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Ye Olde Pub (The English Pub)


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Yeah, I attended SAIS (Saudi-American International School) in Jeddah, Saudi-Arabia and EIS (Emirates International School) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates for total four years. I liked the american school-culture much better than the british school-culture, which EIS had. My british classmates in EIS were so frickin' posh, I could puke.


I also attended first and second grade primary school in Houston Texas, USA.


I speak with an american accent since I grew up in Houston.


Well, my american education didn't count at all when I startet highschool in Oslo so I had to start in first grade rather than third. Not cool.

Endret av Zande
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You benefit tremendously by attending english-speaking studies. Many top jobs demands fluid English written and spoken competence.


Haha, I worked at a student radiostation and used to make prankcalls to Pizza Hut in the US from Oslo. I made an order and asked if they could deliver to Oslo. The conversation were aired live :!:

Endret av Zande
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Well, first of all, they were confused about the number displaying at them. They were like: "Is this a US number?". I just told them that my brand new cellphone were displaying a totally different number than my own. The idiot believed me. What a douche.


I ordered like a really really big order. They probably get a lot of big orders since the guy didn't question the order at all (it was like 20 pizzas). After I left the order, he asked about the adress. So I told him: "Schweigaardsgate 23, Oslo". He asked if I was serious. I said yeah and asked if they delivered with DHL or Feedex. He just hung up



Endret av Zande
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Just watched another episode of X-Files. This one was about some strange things happening to a ship crew. Anyway, some of the story were laid to Norway, and they portrayed Norwegians like ... old fisher men with beard, drinking beer all the time. One scene also contained two Norwegians talking, and I had a hard time understanding what they said. Sounded like Icelandic or something.


Is this how Americans look at Norway / Norwegians? :/

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Free tomorrow :D


Going to Trondheim to buy me a dress or two.

Can't wait...


And home alone in the weekend and a girl comes over to watch some movies.

Best thing ever sinec famous person #1 and #2 died.

(I don't say their names, because then I get flamed and I'm tired of getting flamed for my meanings.)


Shower, eat, sleep, get dressed, drink, go to a party and party hard! :D

Gonna be ace ;)


What are your plans for the weekend, forumaddicts and not so addicts, but still have a hard time leaving the forums?

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So, datasmurf, you're getting a dress? Or should i presume that you meant suit?


And also, "free tomorrow"? Might work, but i would not call it "proper" english :tease:


anyhoo, this weekend im going to my father. We're going to the cinema :cool: Casino Royale :green: Also im going to my cousins birthday-prat(they're twins). :)

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