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Siste Ordet 6 (LES de oppdaterte reglene FØR posting)


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Og hva var du bannet for, Latterkonge?


Today on the news:


Some weeks ago a 11 year old boy went crazy and spammed a forum for several hours. In this situation the admins had no other choice then to ban this young boy before the situation got any worse.


Today he was released on a porole to see if he can controll him himself. If not, he might be perm-banned.




Jeg var perm-banna med ;P hjalp meg :)

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One cloudy day this lad known as Chester is standing around by a tram stop in Gothenburg. Or it might have been sunny. No, no... no, it was somewhat windy and a bit cloudy. At any rate, Chester stood there, waiting for the bus to arrive. He had some discreet gray-black earphones connecting his ears to his worn, ugly and scratched iPod mini. The pod, at the time,

which might have been containing pirated music, was set to Shuffle. Any track might have come up at any moment. Chester didn't mind particularly what was playing, absently humming and singing along as he was. Quietly too.


Chester did not pay much attention to the people on the street walking on by, although he probably did notice, at some subconcious level that a spectacled man with a pamphlet was walking from person to person, making small inquiries it would seem.


Now, Chester not being entirely aware what is transpiring, just stands there and picks up singing along with the text in the just recently started song Judith, by A Perfect Circle. At the very same time, the man with the pamphlet is approaching. Chester, singing as he is, still not realizing the man is attempting to socially interact with Chester, does arrive at the part of the song lyrics where the words "Fuck your god, your lord, your christ!" appear. Before Chester has assesed the situation, he has uttered these words in the face of the man with the pamphlet. Judging from the look on his face, and the pamphlet he is carrying, it does dawn upon Chester that this man is a member of Jehova's Witnesses.


Chester wanted to be somewhere else then.


Jeg går så langt som å sitere meg selv her.. Historien er genial.

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