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er 375 skill som er maks.


Tror det er level 60 som er kravet.


Å lvle som en warrior var ikke så ille, så lenge man sørger for enten å gå 30+ fury eller 41+ arms (uten Endless rage suger grinding, med min pvp spec jeg bruker nå 35/23/3 grinder jeg saktere med min 95 dps 2hander enn det jeg gjorde på lvl 65 med 41/xx build med en 82 dps 2hander)


I pvp har man nok rage uansett, har personlig ikke engang logget på warrioren min for å specce den siden 2.0.0 rett og slett pga kan ikke tenke meg en build uten full enrage/TM til pvp.



Er så ufattelig morsomt å ta 70 paladins som er så retards å bruke avenging wrath :p Tok en tidligere idag, var på 30% hp han på 70%, han brukte avenging, ta bare hamstringa jeg løp unna brukte deathwish, 250 ap trinket intercept > død paladin (2950 mortal strike 2300 normal crit og en 2530 whirlwind satt jeg ham på plass ja)


Morsomt å knuse arcane/fire mages med 2-3 hits..


Tok en tidligere idag, hadde 40 rage, kjørte deathwish trinket > vanlig charge > MS for 3899 > normal hit 3364..


Det er så godt :p


Anyway, grpa med en 70 draenei shaman tidligere, tenkte jeg kunne legge ut litt bilder av ham

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The Aldor

All of the enchantments below requires Holy Dust which is obtained by completing http://www.thottbot.com/beta?qu=-460.

You may only be in a good standing with either The Aldor or The Scryers.


Greater Inscription of Discipline

Requires The Aldor - Exalted

Use: Permanently adds up to 18 spell damage and healing and 10 spell critical strike rating to a shoulder slot item.


Greater Inscription of Faith

Requires The Aldor - Exalted

Use: Permanently adds up to 33 healing and 4 mana per 5 sec. to a shoulder slot item.


Greater Inscription of Vengeance

Requires The Aldor - Exalted

Use: Permanently adds 30 attack power and 10 critical strike rating to a shoulder slot item.


Greater Inscription of Warding

Requires The Aldor - Exalted

Use: Permanently adds 15 dodge rating and 10 defense rating to a shoulder slot item.


Inscription of Discipline

Requires The Aldor - Honored

Use: Permanently adds up to 15 spell damage and healing to a shoulder slot item.


Inscription of Faith

Requires The Aldor - Honored

Use: Permanently adds 29 healing to a shoulder slot item.


Inscription of Vengeance

Requires The Aldor - Honored

Use: Permanently adds 26 attack power to a shoulder slot item.


Inscription of Warding

Requires The Aldor - Honored

Use: Permanently adds 13 dodge rating to a shoulder slot item.




The Scryers

All of the enchantments below requires Arcane Rune which is obtained by completing http://www.thottbot.com/beta?qu=-428.

You may only be in a good standing with either The Aldor or The Scryers.


Greater Inscription of the Blade

Requires The Scryers - Exalted

Use: Permanently adds 15 critical strike rating and 20 attack power to a shoulder slot item.


Greater Inscription of the Knight

Requires The Scryers - Exalted

Use: Permanently adds 15 defense rating and 10 dodge rating to a shoulder slot item.


Greater Inscription of the Oracle

Requires The Scryers - Exalted

Use: Permanently adds 6 mana per 5 sec. and up to 22 healing to a shoulder slot item.


Greater Inscription of the Orb

Requires The Scryers - Exalted

Use: Permanently adds 15 spell critical strike rating and up to 12 spell damage to a shoulder slot item.


Inscription of the Blade

Requires The Scryers - Honored

Use: Permanently adds 13 critical strike rating to a shoulder slot item.


Inscription of the Knight

Requires The Scryers - Honored

Use: Permanently adds 13 defense rating to a shoulder slot item.


Inscription of the Oracle

Requires The Scryers - Honored

Use: Permanently adds 5 mana per 5 sec. to a shoulder slot item.


Inscription of the Orb

Requires The Scryers - Honored

Use: Permanently adds 13 spell critical strike rating to a shoulder slot item.





The enchantments below requires 100 gold in addition to the reputation required.


Glyph of Chromatic Warding

Requires Lower City - Honored

Use: Permanently adds 8 resistance to all 5 schools of magic to a head slot item.


Inscription of Endurance

Requires The Violet Eye - Honored

Use: Permanently adds 7 resistance to all magic schools to a shoulder slot item.


Glyph of Shadow Warding

Requires Lower City - Honored

Use: Permanently adds 20 Shadow resistance to a head slot item.


Glyph of Frost Warding

Requires Keepers of Time - Honored

Use: Permanently adds 20 Frost resistance to a head slot item.


Glyph of Arcane Warding

Requires The Sha'tar - Honored

Use: Permanently adds 20 Arcane resistance to a head slot item.


Glyph of Fire Warding

Requires Honor Hold / Thrallmar - Honored

Use: Permanently adds 20 Fire resistance to a head slot item.


Glyph of Nature Warding

Requires Cenarion Expedition - Honored

Use: Permanently adds 20 Nature resistance to a head slot item.





The enchantments below requires 100 gold in addition to the reputation required.


Glyph of Ferocity

Requires Cenarion Expedition - Revered

Use: Permanently adds 34 attack power and 16 hit rating to a head slot item.


Glyph of the Outcast

Requires Lower City - Revered

Use: Permanently adds 17 Strength and 16 Intellect to a head slot item.


Glyph of the Defender

Requires Keepers of Time - Revered

Use: Permanently adds 16 defense rating and 17 dodge rating to a head slot item.


Glyph of Power

Requires The Sha'tar - Revered

Use: Permanently adds up to 22 spell damage and healing and 14 spell hit rating to a head slot item.


Glyph of Renewal

Requires Honor Hold / Thrallmar - Revered

Use: Permanently adds up to 35 healing, and 7 mana per 5 sec. to a head slot item.






Pattern: Nethercobra Leg Armor

Requires Honor Hold / Thrallmar - Exalted

Use: Permanently attach nethercobra armor onto pants to increase attack power by 45 and critical strike rating by 12.


Pattern: Nethercleft Leg Armor

Requires Cenarion Expedition - Exalted

Use: Permanently attach clefthide armor onto pants to increase stamina by 35 and agility by 12.


Pattern: Clefthide Leg Armor

Requires Cenarion Expedition - Honored

Use: Permanently attach clefthide armor onto pants to increase stamina by 30 and agility by 10.


Pattern: Cobrahide Leg Armor

Requires Honor Hold / Thrallmar - Honored

Use: Permanently attach cobrahide armor onto pants to increase attack power by 40 and critical strike rating by 10.


Pattern: Magister's Armor Kit

Requires The Scryers - Revered

Use: Permanently increase the mana regeneration of an item worn on the chest, legs, hands or feet by 3 mana every 5 seconds.


Pattern: Vindicator's Armor Kit

Requires The Aldor - Revered

Use: Permanently increase the defense rating of an item worn on the chest, legs, hands or feet by 8.






Pattern: Mystic Spellthread

Requires The Aldor - Honored

Use: Permanently embroids spellthread into pants increasing spell damage by up to 18 and stamina by 15.


Pattern: Silver Spellthread

Requires The Scryers - Honored

Use: Permanently embroids spellthread into pants increasing healing by up to 46 and stamina by 15.


Pattern: Runic Spellthread

Requires The Aldor - Exalted

Use: Permanently embroids spellthread into pants increasing spell damage by up to 27 and stamina by 18.


Pattern: Golden Spellthread

Requires The Scryers - Exalted

Use: Permanently embroids spellthread into pants increasing healing by up to 51 and stamina by 18.

Endret av PyroCX
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3,9k MS crit på cloth?


Får ikke helt det til å stemme, du kan umulig ha et så fantastisk våpen allerede nå og for så høye crits må du jo sikkert ha 2500-3000 atp sammen med enrage og deathwish O_o


Edit: En liten daff Arechron's Gift du har ja? Da må du vel ha ca. 2600+ attackpower med BS alene for å lande en sånn Mortal Strike (Medregnet Enrage, Death Wish, Blood Frenzy og Trinketen)Har du virkelig det?

Endret av Carl M
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