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Ye Olde Pub (The English Pub)


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I just hope the Siste Ordet people at this forum doesn't (doesen't or doesn't?) won't move out of the off topic part, that would be a disaster.


I mean, did you use a crayon or something and take a picture of it, or Photoshop?





I think I'm off to bed now. Been walking high up in the mountain of Narvik today. Just listening to this beautiful song, Falling Awake by Gary Jules before I'll go brush my teeth. Tomorrow I'm going to call Netshop to ask if I really need a passive part of my new cooler for my GPU, for the backside of the GPU-RAM, which wasn't cooled with the original cooler. Anyway, good night.

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Is it a php script running in the background? I'm trying to look at what's on the papers (I guess you're a teacher?), it says you are visitor number xxx, how did you get that?


Its no scripts running in the background. Those are just clean images, prints from my homepage. Why would you think that I am a teacher? :)

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Minner meg om når vi skulle ha framføring om sex og samliv. Mange skulle framføre med PowerPoint, og idiotene som ikke er særlig datakyndige slet med de enkle skjerm 2 instillingene i Windows. Det hele endte med at de avlyste slikk at resten slapp å framføre grunnet "tekniske problemer". Vi skulle vistnok framføre senere, men det har gått et par måneder og fremdeles ikke et ord om det. Jeg hadde forberedt meg spesielt dårlig til det prosjektet. Begynte å lure på om det fantes en gud på den dagen, ja. :)


Synes faktisk det er morsomt å undervise uansett hva det er om.


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"If you cannot crawl away, you must stay in bed all day"- Regina Spector


I've just finished a compilation of the most significant and influential female singer/songwriters that I like. I named the project "Women Arena II" . It's the second disk in a series. This one featuring: Alicia Keys, Corinne Bailey Rae, Ane Brun, Amerie, Chantal Kreviazuk, Kosheen, Fiona apple, Amy Winehouse, Supreme Beings Of Leisure, Moloko, Tori Amos, Regina Spector, Kelly Clarkson and many other of those great female musicians out there. The whole project is acctually a gift, so I'll guess I had to put some effort in coosing only high quality tracks for the CD. So, what about you guys. If you had to put a compilation together, what would you have choosen to be yours tracks. And what theme would you have decided for the project?


(oh, dear, time is running out. There are simply not enough hours in a day - Yes to geneticly removing the need for sleep.)

Endret av pwd3679
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If you're looking for female musicians then I highly recommend the band Heart, most famous for hits "Crazy on you" (which can be found as a track on Guitar Hero II) and Barracuda. They are a kick-ass rock band, Ann has a beautiful voice and Nancy is an absolutely awesome guitarist. Other great female artists/bands include Fleetwood Mac, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts and Evanescence/Nightwish/Lacuna Coil if that's your cup of tea. :)

Endret av SteffyPants
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I plan on making a compilation/playlist for my iPod based around the greatest band ever (Cream) and the musicians other projects. The compilation will include songs from all the other bands the members have played in as well. Eric Clapton has played in Derek and the Dominoes, The Yardbirds as well as a solo career, while Ginger Baker was in Blind Faith (also with Clapton) along with Steve Winwood, who was in the Spencer Davis Group. Jack Bruce was of course in Manfred Mann.


I'll also include songs from Yardbirds members Jimmy Page (and his band, Led Zeppelin) and Jeff Beck (of solo fame).


As you can see, between them these few men have shaped rock'n'roll profusely.

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I needed a bible for my KRL homework, and so I searched for one online. Personally I'm a hardcore pagan, and so I laughed out loud when I reached the site and there was an Apache (the server error) saying I was forbidden. ^^




I guess it was becuase they had forgotten to put the index file in the index, and had forbidden people to access any other files but an index file, hence I was forbidden but it was still funny.

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This thread about progressive rock. Well maybe you find it interesting, but I do.


This thread about jazz music.


This thread about albums we should look out for in the year 2007.


This thread about unknown artists/bands.


And this new one, which I haven't looked so much on yet, but when I get the time, I surely will: Alternative rock


This was a response to pwd3679 complains about dull threads, hope you like music :)

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I know I'm not supposed to have monologs in this tread and I'm supposed to avoid them. Sorry, can't do.


Have homework for tomorrow in english. Haven't started yet, and ... I'm an idiot. Yeah, a complete jerk! Why the hell am I sitting here, writing this crap in bad/simple english when I really should start with my homework. And why is my document empty ... idiot, yeah.


Can say what this homework is: Write about film sounds in a spesific movie I have selected. Dont know what or how long it is ment to be, but i think i will find it out when i get it back. The film I have choosed to review sounds from is Saving Private Ryan. Funny thing: I search for the name in the IMDB-database. The title I was looking for was on top as top result or something. But as I looked further down the list I saw this funny movie title: Shaving Ryans Private. I closed my eyes ... DAMN! Yuck! OPEN THEM, OPEN THEM! ... think on something else! I did. Can't remember what i tought of, but I know this was around six o'clock. An now the clock is 01:18. Still haven't started.


Will I start now? I was thinking of doing this -- I'm a polite student, expected to do what I'm told. But the last week I don't know wheter I've been myself or someone else. I've spent several hours in front of the computer the last week. Guess I'm just tired of school. Will be good to have eastern-hollyday the next days. In Africa actually (Tunis, but still).


Yeah, think thats it. And it's time to start doing homework.

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