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Husker ikke helt hva jeg gjorde i norsken på skolen, men mener å huske at man skal ha med:


- Innledning (litt om boken)

- Sammendrag av boken, men ikke for langt, bare hovedpunker

- Hovedpersoner og deres forhold til hverandre

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- Litt om forfatteren (gjerne punkter fra hans/hennes liv som forklarer hvorfor de skrev som de skrev


Det var sikkert noe mer, men det husker jeg ikke. Er det en spesiell bok du skal skrive om nå?


edit: å ja, hvis det er en novelle så skal du ha med hva som er vendepunktet.

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Jeg har nå skrevet bokrapporten og vil ha litt tilbakemelding...

Hva var bra, hva var for tynt... osv.


Merk at dette er en muntlig bokanmeldse, jeg skal lese den opp for læreren i ett rom, uten publikum^^, men jeg er litt usikker på om det skal leveres in eller ei.


Uansett, tilbakemelding taes imot :)


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River God




River God was first publised by MacMillan London in 1993. The author of River God is Wilbur Smith.

The book is mainly about the egyptians, there are two other books called “Seventh Scroll” and “Warlock” too, also written by Wilbur Smith.


River God has been published in 27 countries across the globe.


The Author


Wilbur Addison Smith was born on January 9, 1933 in Northern Rhodesia, now named Zambia, wich is in Central Africa.Wilbur is british.He now lives in London with his wife, Mokhiniso Rakhimova, an asain woman from Tajikistan.




In the start of the book you see trough the eyes of a slave, a slave of egypt. You see Lostris, a beatuiful fifteen year old girl, but this is not a ordinary girl, it's the daughter of Lord Intef. Lord Intef was the ruler, the most powerful man in upper-Egypt. The slave Taita, the one you will follow the whole story troughout, the slave that tells the story is Taita, the slave of egypt and Lord Intef.


His job is to protect Lostris, something that's not easy when you love the girl, and it's even harder to love a girl you know you cant have. The tale starts when Taita is thirty years old, and he's on a hippopatomus hunt with Lostris and a young commander named Tanus. Taita is very frightened by the thought of taking Lostris with him on a hippopatomus hunt because it's a great danger, and Lord Intef has told him not to. They approach the hippopatomuses and when they do a big hippopatomus dives under the boat and comes up again right next to it, this makes the boat tip to the side and Lostris falls into the water. Tanus jumps after her and so does Taita, they manage to get Lostris to safety but when they are in the boat again he sees something he doesnt like, Taita and Tanus look at eachother with love in their eyes, then they kiss.


The men in the boat are all soldiers of Pharaoh Mamose, King of Egypt. They repport everything back to him, and this way Lord Intef also finds out, when Taita is back in the palace Lord Intef speaks to him, he gets no less then ten lashes from the whip of the palace guard commander.


Mainly this book is a dairy, the dairy of Taita. The books followes he's whole life and includes Lord Intef, ruler of upper-Egypt. Pharaoh Marmose, King og Egypt. Taita, slave of Lord Intef. Lostris, daughter of Lord Intef and Tanus commander of The Blue Crocodille Guards.


The book shows many good aspects of Egypt, and contains many fights and battles. It also has word of wisdom and love.


The Language


The language is not very hard at all, but I do not recommend it to children under 12, or at least not to children that does not have an elementary understanding of English.


My Opinion


I think this book is very good, althought I have not read the full version, because the one I have contains only the most important parts and are made for learning purpose. Except from that this book contains a lot of good names, characters and advetures. It's fun to read and exciting. It has some suprises and all in all I think this book is a good piece. Happy Reading.

Endret av PatrickM
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Gratulerer! Men da vet du i hvert fall at du kan fremføre, neste gang må du bare øve litt mer sånn at det er lettere å ha øyekontakt, ikke se på arket ! Trenger du hjelp med tips om fremføring, er jeg helt rå på det området, hehe - læreren vår snakket lenge og vel om det før vi skulle fremføre i engelsk!

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