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Forandringer i 2.0.3 patch - uoffisiell

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Here is an Unofficial List of Changes on the PTR of current Testing.


-Several Classes Have gotten Updated Changes to match Current Beta patches.

Atm No one has gotten a Free respec, however this may be a bug from the Old PTR sever. Wait for an official Announcement.

-The Map icon has a new icon, More brown. no longer a Globe.

-All Steamwhile Cartel Gaurds are raised to level 67.

-Spirit Healers Now appear On mini Map while dead

-Player can now Right click on thier portants to Enable or Disable PVP mode (PvE severs)

-New Option for LFG tool: Heroic Dungeons

-All Abilities base mana costs have had thier mana cost reduced.

-Priest and Druid tier 2 bonus changed to "Restores 20 mana per 5 second" from "allows 15% of your mana to continue while casting"

-Epic Mount training cost reduced to 540g with honored discount.

-noggenfogger is now on a 2 minute cooldown.

-New vendors Selling level 70 pvp rewards added in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

-Tauren Can now ride Black War Raptors, but not other Raptors

-You can now change Blacksmithing and Engineering Specializations through a gold cost.

-Snipers Added to Gadgetzan RoofTops. (Unknown if they are in other towns atm)

-Wyverns, Bats, Girffens, and Hipgrifs Now Make Noices while in Flight. (During Flight Paths)

-New title "Scarab Lord" Available to First opener of the AQ gates.

-(The3 BG Exalted Title could be in this Patch, but i need confirmation)

-Elite rare Spawns now have a Silver Dragon Around their portrait to Show their Correct status.

-Improved Character Stat (Spirt Now displays How much Health and Mana is Recovered per tick)

-All Blackwing Liar Trinkets that used or Modified %s Have been reduced to flat numbers (Check thottbot/beta for the certian numbers.)



-Eye of the Storm battle master added.

Only one bracket, 61-70

No Faction Affiliated With this battle ground at the moment.



-Shadowstep as 41 Talent Point

-Imp Sap switched out with Elusiveness

-Imp backstab and imp SnD have switched places.

- Imp Sap is now a 2 point talent - 50%/100%

-Surprise attack is now 10% and finishing move can no longer be dodged

-Weapon expertise changed to +10 weapon skill.

-Combo points preserved on previous target if target is changed during combat.

-Evasion (Rank 2) Now Trainable.

-Stleath Animation Fixed.



-Bear Gives 450% armor bonus and 25% HP

-Barkskin now Usable while stunned and no longer contains a Casting Penalty, Cooldown increased to 2 minutes.

-Several Talent have had their costs reduced in the Balance Tree (Such as imp moonfire)

-Tranquilty Changed.

Cooldown Increased back to 10 minutes (as such pre-1.8)

Now untalented heals for 1092 every second at max rank.

-Pounce no longer requires Facing

-mangle(cat) now includes a +30% dmg to shred.

-Natures Grasp USABLE in forms (To clear up confusion)

-Can now talk to NPCs while in forms.

-Tree of Life Aura Now only applies 25% of spirit as extra healing on party members.

-Mana cost of regrowth reduced to 720 mana at max rank. (Untalented)



- Totemic Call added

-Rockbiter now increases specifically DPS

-Rockbitter and earthshock no longer cause additional threat.



-Rampage at 20 rage Cost

-Slam no longer interrupted by damage.



-Pet Speed Normalized. All Pets have a 2.0 attack Speed.

-Several Pet Abilities' Icon have changed.

-Mana cost of Mutli-Shot Reduced (To Pre-2.0.1 costs)

-No Casting Animation on Hunters mark.

-Pet Revival now has a "whoooise light from above" animation at its end.



-Soullink now gives 20% of dmg spilt with pet, damage incrased by 5%

-Shadowfury's Casting time is now .5 seconds and has a 20 second cooldown.

-Infernals Are no Longer Enslaved When first summoned (Possible bug, Tooltip does not reflect the


-arena Preparation Buff in The arenas Now Remove soul shard Costs of Spells and Abilities.



-Improved Righteous Fury: talent changed to also reduce all damage taken by 2/4/6% while Righteous Fury is active.

-Improved Divine Shield: talent renamed to Sacred Duty, talent now also increases the Paladin's stamina by 3/6%.

-Spell Warding: talent changed to now reduce all spell damage taken by the Paladin by 2/4%.

-Crusader Strike: cooldown increased to 10 seconds.

-Vengeance: damage bonus reduced to 10%.


Bug Fixes.

-Enchants Are now Green Again.

-Felguard no longer makes the Succubus Noise When summoned.

-Duel Core Processing Bug Fixed

-Map Errors Mentioned in 2.0.1 Patch notes Fixed.

-Zandalarian Hero Charm now properly uses its charges.



-Netherwind Mantle Now has the Correct (Pre 2.0) Graphic. (Swirly Balls)

-Idol of Ferocity and idol of Brutality Changed. Now added damage to Maul Swipe and Claw and Rip.

-Mage Tier 1 Bonus Changed from 10 Penitration to 38.



-Plays can now change Blacksmithing Speclzations In IrofnFore/Org. for a Fee of 50g



Kilde: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...=59427560&sid=1

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Dette er forandringer som gjelder for public test realms.


Test realm client kan lastes ned her:









Vet ikke om PTR er oppe ennå, har ikke giddi å sjekke.

Kansje verdt å legge til at selv om PTR nå inkluderer TBC, så er det bare de med beta-key har tilgang til expansion features (rolle bloodelf, dra til Outlands, osv.).

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