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Litt meninger om Wii


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Kjøpte meg en Wii i går, og er svært fornøyd med handelen! Flott design, kontrollene funker faktisk bedre enn forventet, og artig som f. Så langt har jeg bare spilt Wii Sports og Zelda, men tror sistnevnte kan holde meg engasjert i mange, mange timer. Skjønt akkurat nå sliter jeg med en av de første oppgavene, den der forbanna fiske-greia. Mestrer det ikke helt.


Eneste negative å si om konsollen så langt, er at det er problematisk å røyke og spille samtidig, hehe.

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Kjøpte meg en Wii i går, og er svært fornøyd med handelen! Flott design, kontrollene funker faktisk bedre enn forventet, og artig som f. Så langt har jeg bare spilt Wii Sports og Zelda, men tror sistnevnte kan holde meg engasjert i mange, mange timer. Skjønt akkurat nå sliter jeg med en av de første oppgavene, den der forbanna fiske-greia. Mestrer det ikke helt.


Eneste negative å si om konsollen så langt, er at det er problematisk å røyke og spille samtidig, hehe.



Hint til fisking: Ved dupp ned pek Wiimote opp ;)


Bli nå bare ikke så engasjert at du vifter med røyken og forsøker å røyke wiimoten :p

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Tomonobu Itagaki sine tanker om Wii:


.... (Itagaki snakker om å ikke ha fått tak i Ps3, og at han elsker Ganji 1,før samtalen går over til Wii).... Thankfully I was able to get my hands on a Nintendo Wii, I got one the day before yesterday and I bought all of the Nintendo launch titles, and I'm playing them right now.


1UP: How do you feel about Zelda?


TI: I haven't gotten my hands on Zelda yet, but I've been playing Wii Sports lately. The problem is if I start playing Zelda I'm not going to get any work done, so I have to be careful when I start that.


1UP: Have you tried Made In Wario?


TI: My daughter said she played it but I haven't touched it yet.


1UP: If you look at a game like Made In Wario, which isn't graphically astounding, but offers tons and tons of mini-games, most of which are funny or entertaining, does a game like this make you rethink how you should have approached the mini-games in DOAX2?


TI: I think they're pretty much exact opposites. I don't really think I could make a game like Made In Wario, but I do think that'd be a good game to help teach new developers, to raise them. Maybe not Made In Wario specifically, but a mini-game collection type of game. The reason for that is because as teams get bigger and as projects get bigger, there are less and less opportunities for each game designer to look at what fundamentally makes games fun, and that's why I think as an educational tool for developers those kind of mini-game collections are interesting because each one has to have its own specific point and design element.


1UP: What do you think of the way that each console is positioned? The Wii de-emphasizes graphics and encourages innovation, whereas the PS3's message seems to be high-def, high-def, high-def, while sidestepping innovation. What do you think about each approach?


TI: I think they're both necessary. In our house, my daughter was playing DOAX2 almost exclusively, playing volleyball and playing Kokoro and getting all her swimsuits. But as soon as the Wii came to the house she's been playing Tennis. And she plays tennis in real life, she can return a serve from an adult, so I've just been seeing her playing tennis a lot.


1UP: Do you think Nintendo should maybe as a slight concession to modern times at least support a minimum resolution? Because all of the people who are upgrading their televisions for their 360s and PS3 -- and especially in Japan, where everyone is moving over to space-conserving high-def flatscreen TVs -- do you think Nintendo should have at least supported 720p?


TI: Obviously technology is always going to be evolving. Eventually we're going to reach a point where you can't tell the difference between systems, but we're still pretty far from that point. Right now, advancing technology aims towards realism, they're all aiming for the same thing, so I think it's important that Nintendo brought out a system that's totally operating on a different wavelength, since it gives you something outside of that. However, the feeling I had when the Wii was first announced, the feeling I had at that time and the feeling I had when I actually played it were quite different, so that was interesting to me.


1UP: Different in a good or bad way?


TI: I thought it would be good, but I didn't think it would be this good. I do think now that there are more types of games that are suitable for this machine than I actually thought. I thought there would be fewer games that would be suited to this machine, but now that I've actually played it I think there's more possibilities than I originally thought.


1UP: Does that mean you'd like to develop something for the Wii?


TI: Well, I've got my hands full looking over my 'daughter' and my new 'son,' [Editor's note: DOAX2 and Ninja Gaiden 2] who's going to be born soon, so I don't really have the ability to think about that right now, but I think it would be once again handled by a young member of the team. So even when I'm playing with the Wii and I close my eyes, I envision myself holding a Japanese sword. So that's the frame of mind I'm in right now, so I hope everyone looks forward to what we're working on next.


1up intervju


Et par interresante ting fra en utvikler som tidligere var ganske kjølig mot Wii.

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Meget interesangt intervju der da ja. Ser ut som det er flere og flere som får øynene opp for Wii, og det er ikke den første jeg har lest om som har lukket øynene og sett for seg ting han kunne gjøre med Wii.


Skal se om jeg ikke finner Ubisoft intervjuet, mener det sto der at da de fikk tak i Wiimoten, så de endeløse muligheter.


I alle fall godt at Wiien åpner øynene til folk. Håper det kommer masse 3dje parts spill over tiden som gjør bruk av denne fantastiske muligheten.

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"Laurent Detoc: GT Pro Series is inspired by a Japanese game that was never released here and Ubisoft is optimizing for the Wii. It will have more than 80 licensed cars, tons of tuning options and fluid drift-style controls and physics. Talk about how the Wii changes the way you play games, we're working to include an accessory in GT Pro Series that will make this game a must have. Stay tuned, literally."



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"Laurent Detoc: GT Pro Series is inspired by a Japanese game that was never released here and Ubisoft is optimizing for the Wii. It will have more than 80 licensed cars, tons of tuning options and fluid drift-style controls and physics. Talk about how the Wii changes the way you play games, we're working to include an accessory in GT Pro Series that will make this game a must have. Stay tuned, literally."





Hehe, tipper han må spise i seg de ordene nå ja :!:

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Hmmm.... var ikke det intervjuet jeg trodde du mente. Selv tenkte jeg på et intervju med enten Rayman eller Red Steel utvikleren.


Er vel Ubisoft som står bak både Red Steel og RRR.


Utvikler, ikke utgiver. Altså et av Ubisoft sine in-house teams. Ikke en produsent\pr-mann for selve Ubisoft.

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Utvikler, ikke utgiver. Altså et av Ubisoft sine in-house teams. Ikke en produsent\pr-mann for selve Ubisoft.



Fra gamer.no's produktoversikt:



Utvikler: Ubisoft Utgiver: Ubisoft Entertainment


Red Steel:


Utvikler: Ubisoft Utgiver: Ubisoft Entertainment


Eller misforstår jeg deg igjen? Begge spillene er i alle fall inhouse Ubisoft.

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Fra gamer.no's produktoversikt:



Utvikler: Ubisoft Utgiver: Ubisoft Entertainment


Red Steel:


Utvikler: Ubisoft Utgiver: Ubisoft Entertainment


Eller misforstår jeg deg igjen? Begge spillene er i alle fall inhouse Ubisoft.


Du misforstår meg igjen.


Jeg snakker om de forskjellige teamene som har laget spillene. Red Steel er laget av de som lagde XIII(Husker ikke navnet på teamet. Ubisoft-en-eller-annen-fransk-by), og Rayman er laget av Ubisoft Paris(Som lagde de tidligere Raymanspillene og Ghost Recon).


Produsenten her er produsent for selve Ubisoft, altså ser han over mange forskjellige teams, men er ikke fast i ett av de interne teamene.


Akkurat som Zelda, som er utgitt og utviklet av Nintendo, men innenfor Nintendo er det en del av EAD som har laget det.

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Jeg snakker om de forskjellige teamene som har laget spillene. Red Steel er laget av de som lagde XIII(Husker ikke navnet på teamet. Ubisoft-en-eller-annen-fransk-by), og Rayman er laget av Ubisoft Paris(Som lagde de tidligere Raymanspillene og Ghost Recon).


RRR er laga av Ubisoft Montpelier.



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Jeg snakker om de forskjellige teamene som har laget spillene. Red Steel er laget av de som lagde XIII(Husker ikke navnet på teamet. Ubisoft-en-eller-annen-fransk-by), og Rayman er laget av Ubisoft Paris(Som lagde de tidligere Raymanspillene og Ghost Recon).


RRR er laga av Ubisoft Montpelier.




Takker for korreksjon. Jeg byttet vel om, kanskje Red Steel er laget av Ubisoft Paris?


Uansett.... Begge er laget av franske Ubisoft teams, det ene teamet har vært ansvarlig for Rayman, Beyond Good & Evil, og King Kong, alle har hoved-designer Michel Ancel, og Red Steel teamet er samme team som lagde XIII.

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Hmmm.... :hmm:

Publishers wary of creating Nintendo titles, says Wii developer


Perception of poor third-party performance sees big names hold back


Big publishers have been wary of creating new titles for the Nintendo Wii due to the perception that first-party titles are better supported than third-party games, says Brian Dreyer, business development manager for Frontline Studios.


The trepidation of companies to support the console and its motion sensitive controller has left a gap in the market that independent studios have been wise to exploit, claims Dreyer


"Nintendo hardware is traditionally seen as great for first-party titles, but not so much for third-party games," said Dreyer, speaking exclusively to GamesIndustry.biz


"That fact really scares a lot of publishers and frankly we've seen a lot of publishers take that wait-and-see attitude with the Wii," commented Dreyer. "Rightly or wrongly, publishers are more frustrated with that than independent developers are."


While publishers such as Ubisoft and Sega have supported the Wii since launch, others, such as Capcom, are yet to get boxed product to market.


Frontline is currently working with Digital Amigos and Nibris on the Wii project Sadness. For the developer, the attraction of working on Nintendo hardware is the innovative elements of the console that provide a different approach to game development.


"It's the marketing warfare," said Dreyer. "Nintendo is the challenger, it's the underdog and it has to be coming to market with something that is completely different."


"Gamers are yawning at these supposedly great-looking games on other systems. With the Wii, we're back to the fundamentals, the nuts and bolts of any videogames experience, which simply means it has to be fun,"


The full interview with Frontline Studios, where the developer discusses Wii and DS development, as well as his thoughts on the PS3 and Xbox 360, will be published on GamesIndustry.biz tomorrow.


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Unødvendig å starte en ny tråd om dette, så spør her:


Er det noen som vet om det går ann å skru av wiien med wiimoten, altså få rødt led lys. uten å ha av wiiconnect 24 skrudd av. Er så irriterende å måtte reise seg fra senga å skru av hele tida :hrm:


noen som har fått det til?

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