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PS3 Blu Ray vs Xbox 360 HD-DVD vs DVD

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Norse360: Hvis du kobler DVI fra pc inn til forsterkern (med en DVI til HDMI konverter) og kobler denne inn i HDMI input på forsterker tar dette av seg bilde delen hvertfall. Alt er fortsatt heldigitalt!

Hvis du tenker på coax/spdif fra pc skal det også gå greit, er bare til å koble den inn i coax/spdif(toslink/optisk) input og så én hdmi-output til f.eks TV'en din.

Forsterkern din vil nå motta lyd- og bilde-signalene samtidig :) Men, du må nok spesifisere på forsterkern hvilke signaler HDMI-output skal ha, om den f.eks skal bruke coax1,2,3, eller s-video, 1,2,3 til å bli ett og samme "system" (det som inneholder lyd og bilde fra pc)


Vet ikke om noen forstod dette, verdt et forsøk hvertfall :D


Eg gledar meg ihjel til HD DVD addonen. Men, kor kan eg -- idag, få kjøpt nokre HD DVD filmar?


Prøv: www.play.com, www.play-asia.com, www.cdon.no (personlig hater jeg denne butikken, Elendig service og lang leveringtid), www.dvdboxoffice.com, www.cd-wow.fm (har ikke HD ennå, men kommer sikkert om ikke så lenge ;))


Tror dette bør holde for en liten stund :D


EDIT: la til quote + leif

Endret av Lil-H
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Eller vente 12 dager og no worries? :)


Eg gledar meg ihjel til HD DVD addonen. Men, kor kan eg -- idag, få kjøpt nokre HD DVD filmar?



Hvis du har Lefdal/Elkjøp i nærheten så er det en mulighet. Så noen HD DVD filmer på Lefdal på Strømmen (Akershus). Ellers så selges det vel på Play.com.



Takker for svar. Tror jeg forstod :)

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Blu-Ray skiver er vist ikke så dyrt å produsere som mange HD DVD fans ønsker å tro.




Cost comparison conclusions

From these figures taken from 3 different replication sources, we can see that Blu-ray media replication does not cost significantly more than HD DVD. In fact, we found that Blu-ray is actually cheaper per GB in many situations! It is also interesting to note that at this point, most HD DVD-ROM movies are DL, while most BD-ROM movies are SL, which would make HD DVD more expensive to replicate in most situations. I did not include fees associated with authoring, setup, AACS protection, packaging and other costs in the quotes above, so keep in mind that the final cost of replicating an HD DVD or Blu-ray disc will definitely be a bit higher than the per disc pricing noted above. Also, according to our sources, the Blu-ray setup fee is only slightly more than the HD DVD setup fee, but it depends on the specific manufacturing plant. Looking at these numbers and pricing information, we can now dispell the myth that Blu-ray replication is significantly more costly than HD DVD.


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JB Hi-Fi to Stock Blu-ray Only

Aussie retailer backs Sony's format of choice.

by Patrick Kolan, IGN AU


Australia, February 13, 2007 - In a sign that HD DVD might well be dead on arrival when it is released in Australia within the next couple of months, major Australian entertainment retailer, JB Hi-Fi has commented that they will only be stocking Blu-ray format HD movies and entertainment.


According to iTWire, the company has backed the PS3's format of choice, simply due to the number of film companies who have committed to the format.


"Blu-ray is the only format that has the ability to tell the whole story, with the most comprehensive offering on the market. With seven of Hollywood's leading studios accounting for the vast majority of 2006's home video sales, among the 170 plus companies globally that support Blu-ray Disc, it makes sense that content will be king when it comes to Blu-ray," commented JB Hi-Fi Marketing Director Scott Browning.


We are curious as to whether this will affect their decision to sell the Xbox 360's HD DVD drive add-on, which is scheduled to be released in Australia in late March. We are currently seeking comment from the company, so check back soon for any developments.



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Sist uke var det nesten 70-30 i Blu-rays favør:




I tillegg har Canal Digital tydeligvis gått nøytral og skal gi ut filmer på Blu-ray også, noe som er en stor endring i formatkrigen. Det kan ikke være altfor lenge igjen til Universal pictures gir opp og går nøytral de også. Som sagt: Peng e peng og skit e skit :cool:



Endret av Bubba-S
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