Espen F Skrevet 22. november 2002 Del Skrevet 22. november 2002 <erno> hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my apartment it is. <Zybl0re> get up <Zybl0re> get on up <Zybl0re> get up <Zybl0re> get on up <phxl|paper> and DANCE * nmp3bot dances -< * nmp3bot dances |-< * nmp3bot dances :grin:/-< <[sA]HatfulOfHollow> i'm going to become rich and famous after i invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet <tatclass> YOU ALL SUCK DICK <tatclass> er. <tatclass> hi. <andycode> A common typo. <tatclass> the keys are like right next to each other. <ohm> damn <ohm> FUCK <ohm> DAMN <ohm> i was just in an AIM convo with a chick, and my grandmother's window pops up <ohm> FUCK <ohm> i go like this to her <ohm> "i want to suck on your clit" <ohm> FUCK <blazemore> LITTLETON, Colo. - Colorado officials plan to try a 15-year-old boy as an adult for allegedly offering a Sony PlayStation to have his aunt killed. <FlipTopBx> is it modded? <xterm> The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? <Beeth> Girls are like internet domain names, the ones I like are already taken. <honx> well, you can stil get one from a strange country :razz: <Zanthis(ALE)> AFK, tornado <+kritical> christin: you need to learn how to figure out stuff yourself.. <+Christin1> how do i do that <weDge> So I had a girlfriend for all of 9 months. She dropped by one afternoon when I was sick with a pan of brownies and a video tape with the simpsons on it (my favorite show). so I start eating the brownies and turn on the tape. midway through it, it cuts to her sucking off some dude. he nuts in her mouth, she looks at the camera, and says "you're dumped. enjoy the brownies" - and spits the mouthful of cum into a bowl of brownie mix. fucked up huh? I want to die. <Kazz> Do vampires have anuses? Cause that's why I wouldn't let this kid invade a vampire's anus in this RPG, right, I was GMing, and his character was an Anus Shade, with the power to possess and control the anuses of people and animals.. and I figured that vampires don't have anuses. <Zaratustra> a vampire's anus is present, but non-working. <Zaratustra> like a network card without the appropriate driver. <Kazz> Wow. You're the biggest dork on Earth. <Sharkey> And you're DMing an rpg with Anus Shades. <BombScare> i beat the internet <BombScare> the end guy is hard <@Logan> I spent a minute looking at my own code by accident. <@Logan> I was thinking "What the hell is this guy doing?" * ab is away - gone, if anyone talks in the next 25 minutes as me it's bm being an asshole - <ab> HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS <Raize> can you guys see what I type? <vecna> no, raize <Raize> How do I set it up so you can see it? <Thumb> do you know of any major organizations that are similar the CDC? <Lucent> who? <Thumb> center for disease control <Lucent> i said WHO <Thumb> what? i'm asking you <Lucent> World Health Organization *** Signoff: Morpheus (Connection reset by peer) *** Morpheus ([email protected]) has joined channel #relax <Morpheus> argh.. that wasn't my speaker cable <studdud> what the fuck is wtf <Opcode> i was gonna call 911...but i was downloading a file <mp> i am convinced i am a woman <Oreoboros> mp: Why's that? <mp> cuz i went to bed bath and beyond for a shower curtain and left with $700 worth of shit <mp> and i had to go back because i realized after i checked out that i forgot to buy a fucking shower curtain <calin> we had a guy at school that wore black lipstick.. and was all gothy.. and then one day we caught him buying an assvibrator <ecoli> ew. <ecoli> wait, you "caught" him? <ecoli> like, you were behind him in line at the assvibrator store? <Aero> he doesnt answer *** Quits: calin (No route to host) <FlipTopBox> wow... spam in my hotmail inbox: "See Girls with buckets of cum all over their faces! <Slant> FlipTopBox: Dude. Give them some credit, it's hard to balance a bucket on your face. <ckx> women ask for it <ckx> they act all old and mature <ckx> and then you stick your cock up their ass <ckx> and they get all bitchy <ckx> "I"M ONLY 13, I'M ONLY 13!!!" <incarnate> hey cres, I know what you're thinking right now <incarnate> " " <cres> i dont get it <blazemore> i need to find a used ddr 3rd mix machine *** Joins: DigDug ([email protected]) <AlmtyBob> good fucking luck <AlmtyBob> you're looking at $8000 wihtout shipping <AlmtyBob> even used <DigDug> whatcha talking about, bob? <AlmtyBob> a filipina chick <AlmtyBob> the ones you buy in exchange for bringing them to the us <blazemore> my dad is thinking about helping pay for one so we can stick it in an arcade and make some money <django23> I have a stupid question: what does "sendmail" do? <Epesh> django: you're right, that is pretty stupid <blazemore> omg i love this song <blazemore> Now playing: Unknown Artist - Track 2 @ 128 Kbps. (0:47/3:24) <Javi> blazemore: yeah, that's a bad ass song * dregan kicks Yamucha in the nuts * dregan stamps on Yamucha's neck *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Yamucha <dregan> Oh shit. <factorial_nine> "Male masturbation is a personal turn off for me. As a single woman, I'm especially looking for a man who doesn't masturbate, even while he's single." <factorial_nine> GOOD LUCK, BITCH. <reuben> somebody keeps jiggling the doorknob on my front door, then running away <reuben> i don't know if i should call the police, or hook up some electricity to the doorknob <cristobal> why don't you put ice on the stairs <cristobal> and heat up the door knob <cristobal> and swing paint buckets down from your two story foyer <cristobal> then a few years later, fade from the public eye..... serluny: how long did it took u to learn c? ReDPriest:4.5 minutes serluny:how did u do that? ReDPriest:i downloaded it into my brain..i got a program to do that serluny:what program ReDPriest:download shit into your brain v3.1 serluny:how do i download it? ReDPriest: go to serluny:i cant download it something is wrong <Alcaron> You should set yourself up a webcam. I don't know why, but I get this feeling we'll catch you doing something stupid. :smile: <Longi> Alcaron: thats exactly the reason i wont set one up, the high probablity of me doing someone extremely embarassing <Longi> err? <Longi> THING <Longi> someTHING! ::: [email protected]> _YOU ([email protected]) ~ _YOU HAVE RECEIVED A FATAL ERROR, PRESS ALT + F4 TO REPAIR THIS IMMEDIATELY ::: [email protected]> _YOU ([email protected]); ... ::: [email protected]> BlueBold ([email protected]); Leaving ::: [email protected]> ic3d ([email protected]); Leaving ::: [email protected]> CoolJeff4 ([email protected]); Leaving <lungfish> your job like involved relocation AND gay sex <Rottencrotch> wuts ur point <LuftWaffle-away> he didnt want to relocate <FreshBrew> IM DONT MATH FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE <FreshBrew> HELL FUCKING YES <kolby> you still in english? <Bizzy> say Æ Ø Y <DAL9000> Æ Ø Y <DAL9000> easy to say <DAL9000> f00 <DAL9000> ¸ß <DAL9000> say that. <Bizzy> ¸ß <DAL9000> õ þ <DAL9000> now that <Bizzy> õ þ <DAL9000> now say this: <DAL9000> ß|ZZ¥ |§ ª е//ߪ§§ <Bizzy> ß|ZZ¥ |§ ª е//ߪ§§ <DAL9000> bahahaha <Bizzy> what? <Bizzy> damnit <Plot> I was either going to die now <Plot> or get 80% third degree burns atleast <Plot> someone had the gas nob opened <Plot> I went into kitchen <Plot> switched a bulb <Plot> and wham <Plot> kitchen was filled with one big ass fire ball <theForger> woah dude <C--> damn <Jyrsija> jesus <ThaDragon> If you just blow up your kitchen, and then proceed to get on IRC and tell people about it, you might be a junkie. <asr> 'fo sheezy. <Sabboth> what the fuck does that mean in english? you should understand that having a day job precludes me from 'keeping it real' and as such, I lack a certain familiarity with the language of the 'streets' as it were. <madthink> what does putting sugar in someones gas tank do <maff> I heard when you start the engine cinnamon rolls come out <maff> with frosting and everything <madthink> i need to get revenge in the worst way <maff> cinnamon rolls arent really revenge <orion`-`-> what the fuck <orion`-`-> i think the icecream truck just hit a kid <orion`-`-> brbrb <Polytope> tetris is so unrealistic <evenpar123> I think I'm losing it... <Slant> evenpar123: Losing what? <evenpar123> my ability to tell the difference between games and reality <evenpar123> Just today, I was driving down a street, and saw a building that had sunlight reflecting off it... <evenpar123> And I thought "Damn....these are some nice graphics..." <evenpar123> It was horrible... <evenpar123> ugh *** civicsi was kicked by Raegen (KK: go away jason) civicsi is [email protected] * Jason Preston civicsi on #cars civicsi using Toca's Miracle civicsi End of /WHOIS list. *** civicsi ([email protected]) has joined #cars <civicsi> uhhh <civicsi> HOW DID YOU GET MY NAME? <Tokae> we are l33t <Darn> haha he hacked you <KK> shutup jason <civicsi> how did you do that? <Tokae> you will be fuct over jason if you act out of line. <KK> Mr Preston <civicsi> I hope you know that I have logs of all hacking attempts <civicsi> and I WILL forward them to the DOJ [guest27125] hi i am very good at irc, i can script and even hack people on irc,but this real good hacker keeps hacking into me and changing my nick, his name is NickServ <`rip> when you go into a job interview <`rip> and they ask you what 3 of your weaknesses' are <`rip> what do you say <clay> you tell them that youre indecisive <clay> and then stop talking <@Dark_un> is there an actual term for banks lending out money? <@bytraper> loan <@Dark_un> i was thinking of the process <@incorrect> scam <pdksh> jesus h christ <pdksh> 'i got tired of that screensaver on that other computer so i turned it off' <pdksh> my sister hard-shutdown my bsd box. <pdksh> in the middle of a kernel compile. <pdksh> not to mention that the little blinky light on the hub was annoying her <pdksh> so she pulled out that wire too <pdksh> ... <pdksh> and she managed to rip a wire pair out of the wire. <pdksh> yet she wants to be a cs major in college. <dmaster-> I would beat her into a coma <pdksh> dmaster-: im about to. either that or change her aim password so she jumps off a bridge. <bob354> pdksh: haha a cs major? <pdksh> bob354: yeah... 'i like to surf the internet and chat on aim to all my friends all the time so im good with computers and im good at that microsoft wordart. mom said i should go to computer school like you!' <psychicbug> ok, take the bible in a .txt document and open it in notepad. shift every first letter to the right 1, and save it as an .avi. turns out, its a cumshot vid <GaeMan> Chia: Be nice to CAgurl today. <chirpet> I am always nice to CAgurl. I resent the implication. <chirpet> I am nice to everyone. <chirpet> Always. <chirpet> So shut up. <chirpet> pigfucker. <reuben> you're like people with bumper stickers. <reuben> telling the same lines over and over and over again. <reuben> anything witty is only witty once <reuben> hey <reuben> that would be a good bumper sticker _________________ Hei, jeg er en ung staseleg gutt med både traktor og zetor, eg søkjer etter kvinnfolk.. helst med traktorlappen og åpenhet for trekant. Bill.merk Her bli det låvefest. [ Denne Melding var redigert av: Fake på 2002-11-22 15:29 ] Lenke til kommentar
letmein Skrevet 22. november 2002 Del Skrevet 22. november 2002 heh.. de er tøffe de, men det er enklere å lese de @ :wink: Lenke til kommentar
Nimr0d Skrevet 22. november 2002 Del Skrevet 22. november 2002 Å fy ****... likte denne måten å dumpe folk på... Quote: <weDge> So I had a girlfriend for all of 9 months. She dropped by one afternoon when I was sick with a pan of brownies and a video tape with the simpsons on it (my favorite show). so I start eating the brownies and turn on the tape. midway through it, it cuts to her sucking off some dude. he nuts in her mouth, she looks at the camera, and says "you're dumped. enjoy the brownies" - and spits the mouthful of cum into a bowl of brownie mix. fucked up huh? I want to die. Lenke til kommentar
b-real Skrevet 24. november 2002 Del Skrevet 24. november 2002 Quote: letmein skrev (2002-11-22 15:48):heh.. de er tøffe de, men det er enklere å lese de @ :wink: Han har sikkert hentet de der fra. :smile: Lenke til kommentar
Laka Skrevet 24. november 2002 Del Skrevet 24. november 2002 Altfor mye anstrengelse å lese alt det der :smile: Lenke til kommentar
SnowDOG_ Skrevet 25. november 2002 Del Skrevet 25. november 2002 Gadd ikke lese det der men det virket ikke så extremt morsomt. Lenke til kommentar
Jimmy Pop Skrevet 27. november 2002 Del Skrevet 27. november 2002 Quote: Girls are like internet domain names, the ones I like are already taken. well, you can stil get one from a strange country Dødsbra!! Jeg leste alt sammen, jeg. Jepp har ikke bedre å gjøre på her på jobben.. Lenke til kommentar
Thlom Skrevet 27. november 2002 Del Skrevet 27. november 2002 Quote: Jimmy Pop skrev (2002-11-27 14:49):Dødsbra!! Jeg leste alt sammen, jeg. Jepp har ikke bedre å gjøre på her på jobben.. /me har lest nesten alle på Lenke til kommentar
Jimmy Pop Skrevet 5. februar 2003 Del Skrevet 5. februar 2003 En stund siden jeg har lest denne nå, men den er like morsom fremdeles. Og *bump* så var den kommet opp slik at alle nye brukere kan få dele denne gleden med oss erfarne humor/søppel-duster... Lenke til kommentar
Griznah Skrevet 14. februar 2003 Del Skrevet 14. februar 2003 JimmyPop: og takk for det! Sitter her på kontoret og ler meg nesten skakk Utrolig mange bra der! Lenke til kommentar
Leeson Skrevet 14. februar 2003 Del Skrevet 14. februar 2003 serluny: how long did it took u to learn c? ReDPriest:4.5 minutes serluny:how did u do that? ReDPriest:i downloaded it into my brain..i got a program to do that serluny:what program ReDPriest:download shit into your brain v3.1 serluny:how do i download it? ReDPriest: go to serluny:i cant download it something is wrong wtf.. trykk på linken :o Lenke til kommentar
Krishell Skrevet 13. mars 2003 Del Skrevet 13. mars 2003 [ZerOpo]: fjerner den ULTRA STØGGE DRITTEN [[v]qb]: fjerner den deg? [Krishell]: fader savner det og pisse ut av vinduet jeg.. kan lixom ikke det i sarp [[v]qb]: hæhæ [[v]qb]: FAEN [[v]qb]: jeg klatra jo i den stegan [Krishell]: [piss]qb ::: Quit: ([v]qb) ([email protected]) (Elsker Deg Helene! no ska ljeg se om jeg får sove! er lys våken! faen ta deg Krishell argh!!!) [22:28:44] [Dicaprio]: JA til VANILJE COLA [22:28:51] ::: Mode: (Skyrider) sets (+b *!*Dicaprio@* [22:28:51] ::: Kick: (Dicaprio) was kicked by (Skyrider) (nei ?) [01:09:06] [Krishell]: Budha:feed me or I'll rape u [01:09:14] [+Budha]: Krishell: Er u gal ? (02:43) .. Quit: (Blaskjerm) ([email protected]) (ronke tisse legge meg) [insolved]: qb du ser støvete ut [insolved]: kan meg få feie over deg? [insolved]: sjekketriks (Eksos) Ole Kristian - -CrusheR- says: (Eksos) jeg laster ned porno nå hehe (Eksos) Ole Kristian - -CrusheR- says: (Eksos) har 3 filmer nå (Eksos) øøh (Eksos) nice zeropo (Krishell) LOL (ZerOpo) altså, pornoen er ikke til meg assa (ZerOpo) den er til en kompis som er her (ZerOpo) da misforsto nok dere litt hehe Lenke til kommentar
Gabriel_X Skrevet 13. mars 2003 Del Skrevet 13. mars 2003 wtf.. trykk på linken :o Oi - den var rørende, ble faktisk litt lei meg jeg. Lenke til kommentar
HemiCuda Skrevet 13. mars 2003 Del Skrevet 13. mars 2003 skrive feil er alltid morsomt ^-^ <Thel> Hm, damn, Brinkster refuses to allow remote posting. <Jezzy> allows offsite licking Thel <Jezzy> errr linking <STOWA[DOT]EXE> ... <STOWA[DOT]EXE> seems we know what is on Jezzy's mind <Jezzy> LINKING ----------------------------------------------------------------------- og snakke norsk på amerikanske kanaler er også morsomt ^-^ <HemiCuda> hmmm.... min første mobil var en siemen C35.... så ut som en dildo <Isifer> LOL <Sir_Spankspeople> ... Hemicuda isn't talking about... <Isifer> .. yes he is <Sir_Spankspeople> Hmm... I see... <HemiCuda> my first cellphone ^_^ <Isifer> LOL! edit: Isifer er svensk og forstår hva jeg skriver... Lenke til kommentar
Corn Skrevet 13. mars 2003 Del Skrevet 13. mars 2003 Hehe, sensurscriptet ødela noen av dem da... Lenke til kommentar
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