynlig (i alle fall ikke mer enn de andre på den listen), men tradisjonen sier at det har levd og virket noen ved navnet i Israel en gang. Mer kan man ikke si sikkert. Det blir opp til den enkelte å tro på resten.

Endret av kjetil02
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