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Privacy on the internet


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Pardon me writing in English, but afaik most Norwegians capable of using a computer should be able to understand me.


Anyway I'd like to discuss the subject of privacy on the Internet. When is a site private, when does it enter the public domain? My personal opinion is that anything that is actually published, posted and openly accessible on the Internet is in the public domain. Whether it's accessible because of free will, ignorance or downright stupidity is irrelevant. Invite-only forums and closed communities is a more diffuse matter. Imo the only privacy one can claim to have one the Internet is when it comes to stuff like e-mail, password protected sites and the like. Then, and only then, information could regarded private.


This topic originates in the recent deletion of my response in this thread, but it should not be viewed as critique of the moderating policy or the moderators. The matter at hand isn't the moderation or whatever foundation for that decision, but this online community's view on Internet publicity.




Edited for clarity

Endret av Codexwarrior
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Hm, why do you write on a norwegian board if you're english?


Anyway, I totaly agree with you. If you post stuff on the internet, expect to get it smacked in your face! It's kinda a shame, but leard to live with it. Im very strict on not postin shit about my self. There has been a lot of writing in the norwegian media about this latly as well. Like Anne B. Ragde and her blog on dagbladet or vg or whatev. There is also theese cases of kids bullying on the Internet and employers googleing future employees. So don't be stupid and post your drunken party pictures on the internet. It has consequences. :nei:

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Hm, why do you write on a norwegian board if you're english?


Ah, I should have made this clear. I wouldn't write in foreign forums if I couldn't cope with the language. So please, don't bother replying in English, I really didn't expect people to do so either. :p If I were to reply in Norwegian, however, it would be kinda counter-productive as only hilarity would ensue. I do participate in many forums of different languages like Spanish, Russian and random Baltic. I manage Scandinavian forums mostly because of danish relatives, and partly online dictionaries.


Regarding the rest of your post that's my sentiments exactly. One should be extremely cautious with what you make public. You don't see people posting their party images with puke in their hair on bulletin boards around town, now do ya? It's common sense, really.

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Siden du skriver dette på et norsk forum, velger jeg å svare på norsk. Jeg går ut i fra at du fint klarer å forstå hva jeg skriver.


Uansett om man velger å leggge ut bilder av seg selv på Internett, så har man faktisk rettighet på sine egne bilder såfremt man ikke legger ut bildene på steder hvor det eksplisitt fremgår at man frasier seg rettighetene. Det er derfor i teorien ikke lov å misbruke disse bildene i andre sammenhenger slik som du gjorde. Desverre er det svært vanskelig å håndheve generelt sett på nettet - men her på forumet gjelder VÅRE regler, og enhver bruker her har med å følge disse. Da du registrerte brukeren din ble du bedt om å lese igjennom retningslinjene og nettikette, hvor dette tydelig fremgikk.


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