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Haha....hadde en liten samtale her om dagen på MSN....

jeg tror jeg sovna ca 10 mins senere.....og vokna opp og så denna på msnen min...XD


Men legg merke til hvor offtopic den chatten blir.... :hmm:


Btw...Ice er 34.....



Icetiger sier:

hey Draco

Icetiger sier:

how you doing?

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:


DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

a bit sleepy though...that my dad dragged me off to work today...XD

Icetiger sier:

lol oh shame man

Icetiger sier:

where do you work?

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

someplace.....i am sure if i ever manage to tell you where it is.....but it have something to do with ....um....office stuff and pcs...

Icetiger sier:


DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

you like to "lol" i see...XD

Icetiger sier:

hehe yep

Icetiger sier:

I'm a happy person

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

i noticed.....^^

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

oh dear....=/

Icetiger sier:


DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

long time since i last time were on MSN...and now is my mail spammed...XD

Icetiger sier:

haha oh shame!

Icetiger sier:

well at least you know you have mail friends

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

i havent used mail any to communicate......only to...get my passwords and such....

Icetiger sier:

oh I see

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

i use my other 2 mail accounts to that...

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

************** / ************** ^^

Icetiger sier:

ok cool so at least I know how to get hold of you on mail now

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

heh eh eh.....yeah....

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

my MSN has been pretty fucked up on my PC you see....thats why i havent been on MSN for quite a while..

Icetiger sier:

ah ok, I wondered about that

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

i wonder why really...the MSN live sucks...and i try to reove it..but it seems my pc wont do it for some reason......hmmmm....

Icetiger sier:

hmmm ok - no idea

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

well.....tried most of it....its rare that i give up this kinda pc stuff...but since i getting new pc soon....i let it go^^

Icetiger sier:

hehe.. nice

Icetiger sier:

what pc you getting?

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

lets see....where the hell is my list..=/......i goingto build it myself....but i dont seem to remember the part i am buying myself....XD

Icetiger sier:


DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

its seems that i need to hack my dads email again...XD

Icetiger sier:

ooh... you're a hacker too

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

ah well.....not a pro...but some few basic stuff...

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

i dont even know if that i am doing is really hacking at all...XD

Icetiger sier:


DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

but....if i really want i can start hacking your pc serious if i get mad enough....its just a few hours on the internet reading and then i am 110% better at hacking^^

Icetiger sier:


DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

but i hate hackers...so why become one myself.....the best thing to become one is that youre more protected agaisnt others....

Icetiger sier:


Icetiger sier:

the best person to secure your network is someone who can hack it

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

yeah....for hackers know where to hack...so if you want to pretect it you just focus on the spot that is easiest to hack..

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:


DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

you know that most kids around 12-15 can be some of the most annoying hackers.....since internet came, yuonger and younger ppl just learn to hack....just bcause they bored...or something other stupid reasons....XD

Icetiger sier:

oh you're not even kidding

Icetiger sier:

my kid installed my modem for me when he was 3

Icetiger sier:

granted it was just clicking 'next' 'next' 'next' 'finish'

Icetiger sier:

but still, it was scary that he understood where to click when he couldnt even read......

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

i bet lucky....or he just clicked random till something happend..

Icetiger sier:

nope, I was watching him

Icetiger sier:

he'd been using a mouse since he was 2 so he was pretty good at knowing how it worked

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

hmmmm....then it must be that the "next" key got an arrow...or he learned that because the other instals got an arrow at next and then hhe learned the word...

Icetiger sier:

probably - it was just scary to watch

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

never underestimate the kids nowadays^^

Icetiger sier:

yeah... tell me about it...

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

if you have seen me and how much i know in the age of just 16.....and i know more or less about pc stuff...then think of real interested 12-14 years old kids...Oo

Icetiger sier:

you're phenomenal

Icetiger sier:

you know so much already and you're only 16 so it's actually scary

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

even.....some of my friends even know more.....i even think some of them can the basics of making trojans...

Icetiger sier:

damn... that's incredible

Icetiger sier:

I've been in this industry for ages and I dont know that stuff

Icetiger sier:


DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

you see....kids learn fastes by playing......and when they have played with programs long enough they eventualy master it....even without reading the manual...

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

are ya there yet? -.- kinda bored....

Icetiger sier:

hey I'm back now

Icetiger sier:

sorry man - lots of work to do

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:


Icetiger sier:

you think it would be quiet over this time - fat chance....

Icetiger sier:


DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

hmmm.....well...i got lots of things to do aswell....but its like grinding....can survive without a chat...

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:


Icetiger sier:


Icetiger sier:

I know that feeling

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

after like grinding like a nolife from level 58-60 in winterspring in like 4-5 hours.....then you know what boredom in grinding is...

Icetiger sier:

oh yeah I remember that

Icetiger sier:

that sucked so much

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

but i think i madew about 40-50g while i was grinding xp and looting random trash-....XD

Icetiger sier:

oooohhh very nice

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

well....read what i wrote under your brb....a couple of lines up....

Icetiger sier:

yeah I just read that

Icetiger sier:

you are so right

Icetiger sier:

it's amazing how they learn by doing

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

as you grow you learn slower....or its harder to learn new stuff.....heard and experienced this myself....

Icetiger sier:

you really think so?

Icetiger sier:

I cant remember how I learnt at 16 tbh

Icetiger sier:

but I dont find it too difficult atm

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

ah...thig is only a theory.....

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:


Icetiger sier:

true, but your experience obviously counts towards your theories

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

but try to learn a 68 old how to play wow...XD

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

try to learn a 3 year old to play wow.....

Icetiger sier:


DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

you WILL notice the difference...

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

and ofc....that have also something to do with your interestes....if youre interested you learn...if not....you never..

Icetiger sier:

exactly true

Icetiger sier:

also kids arent scared of new things because that's their whole life - everything is new

Icetiger sier:

but a 60-yr old can be very set in thier ways

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

thats my point...

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

the old ones are afraid of new things...

Icetiger sier:


Icetiger sier:

well some arent but most are

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:


DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

i think that is kinda stupid to be afraid.....but if or when i reach 70 i will experience this myself..

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

its like all the ppl in wow are afraid of the new changes in TBC bacause of the 10 new levels...

Icetiger sier:

it's the unknown

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

their old experience is almost meaningless then.....this may be the same in the real life....

Icetiger sier:

that's all it is

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

the world of warcraft isnt far away from the real world ya know....so you can learn much about life by playing..

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

Blizzard will be the ones who decide the rules...like a king or a president IRL...and the skills and such...may be the education we have.....some times its better to know lots of PC...sometimes not...

Icetiger sier:

you've really philosophised abou this havent you??

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:


Icetiger sier:

I must admit that it's taught my 11-yr old a bit about what ppl are like

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

just the facts of life my friend....

Icetiger sier:

that there are good and bad ppl out there

Icetiger sier:

and that what ppl say isnt necessarily what they mean

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

tsk tsk tsk.......you see what i have told you.....life is the same no matter what game you play....XD...

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

you CANT escape it....

Icetiger sier:


Icetiger sier:

I guess it's proving that life IS a game

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

well.....that is the other way....the movie " the matrix" is a good example of what i have told ya..

Icetiger sier:

oh yeah definitely

Icetiger sier:

you like this kind of stuff btw?

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

nah.....it just popped out of my mind while i was talking to ya.....never thought of this out loud before...

Icetiger sier:


Icetiger sier:

so you're an undercover philosopher

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

it must be something with you that bring the Philosopher out of me...

Icetiger sier:


DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

well....it may because you think i am so...."knowlegable" that i msut share what i think...

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:


Icetiger sier:

that's fine, if it's what you feel you shouldnt be scared to share it - no matter what other ppl might think

Icetiger sier:

but you also need to be open to the fact that you will sometimes be wrong

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

well....i never think of i am wrong or not....i just share MY theory...

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

but as you see,,,,they may be right...

Icetiger sier:

and if someone elses seems better than yours?

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

if they are.....i will either stick to mine...or i follow theirs....that depends what yourself are thinking about it.....

Icetiger sier:

ah ok

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

if yours make more sense...you stick to it....if not....you follow the other..

Icetiger sier:

good, at least you're open to change too

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:


DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

you should only know what we "young ones" know....we gonna take this world ya know...^^

Icetiger sier:

hehe that;s for sure

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

i may be one of those..."less smart" than others...or i may be the "smartest" one....noone know...and noone will find it out before all share their theories....

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

it may be facts or it may be philosophy....

Icetiger sier:

ok I have to dash

Icetiger sier:

but if you're online later I'll see you then

DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

okay cya then....^^

Icetiger sier:


DracoKnight *at Work* sier:

cya at wow 2nite...^^ or later

Icetiger sier:

ok sure



fikk en liten "Wtf?" oplevelse da jeg fant ut at det var meg sjøl som hadde skrivi..

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