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Halo 3: Første TV-reklamen (**Spoiler**)


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Er i grunnen stygt redd for at det er skyggen til MC på bakken som reflekteres i visiret..


Jeg har tenkt litt på dette. Egentlig kan ikke dette være skyggen til MC siden sola må da være i ryggen på MC og da ville ikke reviret reflektert noe. Hadde sola vært foran han, hadde reviret reflektert lys men han hadde ikke kastet skygge..

Endret av Zande
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dere glemte Fall of Reach da. det er den første boka i serien svjv. knallbra imho, du får vite om john's / MC's oppvekst, SPARTAN programmet, Mjolnir drakten, m.m.


Ah, my bad. Den første jeg nevnte skulle selvsagt være Fall of Reach. :p Å ja, knall bok!


Jeg har tenkt litt på dette. Egentlig kan ikke dette være skyggen til MC siden sola må da være i ryggen på MC og da ville ikke reviret reflektert noe. Hadde sola vært foran han, hadde reviret reflektert lys men han hadde ikke kastet skygge..


Nja.. man ser helt klart hvilken vei skyggen hans faller når det pan'es rundt ham like før det. Så jeg holder fortsatt en finger på den knappen. Og visiret har vel nesten speil"aktige" egenskaper, så.. Men joda, det kan fortsatt være noe i det.

Endret av Amaranth
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Lydene vi hører (samtaler osv.) fra klippet:

John (?): (-Have/do-) You ever wonder whats up there?

Kelly (?): Like What?

John: Maybe someone up there is wondering what it's like here.

Kelly: I guess. Do you think we'll ever need them/meet them

John: I hope so... Dont you?

[hylelyd] muligens en bombe

[blurry lyd]1. Soldat, offiser etc. (?): Chief, are you with us?

Ordene fra i stad repeteres Kelly: Do you think we'll evere need them?

[meget blurry lyd] Vanskelig å tyde

[Pshh-lyd] Hydraulik fra hjelmen?

Kelly (?): Time to go

Cortana (?): Chief, leave me

[blurry lyd]2. Soldat etc.(?): Whatever happened

1. Soldat, offiser etc.: Chief, hurry!

2. eller 3. Soldat: Call-that/Cover now eller noe annet

Kan høres ut som kommunikasjon mellom to enheter:

1. enhet: Any signs of Chief eller noe annet

2. Enhet: Negative sarge, I think we lost him/it/if/this

Master Chief: Not yet

[lyd fra skjold-granat]

[lyd fra ting som faller på bakken mens Master Chief løper]



Har selv tydet dette, så om noen vil tilføye noe/endre noe så helt greit. Er ikke sikker på at det var akkurat dette som ble sakt/hørt.



Jeg hører:


"(Do) you ever wonder what`s up there?"


"Like what?"


"Maybe someone up there is wondering what it`s like here.."


"I guess... do you think we`ll ever meet them..?"


"I hope so.. don`t you?"


(Støy og lyder som er vanskelig å tyde)


"Do you think we`ll ever meet them?"


Samtidig som hjelm-lyden: "Come back..."


"time to go."


"chief, leave (me)..."


"Is anyone out there..?"






"fall back now!"


"any sign of the chief..?"


"Negative, Sir.. I think we lost him!"


"Not yet.."

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sitter forran Xbox og PC hele dagen så jeg fikk Halo- bøkene gratis av mamma!


Gleder meg! kjøper: http://www.bokkilden.no/SamboWeb/produkt.d...d=237661&rom=MP


EDIT: Da var bøkene bestillt! Gleder meg!


Bestilte den pakken fra bokkilden. Det tok vel to uker, siden de måtte spesialbestille fra Statene/utlandet.


Men det er absolutt verdt ventingen. Dæven for noen gode bøker (har lest den første, og holder på med den andre).



BTW, dette var interessant:

Angel: My question: Are the models of the kids supposed to represent John and Kelly, and if so, is there a specific time frame that they're in, such as during a training op or something?

Frankie: The children at the start are there "for your interpretation."

Frankie: Are they young Spartans? Are they Earth kids from the 20th century? It is a question presented in the ad, not an answer

Endret av The_Fire
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En kamerat av meg sier at det var mange bøker om Halo før spillet kom, og at spillet er bygd på bøken/boka som var før spillet?


Noe sier meg dette ikke stemmer...


Tror dette stemmer. Halo: The Fall of Reach kom 30. oktober 2001, mens Halo: Combat Evolved kom 15. November. Vil da tro at historien var ferdig (i alle fall retningen), kanskje for Halo 2, og enda mer kanskje, Halo 3.





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Videoen er på Jorden, og ingen i "Spartan Project" har vært der som ung.


Man kan også høre Cortana i bakgrunnen si "Chief... Please go" eller Leave, elns... :)


En liste over de bedre kjente Spartanene:


* SPARTAN-008 "Li" [MIA/KIA, Ascendant Justice] -

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He was the team's zero-g combat specialist. Li had trained extensively with microgravity equipment and martial arts at the UNSC's extreme-conditions facility on Chiron in orbit about Mars. Was killed by a capitol ship plasma blast as the other Spartans attempted to repair the Ascendant Justice's hull in zero-g.

* SPARTAN-029 "Joshua" [MIA/KIA, Reach]-

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He was a specialist at computers and technical equipment. He was last seen plumeting to the ground in a captured Banshee, as he had been shot down by Covenant forces. No communications established since. (there is a numerical discrepancy; both Joshua and Vinh are designated as SPARTAN-029 in Halo: First Strike; p9 and 148 respectively)

* SPARTAN-029 "Vinh" [MIA/KIA, Reach]

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Last seen with Isaac retreating from Covenant assailants in a subterranean facility. No communications established since. (there is a numerical discrepancy; both Joshua and Vinh are designated as SPARTAN-029 in Halo: First Strike; p9 and 148 respectively)

* SPARTAN-034 "Samuel" [KIA, Covenant ship infiltration in 2525] -

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He was the strongest SPARTAN of the team. Sam was John's best friend and good friends with Kelly. He was killed during the first Spartan attempt to board and destroy a Covenant ship. He pushed John aside and the plasma shot meant for John compromised his non-shielded MJOLNIR IV armour. He had to stay behind to ensure the successful detonation of the ship's reactors. However, he would have not survived even if he had escaped because he would not have been able to survive in space.

* SPARTAN-039 "Isaac" [MIA/KIA, Reach]

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Last seen with Vinh retreating from Covenant assailants in a subterranean facility. No communications established since.

* SPARTAN-043 "Will" [MIA/KIA, Onyx]

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He was quiet, but never failed to complete his mission. He wasn't always that way, though. When he was younger he was the one with the jokes and riddles that kept the team's spirits high. Something had hardened in him over the years. He died on Onyx, shot by a Hunter's Fuel Rod gun while trying to protect his team.

* SPARTAN-044 "Anton" [MIA/KIA, Ascendant Justice] -

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He spent most of his life with his feet firmly planted on the ground. He'd cross-trained in tracking, camouflage, and stealth, and had been used exclusively on ground-based operations. Was killed by a capitol ship plasma blast on Ascendant Justice along with Li.

* SPARTAN-051 "Kurt" [MIA/KIA, Onyx]

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Kurt, as Sam’s replacement on Blue Team. On the one hand, he was an extremely capable Spartan. Chief Mendez had routinely given him command of Green Team during training exercises, and Kurt had often won when facing John’s Blue Team. But on the other hand, he was, for a Spartan, undisciplined. He took time to talk with every Spartan, and even the non-Spartan personnel that trained and supplied them. As a professional soldier in the middle of two wars—one fighting an entrenched rebellion, the other taking on a technologically superior xenophobic alien race—Kurt spent a considerable amount of time and energy making friends. Sacrificed his life on Onyx so that the Covenant wouldn't learn of the ancient Forerunner technology it contained.

* SPARTAN-059 "Malcolm" [MIA/KIA, Reach] -

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Died during the initial high-risk orbital insertion into Reach.

* SPARTAN-093 "Grace" [MIA/KIA, Unyielding Hierophant] -

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She had a knack for explosives. Grace could shape a charge to cut through a single steel bolt with only a whisper sound, or rig a hundred thousand liters of kerosene to blow into a firestorm from hell. Killed from a Brute's high-velocity grenade.

* SPARTAN-? "James" [MIA, Orbital Station, Reach]

* All other SPARTANs who were originally trained with the Master Chief and the other current living SPARTANs have been killed in action (listed as MIA or WIA)

* Three unidentified Spartans designated "Gray Team" were too far away from Reach to be recalled before it was attacked, though it's possible that they have either died or are still missing in deep space as they haven't contacted command for over a year.



Enda mer spoiler om Linda, Kelly, og Fred.

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Linda, Kelly, Fred, med de to andre spartanene sitter fast på/i Onyx. De er de eneste som er igjen av "Spartan Project", bortsett fra Spartan-117 "Master Chief".


Må også få si noe om Halo, i skjul

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Mennesket må nesten være Forerunnerene. Hvorfor?

I novellen, GS 343 forteller John at rustningen(om man kan kalle det det? sier drakt, vi)/drakten hans er bare en tredje-rangs drakt, og at han burde ihvertfall ha en sjette-rangs drakt. Selvom 343 er litt 'rar' fra hans 1000 år isolasjon, så er faktaet det at han kjenner til teknologien inni MJOLNIR systemet som Forerunner, ganske så avslørende, synes du ikke?

Then again, jeg tipper mellom Mennesket/Flood, egentlig...

Endret av SiegWarheit
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Tror dette stemmer. Halo: The Fall of Reach kom 30. oktober 2001, mens Halo: Combat Evolved kom 15. November.

Vel, bok nr.1 ble skrevet på seks uker, Halo: Combat Evolved var under utvikling i årevis. Forfatteren av boka hadde et samarbeid med Bungie. Endret av Zande
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