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Ye Olde Pub (The English Pub)


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personally i prefer english over norwegian -- what a boring language. sure it has alot of funny sounds for foreigners, but other than that, ack.

thanks to the wonders of irc i now type more english than norwegian in a normal day too.

can't say i care too much for proper grammar tho, i type like most people do, just with some strine now and then(read:aussie dialect/quirks). i'd have to say this thread is a nice initiative tho, the english skills of some of todays youth is horrifying at times, especially when ya see kids who can barely watch a movie without subs. *shivers* what is the world coming to. :p

a bunch of bloomin drongos who talk more japanese they learned from anime and hentai than english.. disturbing thought. :p

i reckon it's not as bad as that, but ya get the idea.

hm i think i'm ranting now, so i might end it here.

aussies rule! seppos and pommies sucks arse ;)

Endret av Neophus
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the english skills of some of todays youth is horrifying at times


Self pwnt?


Kind sir, I hereby assume you did not take the effort to read my casual rant with the care one would usually expect at a respectable forum for discussion such as this...

Seeing as if you had, you surely would have noticed how I explicitly expressed my carelessness pertaining to using proper grammar when partaking in frivolous chitchat such as this. May I also say, when exclaiming that someone has been 'owned', in reference to grammar, it may be wise to spell the bloody word right. ;)

Endret av Neophus
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Reading the backlog of posts here, I noticed "kålrabistappe/kålrotstappe".

Until recently I had no idea what the proper name was, thus I simply called it 'rutabagamash'. I found out that its actually swede mash the other day, whereas swede is a popular name for rutabaga.

Endret av Neophus
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the english skills of some of todays youth is horrifying at times


Self pwnt?


Kind sir, I hereby assume you did not take the effort to read my casual rant with the care one would usually expect at a respectable forum for discussion such as this...

Seeing as if you had, you surely would have noticed how I explicitly expressed my carelessness pertaining to using proper grammar when partaking in frivolous chitchat such as this. May I also say, when exclaiming that someone has been 'owned', in reference to grammar, it may be wise to spell the bloody word right. ;)


Thank you for one of the best rants I've read. :)


You're not as good as James May, but you're getting there.

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