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Driver å lager begynnelsen på en slags simulator i 2d og har selvfølgelig støtt på problemer allerede--men her er ett jeg ikke skjønner bæret av...


Jeg vil lagre objekter (Sphere) i et array--ArrayList--så jeg kan loope gjennom de senere, men hver gang jeg prøver å compile det får jeg feilmeldinger.


import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.util.*;

public class PhysX extends Applet implements Runnable
Thread aniThr;

Arena arena = new Arena(800, 600);
ArrayList<Sphere> obj = new ArrayList<Sphere>();
obj.add(new Sphere("Blue Ball", new Position(0, 0), new Vector(Math.toRadians(70), 3), 5, 7, new Color(0, 0, 255))); // < her får jeg problemer
obj.add(new Sphere("Red Ball", new Position(-130, -90), new Vector(Math.toRadians(76), 2), 7, 9, new Color(255, 0, 0))); // < her får jeg problemer
obj.add(new Sphere("Green Ball", new Position(120, 50), new Vector(Math.toRadians(-45), 2), 12, 15, new Color(0, 255, 0))); // < her får jeg problemer

public void init()
 setBackground(new Color(230, 230, 230));

public void start()
 if (aniThr == null)
 	aniThr = new Thread(this);

public void stop()
 aniThr = null;

public void run()
 while (aniThr != null)
 	for (int i = 0; i < obj.size(); i++)
 	catch (InterruptedException e)

public void paint(Graphics g)
 for (int i = 0; i < obj.size(); i++)
 	double xPos = arena.width / 2 + (obj.get(i).pos.x - obj.get(i).radius) / Global.METERS_PER_PIXEL;
 	double yPos = arena.height / 2 + (obj.get(i).pos.y - obj.get(i).radius) / Global.METERS_PER_PIXEL;
 	double diameter = (obj.get(i).radius * 2) / Global.METERS_PER_PIXEL;
 	g.fillOval((int)xPos, (int)yPos, (int)diameter, (int)diameter);

class Global
public static double METERS_PER_PIXEL = 1;
public static double GAMMA = 6.67 * Math.pow(10, -11);

class Arena
int width;
int height;

public Arena(int width, int height)
 this.width = width;
 this.height = height;

class Position
double x;
double y;

public Position(double x, double y)
 this.x = x;
 this.y = y;

class Vector
double angle;
double mag;

public Vector(double angle, double mag)
 this.angle = angle;
 this.mag = mag;

class Sphere
String name;
Position pos;
Vector velocity;
double mass;
double radius;
Color color;

public Sphere(String name, Position pos, Vector velocity, double mass, double radius, Color color)
 this.name = name;
 this.pos = pos;
 this.velocity = velocity;
 this.mass = mass;
 this.radius = radius;
 this.color = color;

public double getDistance(Sphere other)
 double distanceX = other.pos.x - this.pos.x;
 double distanceY = this.pos.y - other.pos.y;
 return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(distanceX, 2) + Math.pow(distanceY, 2));

public double getAngle(Sphere other)
 double distanceX = other.pos.x - this.pos.x;
 double distanceY = this.pos.y - other.pos.y;
 return Math.atan2(distanceX, distanceY);

public void arenaCollision(Arena arena)
    if (this.pos.x - this.radius < (-arena.width / 2) * Global.METERS_PER_PIXEL)
     this.pos.x = (-arena.width / 2) * Global.METERS_PER_PIXEL + this.radius;
     this.velocity.angle = 2 * Math.PI - this.velocity.angle;
    else if (this.pos.x + this.radius > (arena.width / 2) * Global.METERS_PER_PIXEL)
     this.pos.x = (arena.width / 2) * Global.METERS_PER_PIXEL - this.radius;
     this.velocity.angle = -this.velocity.angle;
    if (this.pos.y - this.radius < (-arena.height / 2) * Global.METERS_PER_PIXEL)
     this.pos.y = (-arena.height / 2) * Global.METERS_PER_PIXEL + this.radius;
     this.velocity.angle = -Math.PI - this.velocity.angle;
    else if (this.pos.y + this.radius > (arena.height / 2) * Global.METERS_PER_PIXEL)
     this.pos.y = (arena.height / 2) * Global.METERS_PER_PIXEL - this.radius;
     this.velocity.angle = Math.PI - this.velocity.angle;

public void objectCollision(Sphere subobj)
 double distance = this.getDistance(subobj);
 if (distance - this.radius - subobj.radius < 0)
 	// get angle to b from a
 	double objAngle = this.getAngle(subobj);
 	// get angle to a from b
 	double subobjAngle = subobj.getAngle(this);
 	// decompose speeds on collision plane (collision plane: line from center this to center subobj where x is along plane and y is normal to plane)
 	double objPlaneXSpeed = this.velocity.mag * Math.cos(this.velocity.angle - objAngle);
 	double objPlaneYSpeed = this.velocity.mag * Math.sin(this.velocity.angle - objAngle);
 	double subobjPlaneXSpeed = subobj.velocity.mag * Math.cos(subobj.velocity.angle - objAngle);
 	double subobjPlaneYSpeed = subobj.velocity.mag * Math.sin(subobj.velocity.angle - objAngle);
 	// calculate new speeds in x-direction
 	double objPlaneNewXSpeed = (objPlaneXSpeed * (this.mass - subobj.mass) + 2 * subobj.mass * subobjPlaneXSpeed) / (this.mass + subobj.mass);
 	double objPlaneNewYSpeed = objPlaneYSpeed; // leave unchanged in y-direction
 	double subobjPlaneNewXSpeed = (subobjPlaneXSpeed * (subobj.mass - this.mass) + 2 * this.mass * objPlaneXSpeed) / (this.mass + subobj.mass);
 	double subobjPlaneNewYSpeed = subobjPlaneYSpeed; // leave unchanged in y-direction
 	// get new polar speed
 	this.velocity.mag = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(objPlaneNewXSpeed, 2) + Math.pow(objPlaneNewYSpeed, 2));
 	subobj.velocity.mag = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(subobjPlaneNewXSpeed, 2) + Math.pow(subobjPlaneNewYSpeed, 2));
 	// get new polar angle (first part is angle from plane, then second part adds the angle arena-plane)
 	this.velocity.angle = Math.atan2(objPlaneNewYSpeed, objPlaneNewXSpeed) + objAngle;
 	subobj.velocity.angle = Math.atan2(subobjPlaneNewYSpeed, subobjPlaneNewXSpeed) + objAngle;
 	// move object out of collision zone
 	this.pos.x = subobj.pos.x + ((this.radius + subobj.radius) * Math.sin(subobjAngle));
 	this.pos.y = subobj.pos.y + ((this.radius + subobj.radius) * Math.cos(subobjAngle) * -1);

public void move()
 this.pos.x += this.velocity.mag * Math.sin(this.velocity.angle);
 this.pos.y += this.velocity.mag * Math.cos(this.velocity.angle) * -1;




Spørsmål 2. Som dere sikkert ser her, har jeg laget en egen abstrakt klasse bare for å holde globale variabler. Er det ikke noen måte i Java å gjøre dette på en litt mer logisk måte? F eks deklarere dem utenfor en klasse på toppen og la de være tilgjengelige for alle klassene? Jeg veit at klassene er koden i Java så det går jo ikke, men noen forslag? Denne måten er jo dum hvertfall... Global.KONSTANT_VARIABEL hver gang jeg skal ha tak i den. Bedre med KONSTANT_VARIABEL...



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Hvis du flytter de problematiske linjene inn i init() så er det en god start. Hva angår bruken din av globale variabler så vil jeg heller kalle dem konstanter, og måten du gjør det på er ganske vanlig.


Hilsen Werner

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