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Mount Hyjal i TBC

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Caverns of Time: Mount Hyjal will ship with World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade expansion retail launch. The dungeon requires 25 player raid groups. However, not everyone can enter the dungeon. This dungeon requires many pre-requisites:


1. You must be level 70


2. Complete Caverns of Time: Durnholde (Old Hillsbrad) and Complete Caverns of Time: Dark Portal (Black Morass).


3. Talk to Soridormi (Adult) - the consort of Nozdormu. You may find her roaming around the clockwork in Caverns of Time. She will give you a quest titled: The Vial's of Eternity.


However, this is no 1-2-3 immediate quest. To acquire the two vials of eternity requires the completition of many quest chains that will take months to accomplish and good gear.


4. You must complete the Cipher of Damnation quest chain in Shadowmoon Valley and the Stormspire quests in Netherstorm. The Stormspire quest chain starts in Area 52 with the Consortium Ethereal. The chain ends when Nexus-Prince Harammad sends you to A'dal with a crystal. Maybe you should have talked to Akama at the Warden's Cage in Shadowmoon Valley.


5. A'dal will give you the Arcatraz Key quest: The crystal key is divided in two halves. The first half is held by the last boss of Tempest Keep: Botanica - Splintertree. The second half is held by the last boss of Tempest Keep: Mechanar. Once you assemble the Arcatraz Key and have completed the two quest chains: Stormspire and Cipher of Damnation -- Khadgar will talk to you, asking you to talk to A'dal. A'dal will give you the Kael'Thas dungeon key chain quest. The key is named Tempest Key - for the final showdown with Prince Kael'Thas Sunstrider.


6. Brace yourself - - you need to be revered with the Sha'tar Reputation faction to obtain the Tempest Keep Heroic-Dungeon key, Revered with the Lower City to obtain the Auchenai Key to unlock the Auchindoun Dungeons in Heroic-mode, Revered with the Cenarion Expedition to unlock the Heroic-mode for Coilfang Reservoir dungeons, and Revered with Thrallmar/Honor Hold to unlock the Heroic-mode Difficulty for Hellfire Citadel dungeons. Hope you have had fun reading this far.


7. Complete Trial of the Naaru: Mercy; Trial of the Naaru: Strength; and Trial of the Naaru: Tenacity. No easy task ... for you have to complete the three trials in Heroic-mode. Trash mobs hit for 15,000 non-crit damage, no less. You have to kill Murmur in Auchindoun: Shadow Laberynth, retrieve an unused Axe of the Executioner from Hellfire Citadel: Shattered Halls, Kalithresh's Trident in Coilfang Reservoir: Steamvaults, and to rescue Millhouse Manastorm (gnome) after killing the last boss of Tempest Keep: Arcatraz. Once you have completed those four dungeons in Heroic-mode, return to A'dal and he will grant you the Tempest Key to enter Prince Kael'Thas dungeon -- which requires 25 players. Kill Kael'Thas and loot his Vial of Eternity.


8. Now you need to kill Lady Vashj and loot her Vial of Eternity. No data has been gathered concerning the requirements to enter Lady Vashj's dungeon.


9. By now you should be Friendly with the Scales of the Sands faction.


10. Now you can enter Caverns of Time: Mount Hyjal


In this dungeon you go back in time 4 years into the past to fight alongside Malfurion Stormrage, Tyrande Whisperwind, Thrall, and Jaina Proudmoore against Archimonde and the Burning Legion. Your mission is to stop the Infinity Dragonflight from altering time.







Soridormi: The Battle of Mount Hyjal is one of the most well-guarded events of this timeline. Should an intruder alter its outcome, the impact would extend to all subsequent moments in history.


As the Aspect's prime mate I'm far more in tune with the flow of time than other bronze dragons. I recently sensed a minute ripple in time emanating from the events surrounding the Battle of Mount Hyjal. Someone or something is attempting to change this timeline and they must be stopped.


Soridormi: Seven vials were drawn from the Well of Eternity by Illidan. He poured three into the lake on top of Mount Hyjal and a second Well of Eternity was created. For years the rest were believed lost.


With the opening of the Dark Portal, we've come to know that he gave one each to his lieutenants Kael'thas and Vashj. Retrieve what remains of them; we wil need them as foci to open a gateway to any events tied to Mount Hyjal, recent or ancient. The outcome of the Battle of Mount Hyjal must be preserved.


I've asked the impossible of you, yet I expect you to succeed. Much depends on it.





Soridormi at Caverns of Time wants you to retrieve Vashj's Vial Remnant from Lady Vashj at Coilfang Reservoir and Kael's Vial Remnant from Kael'Thas Sunstrider at Tempest Keep.


Rewards: 24g 60s




Spennende :)

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For dere som sier det er sykt mye.. tenk på det som slik (i live nå):


- Først attune deg til MC.

- Skaffe MC kvalitets gear.

- Attune deg til BWL.

- Skaffe BWL kvalitets gear.

- Attune deg til AQ40 (ye, right)

- Skaffe AQ40 gear.

- Attune deg til Naxxramas.


I AKKURAT denne rekkefølgen.


Hvorav Naxxramas = Mount Hyjal.


Er ikke så mye da? :D

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However, this is no 1-2-3 immediate quest. To acquire the two vials of eternity requires the completition of many quest chains that will take months to accomplish and good gear.

Yer ... Altså, hele Onyxia key chainen til horde kan fint bli gjort på en dag hvis man bare gidder, å si at det tar måneder for å få gjort ferdig det der er ikke nødvendig for alle. Men kanskje helt på starten ;)

Endret av BadBeer
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Jeg tror at det vil ta 1 månde eller mer. Mest pga. med blizzard sin fantasi, så, for å komme til moun hyjal:


Drep 12000 fugler (Dette er gjemt inni noen av de queste greiene der, å rep grinding) 4000 hester, minst 1000 av samme bossen i den og den instancen.


Neimen se der, du er endelig attuned til mount hyjal! Enten er du 1 år senere enn de andre, eller så har du akkurat mistet dama di og har ikke hatt noe sosial liv på en stund!


1 ting er sikkert, jeg kommer til lage min egen private server og gjøre alt som finst i WoW, ikke pokker om jeg gjør det slik det egentlig skal :p

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så mount hyjal blir den hardeste instancen til BC? ville egentlig ikke sjokkert meg ettersom att arcimonde er slutt bossen. og det slaget på en måte vær legendarisk i wc3 mye mye hardere en det siste slaget i frozen throne med illidan.




tror jeg får starte og lete etter ny guild alerede :p

Endret av neoman
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Spennende, men hørtes jo ut som det var umenneskelig mye som måtte gjøres først. Jeg trodde Blizzard hadde lovt å legge til rette for at "casuals" lettere skulle få delta i det meste i BC...




casuals kan være med på mye fortsatt vi =)


Men noe må da de som spiller 24/7 få igjen for det :p

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Høres veldig gøy ut. Det eneste som kan gå galt i denne quest linja er: Ninja-looters, leavers og idioter (ja, de finnes) hadde foretrukke å gjøre noe uttafør instances :-/


Men f*** hvor morsomt det skal bli å hjelpe guildies med denne quest-linja *sarkasme*

Endret av grimsbo
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