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Metal Gear Solid: Substance Splinter Cell


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Den 2002-11-20 19:31, skrev Donkey Kong:

Metal Gear er helt klart best! Noen som har prøvd 2ern? Utrolig bra! Uansett, xbox suger!


Og her har vi nok en inkarnasjon av El_Polla/Evil_Snowman? Husk å ta medisinene dine, ok?


God bedring!

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Den 2002-11-20 20:42, skrev Jc-g:


Den 2002-11-20 19:31, skrev Donkey Kong:

Metal Gear er helt klart best! Noen som har prøvd 2ern? Utrolig bra! Uansett, xbox suger!


Og her har vi nok en inkarnasjon av El_Polla/Evil_Snowman? Husk å ta medisinene dine, ok?


God bedring!


Enig i at uttalelsen peker sterk mot vår venn "Ti-PS2-fanboys-konsentrert-i-en-person" A.K.A El_Polla/Evil_Snowman men det kan jo være en slektning eller noe...

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Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty fikk 9.7 på IGN - Splinter Cell fikk 9.6 :wink:


forøvrig er jo MGS2: Substance "sons of liberty" + masse ekstra dill og dall, som er konvertert fra PS2 til Xbox (og konverteringer bruker somregel ikke og bli like bra som originalen).


uansett, MGS2 (på PS2) er helt sinnsykt konge.. men det er nok Splinter Cell også.. heldigvis kommer det på PC også :smile:

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feil - på begge områder.


kilde: IGN - link: http://xbox.ign.com/articles/376/376778p1.html


---[begin paste]---

There are very few differences between the Xbox and PS2 version of the game. Of course the control scheme is slightly altered due to the lack of two extra trigger buttons (which are more or less made up for with the black and white buttons), but the core of the control scheme remains the same. Also, a few of the pictures and posters of sexy Japanese women and FHM magazine covers found in the PS2 game seem to have been replaced with different pictures. Another addition to the Xbox version is the ability to play the tanker and Big Shell levels separately, or together. Because the two chapters of the game are very separate, each chapter feels like its own, short game.


The only other noticeable difference found was during the Codec scenes. In Sons of Liberty on the PS2, you could press the trigger buttons to hear what the characters were thinking. On the Xbox, you can still do it, but it sounds different: more echo-like and separated. You'll be glad to know that all of the gags from the PS2 version were left in such as the masturbation scene, kissing the posters, the video of the Japanese woman in her apartment, and the Raven figurine.


Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance is the same game thousands of gamers played last year, only with a really nice bundle of extras added on.


Even though Metal Gear Solid 2 was released a year ago, it is still a great-looking game and continues to graphically rival many of the games that have recently been released, Xbox or PS2. The character models are still some of the best you're likely to find in any game, with their smooth curves and stylized, yet realistic faces.


Because the game was originally made and optimized for the PS2, which has a very unique hardware configuration, the game ran at 60 fps with no hiccups. Unfortunately, the algorithm used to create the weather effects did not translate too well when trying to implement it on the Xbox hardware, hence the slowdown.


Metal Gear Solid 2 relied heavily on the motion-blurring effect found in so many PS2 games. It was used in every cutscene, and in Metal Gear Solid 2, that means at least 70% of the time. The effect gives everything a soft, dreamy appearance, kind of like watching a daytime soap opera. Again, the PS2's implementation of the motion-blurring has some very unique qualities about it, and those too did not translate over to the Xbox as nicely as they should of. Instead, the blurring effect seems a bit harsher on the Xbox. If you've never played the PS2 version it's really not noticeable, but having played the original version to death, it seemed to stick out.


Excluding the specifics above, the graphics in Substance are almost identical to those found in Sons of Liberty. The overall quality may be a little more crisp and clean, but the difference is nothing to write home about.


Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance is like a fully loaded special edition DVD of your favorite movie. In this case, the movie is Sons of Liberty. If you've already played through the PS2 version and are wondering if you should buy this, the question you should ask yourself is, "Are the VR/Alternative missions, and the rest of the extras, worth $50?" If you also own the Document of Metal Gear Solid 2, you've already had a taste of what the VR missions have to offer.


Score på Xbox: 9.0

Score på PS2 : 9.7



som sagt tidligere b-duvaland - sjekk fakta før du prater :smile:

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Jeje, når man omtrent paster rett fra irc så :razz:


Men som sagt, begge spillene følger med i Xbox versjonen (Substance og Liberty, på en 9gb dvd). Og en masse extra stash på Substance. Men Substance blir Xbox only eller? Er for trøtt til å sjekke nå, og jeg har ingen særlig erfaring med MGS spillene.

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les da.. MGS2: Substance = MGS2: Sons Of Liberty + ekstra VR-Training missions og sånt dilldall. skjønner? det er det _samme_ spillet + ekstra missions (som ikke har noe med storyline-spillinga og gjøre).


det var pasta fra IGN - stor forskjell på IGN og IRC.


og om MGS2: Substance er xbox eksklusivt, vel.. nei - MGS2 kom for over 1 år siden på PS2 - og ifølge IGN så har det vært prat om at MGS3 er i utvikling for PS2 nå.



bidz @ efnet

bidz.org - pgp key


[ Denne Melding var redigert av: bidz på 2002-11-21 00:15 ]

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Den 2002-11-20 17:30, skrev Kyppre:

Når Kommer Metal Gear Solid: Substance til norge ???

Vilket er best av det og Splinter Cell ???

selv skal jeg kjøpe begge....

Og er Splinter Cell online ???


tatt fra review'en av spillet på IGN (en av de beste spill-review sitene) - link: http://xbox.ign.com/articles/376/376778p1.html



I know many of you are wondering if it is better than Splinter Cell, but the truth is, they're really different games. Sure, both involve sneaking, and the government, and all that other hoopla, but the approach is entirely different, just like Gran Turismo 3 and Need for Speed are both racing games. If possible, get both games. If not, try them both out and see which one is more your cup of tea.


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var snakk om det, ja - men det er i utvikling for PS2.


--paste (IGN)--

Q: Supposedly Microsoft has been courting Konami for the exclusive rights to MGS3...Is this true?


A: Who knows? Given that KCEJ canned the Xbox release of Substance in Japan because its sales would have been "embarassing" (that's a quote from someone at KCEJ), however, I doubt much will come of it.



KCEJ = Konami Computer Entertainment Japan - de som har laget/produsert og utgitt hele MGS serien.

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edit: dobbelt posta, derfor editer jeg denne!


Har søkt og funnet litt info:


Første filmen som kom i Mai fra E3:

Release: Winter for Xbox PlayStation2 Windows


Andre filmen som kom i September fra Tokio Game Show:

Release: 19.12.2002 for PlayStation2


Last de ned her, 3dgamers.com


Så kommer det film fra Microsoft i November:

Release: Only Xbox


Last ned her, gamershell.com


På siden til gamershell.com står det at,

quote: "The game will be released on Xbox in November 2002, with versions for the PS2 and PC to follow next year"


Det er nok det som stemmer, selv om M$ skriver Only for Xbox!


[ Denne Melding var redigert av: BeachDumb på 2002-12-09 17:01 ]

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Selvfølgelig kommer MGS:Substance på PS2!

På konamis offisielle hjemmeside står det tom at det kommer kun på PS2..


Da Microsoft dro i land avtalen med Konami om at de skulle lage MGS:Substance på XBOX ble det avtalt at spillet skulle komme på XBOX først..


MSG2:Substance Offisielle hjemmeside


Det går tom å kjøpe/forhånds bestille PS2 Substance på amazon.co.uk


Dessuten står det i alle Offisielle trailere at det kommer på PS2, XBOX og Windows!

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poenget med at MGS Substance kommer på PS2 skjønner jeg ikke, i og med at det IKKE er MGS3. det er MGS2 med masse ekstra stæsj.. ergo, har en spilt sons of liberty, har en egentlig spillt substance også.. men substance har bare masse ekstra VR missions o.l. som IKKE inngår i storyline-spillinga av spillet.

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