[email protected] Skrevet 15. januar 2007 Del Skrevet 15. januar 2007 Windows Vista kommer vel i månedskifte januar/ februar? Dagens bærbare selges med xp og er såkalt "Vista-ready". Da vil vel disse pcen synke i pris? Den vanlige mann i gaten ønsker seg vel det nyeste og "beste". Hvorfor da kjøpe en bærbar som må oppgraderes til vista når man kan få dem ferdig innstallert? Har sett på hp sine pcer, men synes prisene deres har stått uendret irriterende lenge nå...bruker prisguide.no og har ventet på en priskorreksjon i 2-3 måneder. Drømmer jeg bare, eller er det realistisk å forvente et prisfall på bærbare i begynnelsen av februar? Lenke til kommentar
bashnu Skrevet 15. januar 2007 Del Skrevet 15. januar 2007 (endret) It seems like a logical idea, I hope so also... however don't forget you can lower the visual style in Vista down to Classical... so basically any machine should...be able to use it. According wikepedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Vista Vista Hardware requirements According to Microsoft, computers capable of running Windows Vista are classified as Vista Capable and Vista Premium Ready.[24] A Vista Capable or equivalent PC needs to have at minimum an 800 MHz processor, 512 MB RAM and a DirectX 9 class graphics card. A computer that meets these requirements will be capable of running all editions of Windows Vista although some of the special features and high end graphics options may require additional or more advanced hardware. A Vista Premium Ready PC will take advantage of Vista's "high-end" features but will need at least a 1.0 GHz processor, 1 GB main memory, and an Aero-compatible graphics card with at least 128 MB graphics memory and supporting the new Windows Display Driver Model. The company also offers Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor[25] from its Web site to determine the ability of a PC to run Vista in its various guises. The utility runs on Windows XP and Windows Vista. Microsoft lists some Vista capable hardware on their web site. The "Vista Premium Ready" laptops they specify have Intel Core 2 Duo T5500 or above CPUs and 1 GB memory.[26] Windows Vista's "Basic" and "Classic" interfaces will work with virtually any graphics hardware that supports Windows XP or 2000; accordingly, most discussion around Vista's graphics requirements centers on those for the Windows Aero interface. As of Windows Vista Beta 2, the NVIDIA GeForce FX family and later, the ATI Radeon 9500 and later, Intel's GMA 950 integrated graphics, and a handful of VIA chipsets and S3 Graphics discrete chips are supported.[27] Though some XGI Technology Volari chips were DirectX 9 (including the Volari V3XT which was available in PCI cards), with XGI's exit from the graphics card business it appears none of its chips are supported as of Vista Beta 2. non the less prices of laptops have been dropping nicelly by the way Hendrik - if you don't want tons of spam on your hotmail i would seriously concider removing your email address as a user name. Bots search the web for any email adress Endret 15. januar 2007 av bashnu Lenke til kommentar
H80 Skrevet 15. januar 2007 Del Skrevet 15. januar 2007 Jeg forstår ikke helt hvorfor lansering av Vista skulle påvirke prisen på bærbare PCer? Hvor er sammenhengen? Lenke til kommentar
bashnu Skrevet 15. januar 2007 Del Skrevet 15. januar 2007 fordi ikke alle er bra nok til og hantere det (i theory) Lenke til kommentar
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