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Hvorfor kjøper folket ny maskin?


Hva er ditt største grunnlag for utskiftelse av desktop-pcen i heimen?  

185 stemmer

  1. 1. Hva er ditt største grunnlag for utskiftelse av desktop-pcen i heimen?

    • Treighet i ditt gjennomsnittlige bruk (surfing, tekstbehandling)
    • Underholdning (Spill og multimedia krever!)
    • IT-jobb\hobby: (webutvikling, programmering, 3d modellering. Oppradering=spart tid! )
    • Prestisje og design (data`ns utseende <3)
    • Naturlig død og sikkerhetrelatert : (Tiden dreper pcen, utskiftelsen skjer ved den, eller redselen for den).

Anbefalte innlegg

heh, kan kjenne igjen spenningen fra postkontoret.

Selv om jeg så godt som sluttet å spille for en stund siden, så har jeg allikvel blitt til ny PC med et ganske s heftig nok grafikkort i mellomtiden. Grunn?


Det var nok prestisjèn og utseende - Atter en gang måle vakre 3dmarks og kunne stille med snajsent casemoddet kabinett.

I forhold til de få spillene og det lille arbeidet som gjøres, så tror jeg at jeg fint kunne holdt meg til maskinen fra år 2000.. Og jeg regner meg som en relativt avansert PC-bruker. ^^


Neimen rart hvor langt en kommer med vedlikehold og en formatering i ny og ne. Hadde alle kunnet reistallere windows, vil jeg tro PC-innkjøpene kunne bli minst halvert.

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Noen donerer ubrukt prosessortid til vitenskapelige prosjekter, aka "Distributed Computing". For noen av disse igjen (jeg nevner ingen navn :whistle: ) er denne hobbyen blitt bortimot en besettelse, og nye maskiner bygges hovedsaklig for å øke produksjonen.


Dette passer ikke helt inn i begrepet "oppgradering", men det hender noen gamle maskiner blir pensjonert også. Et viktig argument for å skifte ut et antall gamle slitere med én Core2, er faktisk redusert strømforbruk.


Overklokking (og benchmarks) spiller også en rolle her, men med krav om absolutt stabilitet på 100% CPU-load 24/365, blir ikke resultatene fra benchingen helt i verdensklasse.

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Kreftforskning ved foldinghome kan vi vel la gå under IT-hobby, bare at den er godartet. :)

At noen (privatpersoner eller bedrifter) kjøper ny maskin på grunnlag av høyt strømforbruk har jeg veldig vanskelig for å tro, da det vil ta år for å tjene inn pengene som ble lagt ut. Men at mindre strømforbruk er et stort pluss og letter samvittigheten :wee:


Ganske mange (inkludert meg) som har kjøpt ny maskin, hovedsakelig for overklokkingen og benhmarkens skyld, samt. kabinttets stil. *skryte*

Lar den gå under Presisjè og design, men sant at jeg har definert den kategorien litt dårlig.

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Artig diskusjon.

Sist jeg kjøpte maskin var for 10 år siden (selvbygg).

Siden har jeg bare byttet komponenter. Og har selvsagt ingen av de opprinnelige komponentene (muligens bortsett fra strømledningen).


Grunnen til bytting har vært mange. Plassbehov -> ny disk

Softwareutvikling -> ny CPU, RAM, HK, skjermkort

Ergonomi -> nytt tastatur, mus, skjerm

Støy -> ny disk, ny vifte

Kjøp av videokamera



Derved er noe stort sett byttet hele tiden. Ser jeg bare på HK, CPU og RAM har jeg nok hatt 6-7 komplette sett.

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Er på jakt etter å finne ut hvor ofte gjennomsnittet bytter ut pcen sin. Noen som kan hjelpe meg med dette?



Er det ikke betenkelig at ved et så simpelt maskinbruk som bruken Surfing - tekstbehandling, så kjøpes det ny PC relativt ofte. Og dere enes kanskje med meg i at en PC fra det forrige årtusen (1999, Pentium 3) glatt tilfredstiller denne bruken?

Og er dere enige i at folk flest (dog. ikke oss) havner under denne kategorien, og folk kjøper unødig ny PC, gang på gang?



At IT og salgsbransjen fronter et nytt PC tilbud framfor et enkellt tilbud om reinnstallasjon er det vel ingen tvil om - PCen hadde blitt god som ny.


Ligger bransjens dype lommer til grunn for salg framfor "fiksing"?

Man tjener mer på å selge nytt enn å tilby formatering av den gamle pcen - et tilbud som ikke engang krever å åpne kassen eller noen form for fagutdanning, annet enn utvidet generell datakunnskap. :ermm:

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  • 1 måned senere...

Glemte bort denne tråden i jula ;)

Skoleoppgaven ble levert 30. November.

Jeg poster som "skjult", om noen skulle være nyskjerrige. :)


Ellers; skulle det være noe usagt, så er ikke emnet noe mindre akutelt nå, post i vei ^^


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Why do we upgrade our desktops?























Terje Opsahl, 2IK





Hand in: 30. November


Terje Opsahl



Table of contents




I have chosen to write an assignment regarding peoples and companies choice of making their computer upgrades. I shall work around my hypothesis “What makes us upgrade our desktop?”


I found this topic to be especially interesting since there doesn`t seem to be too many articles regarding this subject, not that I could find anyway. New thinking and originality has its side effect, though. There are only a few sources and well established opinions which I really can rely on. So I have taken my discussions with those of vocational training into consideration, both in my local town, and on the Internet. My source of expertise, come from my technical teachers at school and the professional point of view from the computer firm, Communic. My problem is in fact that I haven’t found anyone who disagrees with me, but still, I have tried to be as objective as possible, as I’ve approached the problem with multiple point of views.


That being said, this assignment is basically based on my individual experience and personal reflections around my hypothesis, and those I hold as reference, cannot be hold to my conclusion and sayings around this subject, as my discussions with them, have only been a mutually agreement. The purpose of this assignment is only to make people think, and therefore my accusations may be on the edge, and I cannot proof every aspect of my sayings. Now, let us look into the subject!


It is a well established fact that we quite so often buy new computers, even though our current system still works. I am wondering, why is this? Are we all a bunch of needful techno-freaks, who wants the coolest thing around? Or do our desktop replacement happen because our computer isn`t working satisfyingly and we need more power? Or perhaps we’re victims in the middle of propaganda. Have you ever thought the very thought that we might be walking blind fully, receiving manipulative commercials and false advises from the IT-business?


I intend to get established on which grounds most of our computer upgrades happen, and if, from the experts point of view, it is economical defensible.

The desktop computer


In order to understand the matter of this subject, one will have to understand what type of a computer the desktop really is, and what we use them for. Wikipidia has a good description of the common desktop, and I quote:” the desktop computer is a personal computer for use on a desk in an office or home and is distinguished from portable computers such as laptops or PDAs and specialized computers such as servers”. So overall, my research includes most computers found at home and in business, that are bought for the purpose of completing tasks, ether it is in form of entertainment, office tasks or tasks with hard processing of data. My statements will also be relevant to computers known as “desktop replacements”. Desktop replacers are big and heavy laptops, which has sacrificed their advantage of portability, in size, in order to compete with the common desktop. Mass producing has made these powerful laptops in the same price range as the desktops, and they’re bought on the same grounds as the desktops.

Buy new, upgrade or just reinstall?


The desktop computer is upgradable, as the weak part, easily can be replaced into something that can handle bigger amount of data. The choice whether to buy a new computer, along with the enclosed Microsoft Windows license or making singe hardware expansions\replacements within your old case, is a tricky question. Northerly must one forget the simplest and usually smartest solution; making a fresh reinstall, turning your computer to how it was when you got it. When in need for a quicker system, we usually head for the nearest computer shop, or supermarket to buy a new one. The truth is that if you fall into the most common category of use, which I have defined as “office tasks and Internet browsing”, you have just wasted your money. How can you, as 90% of all people be so dumb? Well, you’re not to blame. You can blame the EDB business and the store which failed to tell you otherwise. Perhaps the store just didn`t know better? I think not. The reason for this happening is plane and simple; money. The whole EDB business earns more when taking advantage of your lack of expertise. Obviously, the business doesn`t ever want you to know that you just as good could make a cheap hardware replacement and turn your computer in for a reinstall, within the hour. Though if you have a system older than 1998, buying a new computer could be smart even though you only use it for Office work and browsing. If the desktop computer is located in a firm, then you should definitely replace the PC from 1998, as the software also will be outdated, and hardware could be incapable of running an operative system new enough to be considered safe. The advantages with an upgrade, is that you only need to spend money on what you really need, for example storage capacity or CPU calculation. You also won`t need to pay for the involving Microsoft license, since you already may have the current release, or you may be using a different fully working operative system. The decision between upgrading or buying new, boils down to how many replacements you will have to do and the market price of each component. You can save quite a few bucks and still get a decent system, with simple upgrades. The prize listings of each component are known to vary from time to time, by demand, especially the RAM. You may upgrade your hardware to newer technology if the new hardware meets the following criteria; each component fits the motherboard socket, as of any other needed slots. If you decide to upgrade, you have to keep in mind that even though the new hardware is specified for your motherboard, it might not live out to its full potential and you can end up throwing money out the window once again. This is because each component communicates and depends on one and other. A good example of this happening, is when upgrading to an expensive graphic card. If the CPU can`t keep up, you would get exactly the same frames per second (graphical performance), as if you would have chosen the graphic card to half the price.

What separates an upgrade from a new computer



Related to license questions, Microsoft has defined the computer by the motherboard. You change the motherboard, you`ve got yourself a different computer, by rule.


In order to keep your computer up to date in proportion to new large and heavy programs, one must occasionally buy a new computer or upgrade it. It is for you to decide whether you want to upgrade your desktop or buy a completely new one. When in search for answers between replacement, upgrade and reinstall, I advise you to look into answers in the media or in Internet forums. The last thing I would do is to ask the store.

Computer requirements



So, we’ve got established that most of us upgrade our computer when we feel that our publications starts running slow. But was the upgrade really necessary and economical defensible? If you don’t refer to yourself as a professional user with special needs, I think you will find that you probable won’t need more computer power. I refer to the table of requirement under “attachment”, when I say that you most likely just need a reinstall of your operative system.

What makes us upgrade?



Naturally, the decision of upgrading our desktops machines is because our computer needs isn’t getting satisfied. This goes both for our private home and our companies, but the factors may vary. I have speculated around this subject, and came to the conclusion that these factors must be as follows:


- Slowness in common use: office tasks and Internet browsing:


The average home uses their computer for common surfing, paying bills and text processing. All of which goes slower than before, and the family decides to buy a new machine. The reason the machine slow down, is spyware and multiple programs.


- Slowness in professional use: EDB-related hobbies and jobs demand great system performance in order to work approvable


Design and prestige


New practical and ergonomic solutions are coming into being just as fast as the computer performance development. This factor is knows as the wife acceptance factor (WAF), as the grey boring case is being styled and placed in the living room. Some looks and solutions can even become a trend; they get hyped up by the commercials and media, so everyone ends up buying it. We also have the surprisingly big social group on the internet which buy new computers in order to compare, who has the best looking and the best performing system (benchmarks).?




The computer has become an entertainment centre, for those capable of configuring it.


Games, movies and music is the most popular form of entertainment, all in one media; the desktop computer. PC entertainment is also known for its huge demand of hardware performance. So in order to keep up with the latest games, high definition video and the finest music quality, one must buy new PC hardware frequent.



Natural death and safety


Some holds onto their PC so long that all warranty has been lost, and when the time kills the PC, they`ll be forced into buying a new one. Also who can`t have their system suddenly dying on them, buy new desktops, simply to any system down-time.



We get inpatient if we`ll have to wait for more than two seconds for each computer task, which is quite natural, since the total will be many minutes wasted along the day. So as we approach the problem, most of us go with the obvious solution; we buy a new one, the more expensive, the better! And since time is money, it wouldn`t always be such a dumb thing to pay for more computer power. Hey! One can even increase income with a powerful and smooth desktop, since it will be able to do your tasks at quickened paste. But! (And this is a big firkin but), hardware upgrades along with a new and fresh Windows (which you probably already own) are almost never the smartest way to go through, when dealing with your slow system. The obvious approach should be to reinstall windows, which an experienced PC user could do within the hour. Today, slowness in desktops is very seldom hardware related. I need to underline, you do not need a new PC, you only need a fresh reinstall of Windows, and things will run as it was new. When I say this, I seem to have the whole bunch of trained computer users covering my back, except those who`ll want to sell you new computers.




I’m happy with my product, but next time I will document my work better, for proof.




Sources on the Internet

Writer/Author Title Internet address (URL) Date published Date found

Wikipedia Microsoft http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft Not found 21.11

Peter Tribble Blog: Why don’t people upgrade http://ptribble.blogspot.com/2005/10/why-d...le-upgrade.html Friday, October 14, 2005 21.11

When's the Best Time to Upgrade software http://cc.uoregon.edu/cnews/summer2005/upgrade.htm 2005 21.11

Director Chris Jones Computer replacement plan http://it.uoregon.edu/itnews/replace.html unknown 21.11

2006 21.11

Ehow website How to Decide Whether to Replace or Repair a Computer http://www.ehow.com/how_9895_decide-whether-replace.html Not found 21.11

Microsoft Office Edition 2003 System Requirements http://www.microsoft.com/office/editions/p...nfo/proreq.mspx August 15, 2003 26.11

Alex from handcoding.com The Cheap PC Buying Strategy http://www.handcoding.com/archives/2004/03...uying-strategy/ March 30th, 2004 21.11

Terje Opsahl Poll: Hvorfor kjøper folket ny maskin? https://www.diskusjon.no/index.php?showtopic=665453&hl= 16.11 16.11

Globalis Computers in norway statistic http://www.globalis.no/land/norge/(show)/i...(indicator)/413 2004 9.11

Norwegian Media Baromer Media use http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/07/02/30/medie_en/ 23 March 2006 26.11

Statistics Norway Percentage home PC users http://statbank.ssb.no/statistikkbanken/De...e.asp&direkte=1 Not found 21.11

Unknown user from krstarica Internet cruiser modell poll http://www.krstarica.com/eng/poll/index.php?anketa=111 Not found 21.11




Other Sources

Writer/Author Book/Magazine/Newspaper Publisher and publication year

Olaf Danielsen Communic company

Arvid Fidjeland Local teacher

Atle Minde Local teacher

Buying a Computer for Dummies: 2006 Magazine 2006




Computers in use pr. 100. citizens in Norway




Hva er ditt største grunnlag for utskiftelse av desktop-pcen i heimen?




Treighet i ditt gjennomsnittlige bruk (surfing, tekstbehandling)


[ 13 ]




Underholdning (Spill og multimedia krever!)


[ 101 ]




IT-jobb\hobby: (webutvikling, programmering, 3d modellering. Oppradering=spart tid! )


[ 13 ]




Prestisje og design (data`ns utseende <3)


[ 1 ]




Naturlig død og sikkerhetrelatert : (Tiden dreper pcen, utskiftelsen skjer ved den, eller redselen for den).


[ 11 ]




Antall stemmer: 139




Survey I made on a forum represent the homes of those with EDB experience























Survey I made in an EDB-forum



System Requrement for Office use and Internet browsing


To use Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003, you need:






Computer and processor


Personal computer with an Intel Pentium 233-MHz or faster processor (Pentium III recommended); optional installation of Business Contact Manager for Outlook® 2003 requires a 450-MHz or faster processor (Pentium III recommended)




128 MB of RAM or greater; optional installation of Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2003 requires 256 MB of RAM


Hard disk


400 MB of available hard-disk space; optional installation files cache (recommended) requires an additional 200 MB of available hard-disk space; optional installation of Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2003 requires an additional 190 MB of available hard-disk space




CD-ROM or DVD drive




Super VGA (800 × 600) or higher-resolution monitor


Operating system


Microsoft Windows® 2000 with Service Pack 3 (SP3), Windows XP, or later




Microsoft Exchange Server is required for certain advanced functionality in Microsoft Office Outlook; Microsoft Windows Server™ 2003 running Microsoft Windows SharePoint™ Services is required for certain advanced collaboration functionality; certain inking features require running Microsoft Office on the Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition; speech recognition functionality requires a Pentium II 400-MHz or faster processor and a close-talk microphone and audio output device; Information Rights Management features require access to a Windows 2003 Server running Windows Rights Management Services; note: Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2003 will be disabled in the presence of a Microsoft Exchange-technologies-based e-mail system


Internet Connection


Internet functionality requires dial-up or broadband Internet access (provided separately); local or long-distance charges may apply



Percentage home PC users and minutes used for home PC an average day, by time content:





Percentage home PC users in Norway




Statistics Norwa


I'm using computer for...






































all mentioned above









Poll by krstarica.com

Total Votes: 1781

Endret av whom
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Syns det er glemt en annen viktig ting, at man bare har lyst på nytt...


Joa. Ser poenget ditt; du har gått deg lei og du har rett og slett lyst på noe nytt. :)

Jeg påstår allikevel at denne "lysten" etter en ny herlighet av en PC går under en av kategoriene:

Er det Prestisjen over et ny fin kraftplugg du kan vise til guttá og beundre selv?

Eller kanskje er det Multimedietrangen; du vil ha større skjerm og spill i HD oppløsning? ;)

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