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Ye Olde Pub (The English Pub)


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A bad version of SO5?  :tease:



A far better version, with proper language and nice people. :)



Yes, and a quite nice way for those still at school to learn, hone and use their english skills.



I'm done at school, so in theory I don't need anymore English, but since I often use English forums I still have to talk it!

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A bad version of SO5?  :tease:



A far better version, with proper language and nice people. :)


What is interesting, is that when people don't write their native language, they tend to put more effort into writing correct.


Not everybody knows how to write english slang.

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A bad version of SO5?  :tease:



A far better version, with proper language and nice people. :)


What is interesting, is that when people don't write their native language, they tend to put more effort into writing correct.



Strange, innit? :p



Gah, I'm so tired. Hardly any sleep and to much tequila last night. I vote for bed in an hour.

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A bad version of SO5?  :tease:



A far better version, with proper language and nice people. :)


What is interesting, is that when people don't write their native language, they tend to put more effort into writing correct.



Strange, innit? :p



Gah, I'm so tired. Hardly any sleep and to much tequila last night. I vote for bed in an hour.


Got to bed at eight o'clock last night. Nice. Was at a Football/Soccer cup all night. Cute girls, especially one.

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What a night, what a night.


First my 3D-card went FUBAR.

Panic struck me, and now I can't access my stuff for school.

My English-project, my history and Norwegian-stuff who I have to deliver tomorrow etc.

My computer just stops here:



So I had to buy me a new card.

Got this one, I think it's pretty decent for my needs.




Now it's time to calm danielzu's rage because I've fucked the project and presentation for tomorrow...


And meanwhile I lay here on my bed with the laptop listening to kent and a-ha.

Yeeha ^^

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Hello, everyone.


We had an English-test at school today.


The main-theme for the task was "Clashes", and we was writing on computers.

Sub-themes was: "Past - present", "Fair - Unfair" and "Friends - Enemies".


I'm in 10th grade now, and you can read my answer here:


Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor

“Before this war is over, I’m going to kill you”


“Nathan Martin?” say the nurse when she arrives the room.

“Yes, I’m here”, I answer.

“You are going to surgery in 3 hours. Your heart is very unhealthy. Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Yes, it is. My son, Benjamin Jr., is on a school-trip to France now, and it is a secret I want you to tell him if I die in surgery”, answer I.

“A-ha. O.K. bring it on”


For 59 years ago, when I was I child, the British and the Americans were fighting in the American Revolution. I was 12 years old when the war started, and my mother had died by cancer. My brother, Gabriel wanted to recruit the army, but my father did not let him. One night when my father was asleep, Gabriel sneaked out of his bedroom, heading to the town. He recruited the army without my father’s acceptation. My father, Benjamin, got very mad, but he couldn’t do anything to stop Gabriel fighting against the British (as we called “The Redcoats”.)


“So your son is named after your father?” asks the nurse

“Yes, that’s right. My father was a great man.”


Some days after Gabriel recruited the army, we got unexpected visit to our house. Gabriel was hurt in a battle, and my father was taking care of him. The British Colonel William Tavington arrives at our home, and taking Gabriel to prison. Benjamin refuse completely that he knows Gabriel, to obstruct getting caught. When Tavington and his men was about to leave our house, my brother Thomas run against Tavington, to rescue Gabriel. The got shot.


“But he didn’t die?” say the nurse with an anxious speech.

“Oh, yes. He died”, I answer.

“That’s horrible. What happened to Gabriel?”

”Just wait and listen to my story”, I say.


When my brother got shot and died momentary, I heard my father say: “Before this war is over, I’m going to kill you.” Tavington answered with arrogance and 12 soldiers to protect him: “Why wait?” When William Tavington and his men finally leave our house, Tavington shouted: “Soldiers! Burn the house”. With Tavington out of sight and our house on fire, ran my father into his room, catching 4 rifles out of a chest and shouted on me and my nine years old brother, Samuel. He told us to follow me, and we ran into the wood.


“With rifles in your arms? A nine year old child with a weapon?” says the nurse surprised face.

“That’s right. My father was an ex-serviceman in the army some years before the war, but he decided to quit when he got children” answer I

“And your son doesn’t know about this?” asks the nurse

“No. I haven’t told him yet.”


We ran out in the wood, some meters behind father. Me and my brother got a rifle each, and my father got two. We founded a perfect spot to hide, and the good opportunity to attack the Redcoats. Some minutes after we got to our hiding place Tavington arrives with his company. My father asked: “Remember all I have told you about shooting with guns.” My brother and me looked at each other, and nod. “And the Golden Rule of shooting?” asked my father. The answer was simple: “Aim small, miss small”.


I straighten up and take a deep breath, before I ask the nurse: “Do you have a child?”

“Yes I have. I have 2 sons and 1 daughter.”

“How old is they?” I ask.

“My oldest son is 8 years, while my daughter is 4. My second son is 9 month old.”

“Ohh. That’s fine. My son is also 8 years old.”


We hide behind some trees when Tavington and 12 Redcoats passed. My father ran first, and me and Samuel a little behind. Father counted to three, and we shoot together. Father told us not to aim at Tavington, but I don’t remember why. I hit a general in his chest, and he felled of his horse. The second we fired, Tavington ride away in an enormous speed. Samuel, father and me ran against the Redcoats. My father shot the soldier who kept Gabriel as prisoner. I ran down, took a knife from one of the soldiers, and started getting Gabriel loose. Every 12 soldiers got killed that day. I’m still impressed of Samuel, who killed 5 soldiers - with 5 bullets. Later that day, father, Samuel and me went to Aunt Charlotte, since Tavington and his man burnt our house. When Samuel and I lay in bad, I said to my father: “Father, I killed those men”.

“It’s all right, Nathan. You had no choice”, answered him.

I remember the sentence that scared my father: “I’m glad I killed those men. I’m glad”.


“It’s a horrible history”, says the nurse.

“I know. I hope you could do me a favour and tell my son the story. It’s very important for me that he know”

“Of course. I am going to told your son when he comes here. It’s an amazing story.”

“Thank you, it’s very kind of you”, I say.


The next day, father leaved us alone with Charlotte.


“And that’s it?” asks the nurse.



He and Gabriel went out in the hood, hunting Recoats. They were fighting against the British for 4 months. They murdered over 300 British soldiers in that period. One day, he met Tavington. He was riding alone in the wood, when Benjamin saw him. My father was running against him with his knife in his hand. Tavington jumped of his horse, and took out his knife. My father through his knife against William, and hit his chest. Tavington felled, and my father started cutting him in his heart with his knife. 200 times did my father cut Colonel William Tavington in his heart. He had fight for 4 months, killed over 300 British soldiers, just to revenge the killing of his son, Thomas. After cutting 200 knifes in Tavingtons heart, my father said: “I’m finished here. I have done my promise.”


What do you think of the text? It's taken from the movie "The Patriot".

Endret av tissedam
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Hello, everyone.


We had an English-test at school today.


The main-theme for the task was "Clashes", and we was writing on computers.

Sub-themes was: "Past - present", "Fair - Unfair" and "Friends - Enemies".


I'm in 10th grade now, and my you can read my answer here:



Youre mixing was and were, as in "sub-themes were" and "for the task were"

Hm, as I was writing I realized that i'm not completely shure myself.

Anyone with more english lessons then me in here?


You kidding right? Omg. You are so damn lucky, going to be so nice I guess!

They better come and play where i live soon. So cool music!



i excpect it to be nothing but great!

Really great music yes...

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Hello, everyone.


We had an English-test at school today.


The main-theme for the task was "Clashes", and we was writing on computers.

Sub-themes was: "Past - present", "Fair - Unfair" and "Friends - Enemies".


I'm in 10th grade now, and my you can read my answer here:



Youre mixing was and were, as in "sub-themes were" and "for the task were"

Hm, as I was writing I realized that i'm not completely shure myself.

Anyone with more english lessons then me in here?

Ok. I'm thinking about the text in the hided-tag, but it's ok. I know I'm not good at were/was.. :D

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Guys: The last few days have been dedicated in the name of the magnificent phenomena Linux. And yes, it's true. I can verify the rumors. Linux is hell sometimes. Although Suse is pretty much out of the box by now, there is still a lot of configuration wating after you have finished the installation. Actually, the SETUP of a Linux system is far more time consuming then the nearly automated installation process. Neverless, I guess windows 3.11 was relativily as hard to start learning back then.

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Damn, I'm tired, but I cust came home from watching "Casino Royale". It's truly fantastic, I'd advise everyone to go see it! :)


Put that aside, life's tiring nowadays. Every spare hour is commited to:


1. Working on Oppland Unge Høyres new websites, as I have been voted in as the new web editor.

2. The children's theater is having their performances Saturday and Sunday, this meens I'm constantly working from 8 o'clock in the morning until 8 o'clock in the evening. Both days. I'm a stage technincian.

3. Me and my best friend is performing parts from Peer Gynt next Tuesday. We don't know the entire script yet.



And I'm lonely.

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