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Det er utrolig hvor mye 360 spill som selges (mer enn PS3 og Wii til sammen), og siden det er dette konsollprodusentene tjener mest penger på er nok MS fornøyde


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Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE Momentum Facts 'n Stats


Leadership: Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE are leading the charge into the future of gaming and entertainment, bringing the best games, an active community and a growing catalogue of high definition entertainment to all members of the household.


* More than 11.6 million Xbox 360 consoles have sold across the 37 countries where it is currently available. Xbox LIVE is currently available in 25 countries across the globe.


· According to U.S. NPD data, gamers have bought more software for the Xbox 360 (24.3 million units), than software for PS3 and Wii combined (19.8 million units).


* Faster than expected, Xbox LIVE has eclipsed the 7 million member milestone and is on track to reach 10 million members by the end of June 2008. In fact, in the last year we've added a new Xbox LIVE member every 8 seconds.


Gaming: With the greatest lineup in the history of video games, Xbox 360 is hands down the best gaming console on the market.


* There are more than 250 games available today on Xbox 360, including 86 Xbox LIVE Arcade games.


* Xbox 360 is the next-gen console with the largest games attach rate at an astounding 6.3 games sold per Xbox 360 owner.


* Xbox LIVE members have spent more than 3.2 billion hours playing games on Xbox LIVE with their friends around the world. That is equal to 137 million days or more than 376,000 years of gaming.


* To date, Xbox 360 owners have unlocked more than 600 million Achievements. All of those unlocked Achievements have created a total combined Gamerscore of more than 14 billion.


* There have been 2.5 billion game sessions hosted since the launch of Xbox 360, with more than 5.6 million hosted each day so far in 2007.


* Xbox LIVE Arcade has been a huge hit on Xbox 360, with nearly 70% of all connected consoles downloading and playing Xbox LIVE Arcade titles.


* Xbox LIVE Marketplace currently offers nearly 200 free trials and demos, giving owners more free playable content than any other console.



Entertainment: Xbox 360 is the center of digital entertainment in the living room, offering the best in high definition games, movies and television along with access to all your friends, digital music and pictures.


* Xbox 360 continues to lead with the largest library of on-demand high-definition movies and television in the U.S. on-demand market. Twenty-nine movie studios and TV networks continue to provide a growing catalogue of premium high- and standard-definition entertainment content that to date totals 2,800 hours.


* Xbox LIVE Marketplace is now the leading provider of on-demand high-definition content in the U.S., providing more than twice the number of hours as leading cable operators.


* Xbox LIVE Marketplace is home to a growing catalogue of more than 9,000 pieces of individual gaming and entertainment content, downloadable at the click of a button.


* There have been 290 million downloads of gaming and entertainment content from Xbox LIVE Marketplace


Social Networking: Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE offer the largest, most active online community of friends, family and rivals worldwide.


* Xbox LIVE is the largest social network in the living room with 2.6 million IM, text and voice messages sent over the service every day.


* Since Xbox LIVE launched, 3.1 billion games sessions have been hosted on the service.


* The average Xbox LIVE Gold subscriber has 23 friends on their Xbox LIVE friends list.


* More than 1.2 billion cross-game invites have been sent since the launch of Xbox 360.

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Skulle bare mangle at folk har kjøpt flere spill til X360. Den har jo tross alt vært på markedet i over dobbelt så lang tid som PS3/Wii.


6,3 spill per solgte X360-konsoll er likevel veldig imponerende. Og enda mer imponerende hvor mange som bruker Xbox Live.

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Selger Mario spillene så bra i Japan? Trodde det var Pokemon som solgte bra i Japan, av det Nintendo lager selv til konsollene altså.


Jeg tenkte Mario var mer obligatorisk i Japan enn Ibsen er i Norge. Men det er bare inntrykket jeg har fått gjennom tiden, uten å ha noen solide kilder å backe det opp med.

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Selger Mario spillene så bra i Japan? Trodde det var Pokemon som solgte bra i Japan, av det Nintendo lager selv til konsollene altså.


Jeg tenkte Mario var mer obligatorisk i Japan enn Ibsen er i Norge. Men det er bare inntrykket jeg har fått gjennom tiden, uten å ha noen solide kilder å backe det opp med.


Fant dette. Tyder på at det selger ganske bra.


Endret av Celledyret
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With Halo 3 hype soaring, people are already dreaming about fragging aliens, dual-wielding machine guns and taunting 12-year-old kids when they sneak up behind them and put one in their head in a massive online battle.


But what many may not realize is that tomorrow's release of Halo 3 could be a watershed moment for Microsoft and the Xbox 360. With a blockbuster title that will surely captivate millions across the globe, the Xbox 360 will be the most played video game console for the month of October and should catapult the system to the top of the video game world.

Halo 3


As we're all aware, Nintendo currently enjoys the top spot in the video game console war. With nearly 404,000 Wii units sold last month alone, Nintendo is hands down the most successful hardware company of this generation. And while Nintendo fans are quick to cite this number when their favorite console is under attack, they fail to mention how it compares to previous months.


According to The NPD Group, Nintendo Wii sales dropped 5 percent from July, while the Xbox 360, with 277,000 units sold, witnessed a sales increase of 63 percent from July. To round it out, the abysmal Playstation 3 sold just 131,000 units--a drop of nearly 18 percent.


Sure, the Nintendo Wii is doing well and it continues to sell better than the competition, but the main reason the Xbox 360 did so well last month was its software. Most notably, Madden. According to NPD, Electronic Arts sold 897,000 copies of the Xbox 360 version of Madden, representing the first time in years that a non-Sony console topped the Madden sales list.


I've said it once and I'll say it again--software and software alone will drive hardware sales after the initial hype dies down. And if the 5 percent drop in sales is any indication, maybe the Nintendo Wii's hype is finally dropping too.


Halo 3 will undoubtedly be the biggest game of the year. With millions already enjoying previous iterations, tomorrow's release could be the biggest we have ever seen. For many casual gamers, the release of Halo 3 means it's time to buy an Xbox 360. And it's this cadre of individuals that Microsoft has been waiting for.


Up to this point, the Playstation 3 has performed about as poorly as we can expect from a console. With no games to tout as deal breakers, the PlayStation 3 is dead in the water. And while some still hope for the days of Killzone saving the PS3's day, it's time to give up hope--nothing can save it now.


But Nintendo is in an entirely different situation. There is no denying the fact that Nintendo has a stranglehold on the industry and has realized that by appealing to the general public instead of just gamers, it can have some success.


But the main issue with Nintendo is its poor software library that is rife with mini games and barely appealing titles that don't offer enough of an experience to appeal to owners for too long. At this point, the Nintendo Wii feels more like a novelty item than a video game console.


But for all of its issues--shoddy hardware and underpowered technology--the Xbox 360 will take the day as long as Halo 3 becomes the success we all expect it to be.


By the end of this year, Halo 3 will sell millions of times. And as long as current Xbox 360 aren't purchasing the game two or three times, we should expect higher console sales numbers going forward.


Much like Mario games of the '90s and Final Fantasy VII, Halo 3 is a blockbuster title that will sell consoles. In fact, Halo 3 is the only reason some people will buy a console this generation.


So before everyone runs out to tell the world that the Nintendo Wii will be the de facto leader going forward, it's incumbent upon all of us to realize that Wii sales are falling, Xbox 360 sales are rising and with Halo 3 right around the corner, that trend will only continue until the latter cements itself as this generation's console war victor.


Why 'Halo 3' will decide the Xbox 360's fate

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For many casual gamers, the release of Halo 3 means it's time to buy an Xbox 360.

Whaaat? Når ble Halo casual?


Up to this point, the Playstation 3 has performed about as poorly as we can expect from a console. With no games to tout as deal breakers, the PlayStation 3 is dead in the water. And while some still hope for the days of Killzone saving the PS3's day, it's time to give up hope--nothing can save it now

Nok en gang, whaaat? Killzone er da ikke den veletablerte franchisen folk venter på. Hva med å nevne Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo og Final Fantasy. De er alle serier som selger mye, samme hvordan man vrir og vender på det.


Jeg utelukker ikke at Xbox 360 selger mest konsoller denne generasjonen, og jeg kan fint skjønne hvorfor folk tror det. Men han fyren der er jo dum som en halvtom brødboks. Man kan jo ikke basere noe sånt ut fra en måneds salgstall fra ett kontinent. Man må se på salg over lengre tid fra alle kontinenter.

Endret av Geofrank
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According to The NPD Group, Nintendo Wii sales dropped 5 percent from July, while the Xbox 360, with 277,000 units sold, witnessed a sales increase of 63 percent from July. To round it out, the abysmal Playstation 3 sold just 131,000 units--a drop of nearly 18 percent.


Tallene forandrer seg og går opp og ned hele tida.


Sure, the Nintendo Wii is doing well and it continues to sell better than the competition, but the main reason the Xbox 360 did so well last month was its software. Most notably, Madden. According to NPD, Electronic Arts sold 897,000 copies of the Xbox 360 version of Madden, representing the first time in years that a non-Sony console topped the Madden sales list.


Helt enig her. PS2 og PS1 solgte bra pga software, ikke hardware.


Up to this point, the Playstation 3 has performed about as poorly as we can expect from a console. With no games to tout as deal breakers, the PlayStation 3 is dead in the water. And while some still hope for the days of Killzone saving the PS3's day, it's time to give up hope--nothing can save it now.


Det er noe av det største bullshitet jeg har hørt fra en xbox fanboy. Han har tydeligvis ikke snøring. PS3 selger faktisk ikke så dårlig. Sammenligner vi månedlige hardware salgstall ligger den faktisk ikke langt bak xbox 360. Og her snakker vi om en konsoll som koster nesten det dobbelte av 360, "has no games"(individuelt) og allikevel selger opptil det samme som 360. Hva skjer da når PS3 plutselig har spill og har senka prisforskjellen mellom de to konsollene?


But the main issue with Nintendo is its poor software library that is rife with mini games and barely appealing titles that don't offer enough of an experience to appeal to owners for too long. At this point, the Nintendo Wii feels more like a novelty item than a video game console.


Ja, nintendo går en annen vei med konsollen sin enn de to andre. Ja, de har kanskje ikke fullt så mange spill for hardcore gamere som xbox 360 har. MEN, ta deg en titt på DS du. Det er da nok av titler som hardcore gamere kan kose seg med der. Selv om det ikke er overflod av dem så selger det jo uansett til casual gamers. Wii er og blir en suksess, tro det eller ei. Men jeg er enig i at salget kommer til og gå ned utover i denne generasjonen når hypen har lagt seg ned litt og de andre nærmer seg en akseptabel pris. (*hint hint ps3*)




Dette er så åpenbart fanboybullshit fra ende til annen. Han tror her faktisk at Halo 3 ene og alene kommer til og sende Wii og PS3 nedenom og hjem. Xbox 360 har gjort det bra med en god start nå, men er det noen som sliter med salget om man ser framover så vil jeg si det er dem.

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Halo 3 hadde over 1,5 mill. preorders i USA alene

3-4 millioner worlwide første uka virker sannsynlig.


Vil tippe 15-20% av disse ikke har X360 fra før, så kanskje rundt 600,000 solgte konsoller denne uka.


En butikk i New York i natt:



Ei dame først i køen!! Jeg gir meg ende over :)


Nå står ikke verden til påske eller hva den floskelen er nå igjen.

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Det sies at de solgte Gamecube med profitt selv når den kostet 800-1000 kroner mot slutten, så at de tjener godt med penger med omtrent samme interne design, litt kraftigere, samt Wii-kontroll til 2500 kroner er det ingen tvil om.


Vil tippe fordelene med gammelt design som betyr lave utviklingskostnader, relativt billige komponenenter og enorm masseproduksjon gjør at hver konsoll koster 500-1000 kroner stykket.


Nintendo har forresten blitt Japans andre største selskap etter den enorme oppsvingen i det siste. Kun Toyta er større: Reuters. Sony med alt fra platestudioer, mobiltelefoner og TV-er har blitt lillebror.

Endret av kilik
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Vil tippe 15-20% av disse ikke har X360 fra før, så kanskje rundt 600,000 solgte konsoller denne uka.

600.000 konsoller på en uke på grunn av et spill? Det kan jeg aldri tenke meg. Kanskje på hele måneden, men jeg tror det også er et alt for høyt tall.

Endret av Geofrank
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