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I'll be there ;) Begynner spillinga i 7-8 tia, og da kommer jeg nok å bli en stund :D Med MIC blir Gow et helt nytt spill :p Mer snakking, hvis folk teamkiller meg sier jeg "kjøssmæ", hvis jeg vil bytte lag går jeg ikke ut og inn av Cog, jeg sier det! Hvis jeg dreper en fellow teammate(ikke med vilje), sier jeg sorry, jeg skriver det ikke på bakken som en rævåult sau i fåreklær! Med andre ord, jeg ser frem til å snakke med deg analop!


BTW; SaintedThomas 3 kommer i 15.april, hvis ikke orginalen er tilbake da ;)


SaintedThomas 3

Cuming soon to a xbox neer ju lol

Endret av SaintedThomas
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Fact of the day: "Only Spartan women give birth to real men, Lakus' mother was not Spartan"

Because he was the first born son of Hercules himself, he did indeed, not have a Spartan mother, as is was Lakus who laid the very first brick in the giant puzzle which were later to be.. Sparta, the most feared nation the world has ever seen!


Your very own fore-father wich has stood against the tide of 500 years of war.

And which is, as of today, still the world's most feared, passionate and enraged warrior!


You know why? Because, WE ARE SPARTANS!

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Fact of the day: "Only Spartan women give birth to real men, Lakus' mother was not Spartan"

Because he was the first born son of Hercules himself, he did indeed, not have a Spartan mother, as is was Lakus who laid the very first brick in the giant puzzle which were later to be.. Sparta, the most feared nation the world has ever seen!


Your very own fore-father wich has stood against the tide of 500 years of war.

And which is, as of today, still the world's most feared, passionate and enraged warrior!


You know why? Because, WE ARE SPARTANS!


Fact of the day: "Hercules was raped by Comprade's mother, this made Lakus a weaker son of Hercules, SaintedThomas whom was the child of both Hercules and Carmen Electra had both the good looks and rugged fighting skills in his blood, in which Lakus both lacked. Though Lakus would build the Spartans, SaintedThomas would build the foundation to the "Kickass Ninja club" which was more ultra super awesome than the Spartan, thus making him part ninja, part spartan. Alas, a super human"






Det var det beste jeg kom på så seint, ellers synes jeg at det første jeg sa egentlig ikke skulle blitt kommentert, går ikke ann å lage noe bedre, så jeg kom heller med en dårlig oppfølger til den kommentaren:P Og lakus, slutt å studer ordboken og kom deg inn på Gow! Jeg, Analop og Gastaa ble rompe eid av en sunmøring kallt Mikkel Angelo :/ Vi kunne trengt deg :)

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De eneste aktive team chrissjere nå er jo meg, analop, comprade og gastaa, nå må snart lakus & chrissj gjøre et cumback, for ikke å snakke om habbanero, han er jo nesten helt glemt :p


En sjelden gang har jeg spilt med Lakus i det siste, men det gjør det ikke bedre ved at han har kjøpt seg Crackdown :blush: Men hvor i svarte er Chrissj? Habanerobreath har jeg aldri spilt med!

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Jeg fortsetter å spille så lenge det ikke er gress som skal slåes ute (er bonde vettu (har hørt alle vitsene)). Som jeg sa så skal jeg på jobb i natt og i morgen natt, men har fri nesten hele neste uke! :w00t:


That's me, "Mr. anolop-have-a-life-and-earning-money-to-use-on-my-xbox360" :D

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