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Vet ikke om dette er postet før, men her kan man altså få tildelt en person som hjelper deg å finne det du leter etter..




Dette kan jo være ganske morsomt..


et eksempel:


Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: DawnL
DawnL: Welcome to ChaCha!
DawnL: Hi there. I will be helping with your search.
You: Hi
DawnL: How can I assist you with your search?
You: I am looking for a good woman
You: perhaps a russian mail order bride
DawnL: One moment please.
You: I'd like a blonde one
You: about 115 pounds
You: that likes tennis
DawnL: There are several sites to choose from.
DawnL: A couple are free to join.
You: do you think it is embarassing for a guy to have to get a woman from a site like this
You: It is hard to find a good woman in the US
DawnL: No.
DawnL: Is there anything else on this topic I can find for you today?
You: maybe something that can help me with the women here
You: a book or something
DawnL: In the US?
You: yes
You: dating tips
You: wow you are very helpful
DawnL: Are these results sufficient?
You: do you what else that could help me with women?
DawnL: No, these sites should help you get started. Do you have any friends that are girls.
DawnL: Usually, that helps cause you can get tips and advise from people the know you.
You: yes, i have lots of girls that are friends, but my problem is they all think of me as only a friend
DawnL: Enjoy the rest of your day.
DawnL: Talk to them and see what advise they can give you.
DawnL: Thanks for using ChaCha! I hope you had a great search experience!
DawnL: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.
Status: Session ended.



Endret av Marius_EV
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Status: Connected to guide: ScottM
ScottM: Welcome to ChaCha!
You: thanks.
ScottM: Hello!
You: I need to send some milk to the USA.
ScottM: You are looking for inforamtion on "milk shipment"
ScottM: From where?
You: Norway
ScottM: Ok...just a moment while I search!
ScottM: I found something a little off topic, "doner milk" but it describes the process of shipping it via Fedex. I will keep searching for a better result...
You: No no, that's ok.
You: Thanks!
ScottM: Is there anything else on this topic I can find for you today?
You: No thanks! Thank you for your help.

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Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: RebeccaD

RebeccaD: Welcome to ChaCha!

RebeccaD: hello

You: hi!

RebeccaD: one moment while I search that for you.

You: okidoki

You: my sister is being married away to an arabic man of traditional family. need dowry

You: gift for family

You: hello?

RebeccaD: yes

RebeccaD: I am searching it...

You: ok thankyou

You: ...

You: I could always try google...



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  • 2 uker senere...

Fungerte overaskende bra dette her. Guide-folka virket veldig hyggelige og var svært behjelpelige med å finne både det ene og det andre. Kan virke som om de bare får betalt for de ti første minuttene. Så sa hvertfall en av dem og overførte meg til en annen guide. Hadde en lang prat om en slik tjeneste faktisk var mulig. Hun påstod at ratioen mellom guider og søkere var rundt 2:1 eller høyere. ^^

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Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: Tyler E

You: Hi!

Status: Connected to guide: Tyler E

Tyler E: Welcome to ChaCha!

Tyler E: Good day!

Tyler E: How can I help you?

You: Are you gay today?

You: I want to find a milk shop.

You: Are you there?

Tyler E: Anything in particuliar?

Tyler E: Anything in particuliar?

Tyler E: Sorry

You: A brown milk

You: ??

Tyler E: The server is slow today

Tyler E: The server is slow today

You: Motherfucking bitch, answer me biatch!

You: Bahahahahahahahah! Am so mad i could spank a sheep!

You: Answer me dirty biatch! BAhhhhhH!

Tyler E: !! WARNING !! abusive language by infoSeeker (Motherfucking bitch, answer me biatch!)

Tyler E: Okay, give me a moment to pull-up some information for you


Endret av DNA
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Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: Tyler E

You: Hi!

Status: Connected to guide: Tyler E

Tyler E: Welcome to ChaCha!

Tyler E: Good day!

Tyler E: How can I help you?

You: Are you gay today?

You: I want to find a milk shop.

You: Are you there?

Tyler E: Anything in particuliar?

Tyler E: Anything in particuliar?

Tyler E: Sorry

You: A brown milk

You: ??

Tyler E: The server is slow today

Tyler E: The server is slow today

You: Motherfucking bitch, answer me biatch!

You: Bahahahahahahahah! Am so mad i could spank a sheep!

You: Answer me dirty biatch! BAhhhhhH!






On topic: Hvordan kan de tjene penger på dette?

Endret av Pinglebolle
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