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Siste Ordet 6 (LES de oppdaterte reglene FØR posting)


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Status: Connecting ...

Status: Looking for a guide ...

Status: Connected to guide: Sandra(54723)

Sandra(54723): Welcome to ChaCha!

You: Thanks

Sandra(54723): Hello

You: Hey

Sandra(54723): How may I help you on this topic?

You: Well, I need some information about this place

Sandra(54723): Certainly....If you will be patient, I shall search for you....

You: Awesome, thanks

Sandra(54723): Ap-arently, it is a ski center....I shall send you some sites about it...

You: Ok, thank you.

You: I'm actually going there in in June!

Sandra(54723): Great....Do you want summer information?

You: Yeah, probably.

You: I think Geilo.no works. Thanks!

Sandra(54723): You are welcome...

Sandra(54723): Thank you for searching with ChaCha.

Sandra(54723): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.

Status: Session ended.


Hehe, dette var artig!

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